【最新】八年级英语上册 Module 6 Animals in danger模块语篇与书面表达作业课件.ppt

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1、Module 6Animals in danger,模块语篇与书面表达,一、完形填空。(104分40分)Man has a big brain(脑).He can think,learn and speak.Scientists once thought that men are different from animals_1_they can think and learn.They know now that dogs,monkeys and birds can learn,too.They are beginning to understand that men are differe

2、nt from animals because they can speak.Animals cant speak.They make noises when they are afraid,or angry or unhappy.Apes(类人猿)can understand something_2_than humans.One or two of them have learnt_3_words.But they cant join words to make sentences.,They cant think_4_us because they have_5_language.Lan

3、guage is a wonderful thing.Man has_6_build a modern world because he has language._7_child can speak his own language very well when he is four or five,_8_no animal learns to speak._9_do children learn it?Scientists do not really know._10_happens when we speak?They do not know.They only know that ma

4、n can speak because he has a brain.,( )1.A.afterBifCbefore Dbecause( )2.A.quickly BquickCmore quickly Dquicker( )3.A.few Ba fewClittle Da little( )4.A.as BaboutClike Dover( )5.A.not BaCno Dsome,D,C,B,C,C,( )6.A.to able to Bbe able toCable to Dbeen able to( )7.A.Many BEveryCOne DAll( )8.A.or BsoCand

5、Dbut( )9.A.How BWhatCWhy DWhich( )10.A.Where BWhenCWhat DHow,D,B,D,A,C,二、阅读理解。(106分60分)AVisit Forest ZooCome and see the Indian elephants and the new tigers from Northeast of China.The beautiful birds from England are ready to sing songs for you,and the monkeys from Mount Emei will be happy to talk

6、to you.The lovely dogs from Australia want to laugh at you.Sichuan pandas will play balls for you.The giraffes from Africa are waiting to look down on you.Keep the zoo clean.Do not touch,feed or go near to the animals.,11How many kinds of animals are mentioned(提到)above?_AThree. BFour.CFive. DSeven.1

7、2Where are the pandas from?_AIndia. BChina.CAfrica. DAustralia.,D,B,13From the passage we can infer(推断)that a giraffe _Aisnt polite and friendlyBlikes to stand on a high placeChas a long neckDlooks at us proudly14What can we do in the zoo?_ATo watch the animals do all kinds of things.BTo give the an

8、imals something to eat.CTo touch the animals you like.DTo go closer to the animals.,C,A,15Why does the writer introduce(介绍)so many animals from different places to us?_ATo make us feel strange and terrible.BTo make us interested in seeing the animals.CTo show animals can do everything.DTo tell us to

9、 kill the animals for meat.,B,BMillions of years ago,the dinosaurs(恐龙)ruled the earth.Dinosaurs were of many sizes and shapes.Some of them were no bigger than chickens,and all of them had very small brains.But since then,there have been no dinosaurs.What happened to them?We know they did not die at

10、once.It might have taken a few million years for all of them to die.In the days of the dinosaurs,the whole earth was warm and wet.There were many green jungles(丛林).But the earth changed slowly all the time.,When parts of the earth became cold and dry,the jungles there died.Then dinosaurs could not f

11、ind enough food to eat.This must be one reason why the dinosaurs died out.We can guess another reason.New kinds of animals came on the earth.Some had big brains and were fast and strong.They could kill dinosaurs.Some ate dinosaur eggs,too.There may be other reasons that we do not yet know about.Each

12、 year,more dinosaur prints and bones are found.Scientists tell us that the most exciting discoveries about these“terrible lizards(蜥蜴)” may yet be made.,16According to the passage,we cant be sure that _Adinosaurs were of many sizes and shapesBmillions of years ago dinosaurs ruled the earthCnew kinds

13、of animals came on the earth and killed dinosaursDall dinosaurs had very small brains17Dinosaurs got along best when _Athe earth was warm and wetBall the jungles died outCparts of the earth became coldDit was very dry on the earth,C,A,18In which way were dinosaurs like birds?_AThey had wings. BThey

14、had eggs.CThey had feathers. DThey had teeth.19Which is probably one reason why dinosaurs died out? _AAt last dinosaurs couldnt find enough food to eat.BDinosaurs were seriously ill in the end.CThe whole earth was too warm and wet millions of years ago.DSome dinosaurs had very small bodies and brain

15、s.,B,A,20From the passage we can infer that _Athe earth doesnt change a little all the timeBdinosaurs all died out suddenlyCscientists dont know the real reasons why dinosaurs died outDwe cant find many dinosaur prints and bones now,C,书面表达指导本模块以“保护濒危动物”为话题,Unit 2介绍了我国大熊猫的数量、生存现状、生活习性以及政府为保护大熊猫采取的行动,

16、号召人们多多关爱地球上的濒危动物,保护环境,保护地球。通过本模块的学习可以增强人们保护动物的意识,提高人们爱护和保护动物的能力。,【典例分析】请以“Lets help animals!”为题,写一篇70词左右的文章,呼吁人们热爱动物、保护动物。提示:1动物是人类的朋友,人们应该善待动物。2分析动物灭绝的原因。3提出保护动物的方法。参考词汇:treat v处理,对待kill v杀死destroy v毁坏raise v养育;筹集,【美文欣赏】Lets help animals!Animals are our good friends.We should treat them well.But no

17、w people kill too many of them for their meat.People also cut down many trees and destroy their homes.Animals have no place to live.So they are becoming fewer and fewer.Its not right to kill animals.People should stop killing animals and cutting down trees.People should plant more and more trees.And zoos can raise animals,too.,


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