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1、GRE分类模拟题22( 总分: 100.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 )一、 基础填空 (总题数: 38,分数: 100.00)1.In 2008, Muslims in the United States were the religious group most evenly the politicalspectrum: 29 percent liberal, 38 percent moderate, 25 percent conservative.(分数: 2.50 )A. distributed acrossVB. predicted byC. dispersed acrossVD.

2、 opposed toE. disconnected fromF. segregated from解析: 解析 冒号说明前后同义重复。 至格与 29 percent liberal, 38 percent moderate, 25 percent conservative(29%是自由派、 38%是温和派、 25%是保守派 ) 同义重复。 distribute aero ss 分布,predicted by 被预测, disperse across 分布,oppose to 反对,disconnect from 与分离,segregate from 与分离。答案选 AG 注:这里 discon

3、nect from 和segregate from 是干扰项,同表示“与分离”。2. As one of historys most visible proponent of , this activist lectured internationallyon the evils of alcohol consumption. (分数: 2.50 )A. debaucheryB. indulgenceC. democracyD. temperanceVE. individualismF. teetotalismV解析: 解析 As 说明前后同义重复。 空格与 the evils of alco

4、hol consumption(酒精对身体的害处 ) 同义重复。 debauchery 放荡, indulgence 沉溺, democracy 民主, temperance 禁酒, individualism 个人主义, teetotalism 禁酒。答案选 DF。3. By many aspects of natural river ecosystems, some dams cause serious harm, producing effects on water, land, wildlife, and even the atmosphere. (分数: 2.50 )A. oblit

5、eratingB. alteringVC. amelioratingD. negligibleE. salutaryF. deleteriousV解析: 解析 逗号说明前后同义重复。第三空与harm(伤害)同义重复。negligible可忽略的,salutary 有利的,deleterious 有害的。答案选 F 。 obliterate 除去, alter 变更, ameliorate 改善。代入选项,答案选B。4. The company was so , so unwilling to change, that it lost any ability to compete in amar

6、ket.(分数: 2.50 )A. tractableB. flightyintransigent VD. regulatedE. perilousF. volatileV解析: 解析 so.that.说明前后同义重复; lost 取反;逗号说明前后同义重复。 两空联动,反义重复;第一空与 unwilling to change( 不愿改变 )同义重复。 tractable温顺的,flighty 古怪的intransigent不肯改变的;regulated 管理的,perilous 危险的,volatile 多变的。答案选 CF。5. Although it is natural to tak

7、e umbrage at remarks, Latoya always went to great painsto act as though she was not when people harshly criticized her.(分数: 2.50 )A. discreetB. drollC. acerbicVD. unaffectedE. affrontedVF. mollified解析: 解析 Although 说明前后反义重复; not 取反。 两空联动,同义重复;第一空与 harshly( 尖酸的 )同义重复。 discreet 谨慎的, droll 古怪有趣的, acerbi

8、c 尖酸的; unaffect 不被影响, affront 冒犯, mollify 平息/抚慰。答案选 CE。6.Sally could not the family trip to Colorado, but her older brother Brad was able to many of its details.(分数: 2.50 )A. avoidB. remember VC. preventD. alludeE. recallVF. dismiss解析: 解析 but 说明前后反义重复; not 取反。 两空联动,同义重复。 avoid避免,remember记起,prevent预防

9、;allude间接提到,recall 记起,dismiss开除。答案选BE。7. The theory is so much evidence that it is now accepted by the great majority ofscientists.(分数: 2.50 )A. inconsistent withB. unrelated toC. substantiated byVD. contradictoryE. supportingVF. irrelevant解析: 解析 so.that.说明前后同义重复。 第二空与 it is now accepted by the grea

10、t majority of scientists(现在被绝大多数科学家接受 )同义重复。 contradictory 相反的, supporting 支持的, irrelevant 无关的。答案选 E。 inconsistent with 与矛盾的,unrelated to 与无关的,substantiated by 为所证实的。代入选项,答案选 C。8. Not wishing to incur the disapproval of her teachers, who were generally , Helen was attempting radical new artistic sty

11、les in her paintings.(分数: 2.50 )A. conservativeVB. progressiveC. complimentaryD. delighted aboutE. wary ofVF. criticized for解析: 解析 逗号说明前后同义重复。 第一空与 attempting radical new artistic styles联动,同义重复。 conservative保守的,progressive 进步主义的,complimentary 赞许的; delighted about 因感到愉快,wary of对小心,criticized for 因而受到

12、批评。答案选AE=9. Far from exhausting him, the more arduous work schedule seems to have the convalescentdoctor.(分数: 2.50 )A. enticedB. dampenedC. enervatedD. alienatedE. rejuvenatedVF. revitalizedV解析: 解析 空格与 convalescent( 康复的 )同义重复。 entice 诱惑,dampen抑制,enervate 使衰弱,alienate 使疏元,rejuvenate 使恢复活力,revitalize

13、使恢复活力。答案选 EF。10. As head of the National Education Association in 1965-66, Elizabeth Duncan Koontz advocatedhigher salaries for teachers because she believed that the more teaching is, the greaterits attraction for highly qualified people.(分数: 2.50 )A. precariousB. dubiousC. controversialD. lucrativ

14、eVE. productiveF. profitableV解析: 解析 because 说明前后同义重复。 空格与 higher salaries( 更高的薪水 )同义重复。 precarious 不稳定的, dubious 不稳定的, controversial 有争议的, lucrative 有利的, productive 丰富的, profitable 有利的。答案选 DF。 注:这里 precarious 和 dubious 是干扰项,同表示“不稳定的”。11. Although in public life Simone de Beauvoirs feminist stance wa

15、s uncompromising, her personallife revealed a greater degree of ideological .(分数: 2.50 )A. reciprocityB. flexibilityVC. elasticityVD. assuranceE. analysisF. conviction解析: 解析 Although 说明前后反义重复。 空格与 uncompromising( 不妥协的 ) 反义重复。 reciprocity 交互性, flexibility 变通性, elasticity 变通性, assurance 确信, analysis 分

16、析, conviction 确信。答案选 BC。12. Noting a of robins around his home, the bird-watcher wondered whether this reflectedan overall in this species population.(分数: 2.50 )A. dearthVB. spateC. jumbleD. diminutionVE. uniformityF. stability解析: 解析 逗号说明前后同义重复。 两空联动,同义重复。 dearth 缺少/ 稀少,spate 大量,jumble 混乱;diminution

17、 减少,uniformity 致(性),stability 稳 定( 性) 。答案选 AD。13. The critic wrote that Hoffmans novel was , so abominable, in fact, that slamming itshut was the only pleasure it provided.(分数: 2.50 )A. prescientB. labyrinthineC. execrableVD. detestableVE. otherworldlyF. metaphysical解析: 解析 逗号说明前后同义重复。 空格与 abominable

18、( 让人厌恶的 ) 同义重复。 prescient 预知的, labyrinthine 曲折复杂的, execrable 令人讨厌的, detestable 令人讨厌的, otherworldly 超现实的, metaphysical 超现实的。答案选 CD。 注:这里 otherworldly 和 metaphysical 是干扰项,同表示“超现实的”。14. Although the commentator claimed to be politically neutral, she was quite obviously :her broadcasts always revealed a

19、n unmistakable, unreasoning toward her pet political causes.(分数: 2.50 )A. optimisticB. pedanticC. partisanVD. pathosE. apathyF. biasV解析: 解析 Although 说明前后反义重复;冒号说明前后同义重复。 两空联动,同义重复;第一空与 neutral( 中立的 )反义重复。 optimistic乐观主义的,pedantic 迂腐的,partisan 偏见的;pathos悲悯,apathy冷漠,bias偏见。答案选 CF。15. Dr. Abraham often

20、 understated his accomplishments, even at times the way he had achievedhis success against overwhelming obstacles.(分数: 2.50 )A.recountingVB.deprecatingVC.controllingVD.laudingVE.disparagingVF.acclaiming解析:16. The researcher adroitly his presentation with personal anecdotes, breaking updauntingly tec

21、hnical material with short accounts of biographical interest. (分数: 2.50 )A. interspersedVB. verifiedC. dissectedD. garbledE. warpedF. embellishedV解析: 解析 intersperse 修饰, verify 证实, dissect 剖析, garble 歪曲, warp 歪曲, embellish 修饰。答案选 AF。 注:这里 garble 和 warp 是干扰项,同表示“歪曲”。17. Margot OTooles allegations of p

22、ractices among her scientific colleagues acharged debate regarding the ethics of scientific research. (分数: 2.50 )A. orthodoxB. fraudulentVC. exemplaryD. precipitatedVE. corruptedF. annulled解析: 解析 两空联动,若第二空表示逻辑同义,则第一空与 ethics( 道德规范 ) 同义重复;反之,则 第一空与 ethics 反义重复。 orthodox 传统的,fraudulent 欺诈的,exemplary 榜

23、样的;precipitate 激起,corrupt 使变坏,annul 废除。答案选 BD。18. Like avid gardeners who attack weeds tirelessly, some damselfish are weeders of algaegardens in coral reefs.(分数: 2.50 )A. dilatoryB. sluggishC. indefatigableVD. unwieldyE. capriciousF. unflaggingV解析: 解析 Like 说明前后同义重复。 空格与 tirelessly( 不知疲倦地 ) 同义重复。 di

24、latory 拖延的, sluggish 拖延的, indefatigable 不知疲倦的, unwieldy 笨重的, capricious 多变 的,unflagging 不知疲倦的。答案选 CF。 注:这里 dilatory 和 sluggish 是干扰项,同表示“拖延的”。19. As Sams behavior was a flagrant violation of basic civility, Kendra was right to call it .(分数: 2.50 )A. obsequiousB. egregiousVC. notoriousVD. perfunctoryE

25、. gregariousF. social解析: 解析 As 说明前后同义重复。 空格与 flagrant( 臭名远扬的 ) 同义重复。 obsequious 拍马屁的,egregious 声名狼藉的,notorious 声名狼藉的,perfunctory 敷衍的,gregarious 群居的, social 群居的。答案选 BC。 注:这里 gregarious 和 social 是干扰项,同表示“群居的”。20. The of this remote region was remarkable: towering peaks loomed above plunging valleys.(分

26、数: 2.50 )A. topographyVB. mythologyC. terrainVD. cartographyE. legendryF. archaeology解析: 解析 冒号说明前后同义重复。 至格与 towering peaks loomed above plunging valleys(巍峨的山峰赫然耸现在苍茫峡谷之中 )同义重复。 topography 地势,mythology 神话,terrain 地势,cartography 制图法,legendry 神话,archaeology 考古学。答案选 AC。 注:这里 mythology 和 legendry 是干扰项,同表

27、示“神话”。21.In countries plagued by cholera and other waterborne diseases, attempts at water cannotkeep pace with its .(分数: 2.50 )A. squanderingB. producingC. purifyingVD. contaminationVE. consumptionF. exploration解析: 解析 cannot 说明前后反义重复。 两空联动,反义重复。 squander 浪费, produce 生产, purify 净化; contamination 污染,

28、consumption 耗尽, exploration 探测。答案选 CD。22.After her long, arduous hike, Hillary was : she wanted to eat until she could eat nomore.(分数: 2.50 )A. enervatedB. voraciousVC. dehydratedD. ecstaticE. ravenousVF. desiccated解析: 解析 冒号说明前后同义重复。 空格与 wanted to eat( 想要吃 )同义重复。 enervated 无力的, voracious 贪吃的, dehydr

29、ated 脱水的, ecstatic 欣喜的, ravenous 贪吃的, desiccated 脱水的。答案选 BE。 注:这里 dehydrated 和 desiccated 是干扰项,同表示“脱水的”。23.It is not wise to attempt to aggressive groups: the more concessions you make, the morethey will demand.(分数: 2.50 )A.brandishB.slightC.disregardD.placateVE.traverseF.appeaseV解析: 解析 分号说明前后同义重复。

30、空格与 concessions( 让步)同义重复。 brandish 炫耀, slight 漠视, disregard 漠视, placate 让步, traverse 横穿, appease 让步。答案选 DF。 注:这里 slight 和 disregard 是干扰项,同表示“漠视”。24. The candidate responded to the of campaigning by being relieving the tedium withher wry sense of humor.(分数: 2.50 )A. brevityB. monotony VC. allureD. in

31、sipidE. drollVF. voluble解析: 解析 逗号说明前后同义重复。 第一空与 tedium( 单调乏味 ) 同义重复。 brevity 简短, monotony 单调, allure 诱惑。答案选 B。第二空与 wry sense of humor(带有讽刺意味的幽默感)同义重复。insipid 平淡的,droll古怪有趣的, voluble 健谈的。答案选 E。25. Continuing education helps health care professionals keep up with scientificinformation and the health c

32、are needs of the population.(分数: 2.50 )A. confusingB. mushrooming VC. diminishingD. superficialE. decreasingF. changingV解析: 解析 and 说明前后同义重复。 两空联动,同义重复;第一空与 keep up with( 跟得上 )同义重复。 confusing 令人困惑的, mushrooming 迅速增长的, diminishing 逐渐缩小的; superficial 表面的, decreasing 减少的, changing 变革的。答案选 BF。26. Archaeo

33、logists have a great variety of motifs the walls of ancient synagoguesstill standing in Rome.(分数: 2.50 )A. discoveredVB. createdC. enjoyedD. concealingp9;BAI;|nO9 snouiiunig / :出搦 /- leioipusqj pspoLU;no3 leooAinbsaX;i|e6n49 Xdojq;ue|!qdg /- 90IJBABV (097:W)sq X|enpe ;q6iiuuoi;ou |bisj9aoj;uoo sq; s

34、sziiuoiids upoo6 si poaib” ue6o|s 01LU6乙TO获舊昼。黯荃 uoi;ezi|屮引 舄uoiiepsjd 谶互 uoiiboojcIiosj :舄量 jnoAsp 冨缎 ;isodsp 潮戢 s6u9abos 。臺重X回直迪寿豐 W iou请重X却吕腆血映Ubnoq丄【出搦】:uo!】EZ!|屮引- /oois XAoqoue spse jspbaui siq; qoiq/v q6nojq; suesiu sq; ;ou sipsjip ssn6jelisojnd jsjiuusp ;si6o|oiq suijblu sbajbi pue s66s XAoq

35、oueqsuX|3r uiepso e i|bnoi|丄*乙9日获舊昼。阴隸舉 snoq!i 阴醸谄 iuaioi|oo 阴卫甲snogEj 阴壁/ luougoaid 阴卫甲 同/卩阴隸舉 snoiepueos 。臺重X回(血削炎為)dmsues屮Ed吐(炭晳阴隆獵 )9;eqsp snojo6jA 与魁寿。臺重X回吕腆血映疋屮ipns. :出搦/- Buiujopej 6uioepp3D. attractedE. thwartedVF. exposed解析: 解析 because 说明前后同义重复。 两空联动,同义重复;第一空与 its soils were unsuitable for

36、agriculture(那里的土壤不适合耕种) 同义重复。 pristine未开发的,luminous 杰出的,cultivated耕作的;attract 吸引,thwart 阻止,expose 暴露。答案选 AE。31. Horgan argues that many scientists today are gripped by a profound unease, that resultsfrom current social uncertainties.(分数: 2.50 )A. a convivialityB. a homesicknessC. a nostalgiaD. a fel

37、icityE. a malaiseVF. an apprehensionV解析: 解析 逗号说明前后同义重复。 空格与unease(不安)同义重复。 conviviality 喜悦, homesickness 思乡之情, nostalgia 思乡之情, felicity 喜悦, malaise 不妥, apprehension 不安。答案选 EF。 注:这里 conviviality 和 felicity 是干扰项,同表示“喜悦”; homesickness 和 nostalgia 也是干 扰项,同表示“思乡之情”。32. The renewed interest in Elizabethan

38、 timesis evident in the of new Hollywood films setduring that period.(分数: 2.50 )A. spateVB. hypocrisyC. rejuvenationD. transienceE. scadsVF. revival解析: 解析 is evident in 说明前后同义重复。 空格与 interest(兴趣) 同义重复。 spate 大量,hypocrisy 虚伪,rejuvenation 更新,transience 稍纵即逝, scads 大量,revival 更新。 答案选 AE。 注:这里 rejuvenat

39、ion 和 revival 是干扰项,同表示“更新”。33. Bessie Coleman, the worlds first licensed Black aviator, was considered because sheregularly performed risky flying stunts.(分数: 2.50 )A. circumspectB. venturesomeVC. audaciousVD. cautiousE. magnanimousF. decorous解析: 解析 because 说明前后同义重复。 空格与 regularly performed risky fl

40、ying stunts(经常表演高难度的飞行特技 ) 同义重复。 circumspect 小心的, venturesome 敢于冒险的, audacious 敢于冒险的, cautious 小心的, magnanimous 心地高贵的, decorous 正派得体的。答案选 BC。 注:这里 circumspect 和 cautious 是干扰项,同表示“小心的”。34. Yellow jackets are not mere , preprogrammed mechanisms; rather, these insects changebehavioral patterns in respo

41、nse to their experiences.(分数: 3.50 )A. automatonsVB. fledglingsC. self-motionsVD. saboteursE. miragesF. miracles解析: 解析 逗号说明前后同义重复。 空格与 preprogrammed mechanisms( 预编的机制 ) 同义重复。 automaton 自动机器, fledgling 新手, self-motion 自动机器, saboteur 蓄意破坏者, mirage 幻想, miracle 奇迹。答案选 AC。 注:这里 mirage 和 miracle 是干扰项,同表示“

42、奇迹”。35. Joe publicly advocates and self-control but, oddly enough, seems to admire most thosepeople who achieve great things through .(分数: 3.50 )A. simplicityB. prosperityC. moderationVD. obedienceE. benevolenceF. recklessnessV解析: 解析 and 说明前后同义重复; but 说明前后反义重复。 两空联动,反义重复;第一空与 self-control(自制) 同义重复。

43、simplicity 简单 prosperity 繁荣,m oderation 节制;obedience 顺从。benevolence 仁慈,recklessness 不顾后果 /鲁莽。答案选 CF。36. The of drummer Art Blakey was akin to a university education in jazz, as by theplethora of successful musicians who benefited from playing with him.(分数: 3.50 )A. nuanceB. virtuosityC. tutelageVD. recantedE. decriedF. evidencedV解析: 解析 第一空与 akin to a university education in jazz(相当于在大学学习爵士乐 ) 同义重复。nuance细微的差异,virtuosity鉴赏力,tutelage


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