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1、湖北省十堰市东风第四中学七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil?教案(2)(新版)人教新目标版Unit 3 Is this your pencil, In this unit, students will learn to identify ownership of personal belongings. They will also be able to spell the name of the object for confirmation. 一、Topics(话题): Things in the classroom 二、Functions (功能) Id

2、entify ownership 三、Structures (结构) Possessive pronouns mine, yours, his, hers Yes/no questions and short answers Lost and found 四、Target Language (目标语言) Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. Its mine. Are these your books? No, they arent. Theyre hers. 五、Vocabulary (词汇) Pencil, pencil box, schoolbag, book

3、, easer, notebook, dictionary, bag, baseball, computer game, ID card, watch, ring, mine, your, his, hers Thank you for., ask .for., a set of 六、Skills (技能) Listening and read for specific information 七、Recycling (复习巩固) Whats this? Its. How do you spell it? 八、教材分析 本单元以school things为话题,主题是“确认物品的所有权”,物品

4、主要围绕着教室内学生身边的常用物品,在教学时老师能够使用实物进行教学,增强学生的学习效果。事实表明,如果将真实的语言材料引入学习环境,并与社会的语言活动结合起来,学生的学习效果将是事半功倍的。也就是说,作为授课的老师,我们要结合所授内容,努力为学生创造真实的、贴近生活的情境。通过单元教学使学生学会辨认物品的所有者,学会根据场景询问物品的所属,以及学会写寻物启事和招领启事。 与其他单元一样,本单元共六页(6 pages),其中包括Section A,Section B和Self check。 Section A (Pages13&15) 学会询问物品的所属。提供了本单元教学的基本词汇和语言结构,

5、为本单元的目标句型提供示例和指导性练习,通过简单的语言活动进行操练和巩固;Page13,14有听、说、读。 1a, 1b, 1c 重点学习一些表示学习用具的词,学会询问物品的所属。 1 2a, 2b, 2c,2d继续学习表示学习用具的词。重点学习运用询问物品所属的句型。 3a, 3b, 3c 学会用英语询问物品的名称,进一步巩固询问物品所属的句型。 Section B (Pages16&17) 学会写招领启事和寻物启事。在已有的基础上开展的,Grammar focus, Page3是语言运用。许多知识点都是以旧带新,但学习任务的难度在逐渐递升,口头训练也过度到笔头训练,通过这部分的学习,使学生

6、能够对已学过的目标句型运用自如。 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e学会判断物品的所属。 2a, 2b, 2c学会写招领启事和寻物启事。 Self check 检测本单元所学词汇知识,学会询问物品的所属,学会询问物品的名称。课后自我检测和评价,包括对本单元所学词汇的检测,词汇扩展训练,以及语言运用能力的检测和评价。通过这部分内容的训练,使学生对本单元的语言目标的掌握程度有较为明确的认识。 九、学情分析 1)初一学生心理特点:对中学生活既好奇又担忧;希望在新班集体里得到他人的承认;主要通过他人评价初步形成对自己的评价,所以很在乎他人的评价;自我认识较模糊、片面,但自我意识却不断增强;开始步入青

7、春期生理、心理剧变阶段。 2)初一学生学习英语的特点:初一学生对英语既感到新鲜又有所畏惧,他们希望在新的环境中通过学好英语这门新科目来获得他人的认可。但随着小学英语的实施,很多学生新鲜感减少,畏惧感增加,两极分化从一开学就凸现出来。分层次教学,因材施教迫在眉睫。 3)思维能力: 该年龄段的学生有很强的记忆力和模仿能力,有待培养知识的扩展和运用的能力。 十、课时安排 The 1st period of class: Section A (1a 2d) Teaching aims(教学目标) 1(本单元我们将学习物品的所属者是谁, 2(根据场景询问英语中对应的表达法。 Language point

8、s(语言点) 2 1. 要求掌握以下句式: (1) Whats this/that(in English)? Its a/an (2) Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. Its my pencil. /No, it isnt. Its his. 2(要求掌握以下词汇: Pencil, pencil box, schoolbag, book, easer, notebook, dictionary, mine, your, his, hers Difficulties(难点): How to identify ownership Teaching steps (教

9、学步骤) Step 1: Warming up and Presentation (1a: P13) Good morning, everyone! Last week, we finished Unit 1. Today we are going to learn a new unit, Unit 2. Prepare a box of school things before class and ask the students to learn to demonstrate things. Lets look at the title of Unit 2. Is this your pe

10、ncil? What is the unit about? T: (Take out a box filled with school things and pick out a pencil. T can put some pencils, some pencil-cases, and some rulers and so on in the box.) A pencil, a pencil, this is a pencil. (Stress “this” and “pencil”.) Whats this in English? (Write the sentence on the bl

11、ackboard and stress “this”.) S: (repeat)A pencil. T: Yes, it is a pencil. Whats this in English? (Stress “this”.) S: A pencil. T: Do you have a pencil? (Hold the pencil up and point to it.) S: Yes. T: Show it to me, OK? (Show the pose of “OK” and try to lead the Ss to do it as T.) OK? (Stress “OK”.)

12、 S: OK. T: Now, hold your pencil up (Stress “pencil”) and say after me “Whats this in English”? S: Whats this in English? 3 T: This is a pencil. (Write “This is” on the blackboard.) S: This is a pencil. T: It is a pencil. (Write “It is” on the blackboard.) S: It is a pencil. T: Good. Whats that in E

13、nglish? (Point to S1s pencil and write the word “that” under the word “this” on the blackboard and stress it.) S: A pencil. T: Whats that in English? (Point to S2s pencil and stress “that”.) S: A pencil. T: Good. Point to your friends pencil and say after me “Whats that in English?” (Stress “that”.)

14、 S: Whats that in English? T: Thats a pencil. (Write “That is ”.) S: Thats a pencil. T: It is a pencil. S: It is a pencil. T: (Put the pencil aside and pick out a pen.) A pen, a pen, whats this in English? S: A pen. T: This is a pen. (Point to “This is ” on the blackboard.) S: This is a pen. T: It i

15、s a pen. (Point to “It is” on the blackboard.) S: It is a pen. 【教学设计说明】用实物引出新单词、新句型,分层次处理新单词。 In this way, the teacher takes all the school things out of the box and teaches the students how to say school things in English. Let one or two students, if time permits, let more to come to the front to p

16、ut the school things into the box or pick them out of the box and say the names of the things. If the students dont make any mistakes, T can give some small gifts to them. Step 2: Section A 1a 4 OK, lets have todays new unit. Please open your books at page 13 and look at activity 1a. 1(Look and find

17、 Please look at the picture in activity 1a. What can you find? 2(Match and discuss a. Would you please match the words with the things in the picture? b. How many words do you know? Can you share the words you know with your partners? c. Please discuss with your partners and check whether your answe

18、rs are the same. 3(Check the answers Lets check the answers together. 4(Read a. Please read the words after me. Pencil. b. I would like you to read the words together and one word twice. Pencil one two. c. Who would like to read the words in class? d. Lets read the words one by one. 【教学设计说明】 采用Using

19、 contest guessing和Role playing的学习策略,利用教学图片或制作多媒体课件来展开课堂Pair work, Group work的口语交际活动,识别物品的所属,体会指示代词、一般疑问句的用法。 Step 3: Section A 1b 1(Listen and number a. Listen to the tape for the first time. b. Number the conversations from 1 to 3 while you listen to them for the second time. 2(Check the answers Le

20、ts check the answers. 5 Answers: 3 2 1 3(Read a. I would like you to read the conversations together. b. Would you please read them in pairs? c. Who would like to read in class? 4(Translate and explain a. Lets translate the conversations into Chinese. Would you please work in pairs? b. Lets translat

21、e the conversations together now. c. When do you ask the questions like: Is this your .? or Is that your .? Can you tell me? 【教学设计说明】制作la部分的插图和人物对话的课件,人物以动画片的形式呈现,将听力部分的内容插入,使学生学会询问物品的主人的基本句型;同时复习单词pencil pen book eraser ruler pencil case,学习词汇backpack pencil sharpener dictionary. Step 3: Section A 1

22、c 1(Practice a. Would you please practice the conversation with the things you and your partner have? b. I will give you an example first. Example: T: Mary, is this your pen? S: No, it isnt. Its her pen. c. Please practice in class. Who would like to have a try? 【教学设计说明】 拓展练习“找主人”:课前教师收集一些学生的物品并展示,问

23、学生这些东西是谁的;先询问几个学生某些物品是谁的,然后把名字填在表格里,再让学生互相询问。这种活动可练习运用what特殊疑问句和yes/no问句进行物体所属的问答。 Step 4: Section A 2a 1(Listen and check a. Lets move to activity 2a now. There are six things in the picture. Lets look at them. Can you tell me what they are? b. Yes. OK. Lets listen to the tape for the first time. 6

24、 c. Are you ready to do the activity 2a? Please check them while listening. 2(Check the answers Have you got your answers? Who would like to tell us the answers? What have you checked? Answers: The things that are checked: pencil case; eraser; book; pencil; ruler 【教学设计说明】 1.利用插图或实物卡片,让学生将单词与实物相连复习一些

25、单词、学一些生词。然后教师引导学习询问物品的主人的基本句型Is this/that your/her/his pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isnt(”。 2.让学生听对话,练习并模仿对话。识别物品的所属。 Step 5: Section A 2b 1(Listen and complete Listen to the conversations again and complete the conversation with the words in the box. (Check the answers 2Finished? Lets check them. Ans

26、wers: 1(pencil 2(eraser 3(ruler 4(book 5(pencil case 3(Read the conversation a. Lets read the conversations together. b. I would like you to read them in groups. c. Who would like to read them in class? 【教学设计说明】 1. 播放2a部分的录音让学生听,引导学生通过听录音熟悉物品名称pencil pen book eraser ruler pencil case”,完成2a,2b部分的教学任务

27、。 2. 引导学生重复他们所听到的,模仿对话,识别物品的所属,完成2c部分的教学任务(Is this/that your/her/his pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.)。 Step 6: Section A 2c 1(Read 7 Lets move to the activity 2c. Shall we read the conversation together? 2(Practice a. Now, class, we can see some things in the picture on the right. Lets practice the

28、 conversations in pairs with them. Then make the students conversations using the things in the classroom. b. Who would like to practice in class? Step 7: Section A 2d Role-play the conversation.分角色表演对话。采用Role playing的学习策略,利用教学图片来展开课堂Pair work的口语交际活动,使学生学会询问物品的主人的基本句型,体会一般疑问句的用法。 Step 8: Summarize L

29、ets summarize what we learnt in this period. Show the following on the blackboard. Writing on the blackboard (1) Whats this in English? (2) Is this your / my? that that This /That / It is Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 形容词性物主代词 我的 你的/您的 他(她,它)的 我们的 你们的/您们的 他们 / 她们 / 它们的 my your his, her, its our your thei

30、r Step 9: Homework 1(Copy the words in activity 1a and the sentences in grammar box. 2(Read the tape script of activity 2a and 2b. The 2nd period of class: Section A (Grammar focus 3c) Teaching aims(教学目标) 1( 语言知识目标: 8 A) 词汇:pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, dictionary, backpack, basebal

31、l, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring . B) 句型:Is this your? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Whats this in English? Its a N. How do you spell it? P-E-2( 语言技能目标:通过各种活动,培养学生灵活运用语言知识和创新的能力。 3( 情感目标: A) 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,发挥学生学习英语的主动性。 B) 通过小组活动、组间竞赛等,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。 C) 学习文明礼貌的询问和回答方式,拾金不昧的做人原则和助人为乐的优良品质。 4(学习

32、策略: A)认知策略:为完成学习任务而自觉采取一些适合自己的学习方法和手段。 B)交际策略:学会与他人合作交流,并能把语言材料用到真实的生活情景中去。 C)资源策略:学会利用一切可利用的学习资源,如学习用品,字典,录音机和网络等获取更多的信息。 D)调控策略:在学习的过程中,通过自我评价和反思,不断调整自己的学习方法。 Language points(语言点) 1. 词汇: pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, dictionary, backpack, baseball, watch, key, computer game, noteb

33、ook, ring . 2. 语言结构:指示代词this & that, What questions, Yes/No questions and short answers, How do you spell it? 3. 语言功能:询问物品属性Whats this/that?和辨别物品所有者 Is this your/her/his?” Difficulties(难点): 词汇的教和学,多种语言结构的综合运用。 Teaching steps (教学步骤) Lead in: Yesterday we got to know how to ask the owner of the things

34、. Do you still remember how to say that? OK. Lets review it first. 9 Step 1: Revision 1(Ask and answer a. Would you please make some conversations with “Is this / that .? ” b. Who would like to have a try in class? 2(Dictation Read the sentences in grammar box. 2(Point out the notes 物主代词的用法;this 与 t

35、hat 的区别;Is this / that .? 的答语用it is。 【教学设计说明】 用游戏的形式复习上一节课的新单词和句型。将所要复习的单词物品放入一个布袋子中,让学生伸手进去摸,由一个学生或全班学生发问,该学生猜。使用的句型是:Whats this in English? Its a . How do you spell that? Is this your pencil? 值得注意的是: 假如学生在小学没有学习过这些英语单词,他们将根据什么来完成老师布置的这一任务,我们可以让学生分析以下他们的思考过程,进而加以归纳,对有贡献的学生加以鼓励及表扬。我想这就是对学生学习方法或策略的指导

36、,学生定会非常喜欢。 Section A 3a 1(Explain a. Lets go into activity 3 on page 15. How many things are there? b. Yes. There are five things. And can you tell me what they are? c. Very good! All the things here are school things. That means we use them to study. 2(Read a. Lets read the conversation in the box

37、together. b. Please translate it into Chinese by yourselves. 3(Practice a. I would like you to practice the conversation with the five things in the picture. b. Who would like to have a try in class? c. Very good! Now this time, I would like you to practice the conversation 10 with the things on the

38、 screen. d. First, please work in pairs. e. Now, lets invite some pairs of you to make the conversation in class. 【教学设计说明】 老师将学生的一些物品收集上来,放在一个箱子里,请一个学生上前来,蒙上眼睛,从箱子里取出一样物品,全班学生一同发问,“Whats this in English?”,这名学生猜,使用句型为“Is it a/an .?”猜到之后,可以回座位,每位学生有两次机会猜,否则就视为失败。 Step 3: Section A 3b a. Lets have a ga

39、me now. In this unit, we learnt to ask the owner of the things. Now lets play a game. b. We play the game in groups. Every group member put one school thing into a box. c. After that, please take out one thing from the box and ask your group members “Is this your .?” If he / she answers “Yes, it is.

40、” that means you win. If he / she answers “No, it isnt.” that means you fail and have another try. Remember you just have two guesses! d. Are you clear about the rule of the game? Lets start the game! 【教学设计说明】 1. 以小组为单位,做 Section B-1b 的对话练习。2. 口头检查学生所练的对话。 Step 4: Play games Put some things into the

41、 teachers box. Then take one thing out of the box and find the owner. You only have two guesses! 【教学设计说明】 老师收集一些学生的学习用品,请学生到前边来发问,找到用具的主人,给两次机会。 Lets summarize what we learnt in this period. Step 5: Homework Try to memorize the conversation in 3. 11 【教学设计说明】 1(对初学者应注重兴趣的培养,宜采用游戏、唱歌、竞赛、小组合作等多种活动方式。 2

42、(注重因材施教,对基础不同的学生,在开始阶段应有不同层次的要求,多鼓励,少批评,甚至不批评,以充分调动每个学生学习英语的积极性。 3(本教材一个很大的特点就是词汇丰富,教师应教会学生记忆单词的基本方法,同时,在教学中宜采用多种方式再现,帮助学生巩固记忆。 4(采用“任务型”教学方法,遵循“任务”的递进原则,把“任务链”的各个环节合理分置于各个课时当中;在设计任务型教学活动时,活动要有明确的目的和可操作性。 5(从实际出发,选择不同的教学辅助工具和手段,但任何一种教法,都应考虑如何创设语言情景,让学生尽可能在真实的语言环境中学习和体会语言。 The 3rd period of class: Se

43、ction B (1a- 1f ) Teaching aims(教学目标) (学习Section B的新单词; 12(进一步巩固Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. Its my pencil. /No, it isnt. Its his.句型。 Language points(语言点) 2. 要求掌握以下句式: Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. Its my pencil. /No, it isnt. Its his. 2(要求掌握以下词汇: baseball, ID card, ring, dictionary, watch, k

44、ey, computer game, notebook. Difficulties(难点): How to identify ownership Teaching steps (教学步骤) Lead in: Good morning, boys and girls. Shall we continue our lessons? Could you please tell me what we learnt in section A? Yes. We learnt to find the owner of the things. Step 1: Revision 1(Review some sc

45、hool things 12 a. I will show you some pictures, can you answer my questions? Questions: 1(Whats this in English? 2(Whats that in English? 3(How do you spell it? b. I would like some of you to ask the questions and the others answer them according to the pictures. 2(Review the way of asking the owne

46、r Can you make conversations with the things you and your friends have? Example: Is this your .? Yes, / No, . Its . Is that your .? Yes, / No, . Its . Step 2: Section B 1a 1(Look and match a. Open your books at page 10. Would you please look at the picture in activity 1a? b. There are some things in

47、 it. Can you match the words with the things in the picture? OK. Lets have a try. 2(Check the answers Finished, everyone? Lets check the answers now. Answers: 1(baseball a 2(watch d 3(computer game c 4(ID card b 5(key f 6(notebook h 7(ring g 8(pen e 3(Introduce them to your friends Could you please introduce the things to your friends with the sentence like: This is a . Example: This is a ring. This is


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