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1、新概念英语课堂笔记第一册Lesson 55-56Word Studylive【用法】v.居住;生活;活,生存;靠生活【词组】live on 靠为生;以为食live by 靠为生;住在附近live in Beiji ng住在北京live at a small hotel住在一个小旅馆live on the second floor 住在一楼live on a farm住在一个农场【例句】Frank lives in Paris.弗兰克居住在巴黎.Fish cant live without water.没有水鱼活不了.He lives on/by teachi ng.他靠教学为生. Deer l

2、ive on plants.鹿靠吃植物为生.Mr. Green lives by a small river.格林先生住在一条小河附近.stay【用法】v.呆在,停留;持续,保存【词组】stay at home呆在家stay behind跟在后面,留下来stay up熬夜【例句】Mrs. White stays at home every day.怀特太 太每天都呆在家中.We were stay ing at the same hotel. 我们住 在同一家饭店.The house has to stay exactly as it was. 这 所房子必须完全保持原来的样子.home【用法

3、】n.家乡;本国adv.在家,到家【短语】at home在家get home 至傢go home回家【扩展】homework n.家庭作业housework n.家务homela nd n.祖国 hometown n.家乡 homeless adj.无家可归的arrive【用法】vi.到达不及物动词【词组】arrive in +大地点到达arrive at + 小地点到达【扩展】get to +地点到达reach +地点 到达【例句】He arrived in Beijing in 2021. 他是 2021 年 来的北京.We arrived at the train statio n at

4、 5p.m.我们是下午5点到火车站的.表示一天的时间的词(n.)daw n 凌晨at dawn拂晓时morni ng 早晨,上午in the morning 在上午noon 中午at noon正午时midday 正午at midday正午时after noon 下午in the after noon 在下午dusk 黄昏at dusk黄昏时刻evening 黄昏in the evening 在黄昏ni ght晚上at night在晚上mid ni ght午夜at midnight午夜时分表示三餐的词n.breakfast 早餐brunch早午餐lunch午餐supper晚餐dinner正餐me

5、al 一顿饭此类词前都可加 have,表示“吃 “喝;比方have lunch吃午饭have a drink 喝饮料Text Expla nati onThe Sawyer family / ?:j ? /【译文】索耶一家人【用法】英语中表示“姓 的一家人的方法有以下两种: 以Lee姓为例 the Lee family 姓李的一家人.the + 姓 + family the Lees姓李的一家人.the +姓的复数以上两个词组作主语时,都被看做是复数.比方:The Lee family are playing cards in the park. 姓李的一家人正在公园里打牌.The Lees

6、are both teachers.李姓夫妇都是教师In the morning, Mr. Sawyer goes to work and the childre n go to school.【译文】早上,索耶先生去上班,孩子们去上学.【用法】go to work去上班/ go to school去上学 由go引出的短语还有:go to bed上床睡觉 注意:名词work, school, bed前不加任何冠词.Their father takes them to school every day.【译文】父亲每天送孩子们去上学.【用法】O1 take sb. to some place带某

7、人去某地.比方:My parents often take me to the park.我父母经常带我去公园. school前没有冠词,泛指“上学.如果加上the,那么特指去某一学校.O every day “每天,在句中做状语时间状语.Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day. She does the housework.【译文】索耶夫人每天呆在家里.她料理家务.【用法】O1 stay at home “呆在家里,是固定搭配;home是名词,作介词 at的宾语成分.stay home也是“呆在家里 ,home是副词,作状语.英语中有些词被称为“地点副词,此类

8、词之前是不能加介词的,比方: home, here, there,abroad 在国外等. go home, come here, arrive there 至U那儿 ,go abroad 出国.O do the housework “料理家务 ,housework是不可数名词,类似还有do the homework.She usually sees her frie nds. They ofte n drink tea together.【译文】她通常去看望他的朋友.【用法】O1 see sb.看望某人,拜访某人=visit sb.see sb. off给某人送行 / meet sb. +地

9、点 去接某人O drink tea = have tea 喝茶动词have “吃,喝 既可以代替drink也可以代替eatIn the eve ning, the childre n come home from school. They arrive home early.【译文】黄昏,孩子们放学回家.他们到家很早.【用法】come home from school “放学回家,介词from表示“从 ;come home表“回家来;arrive home “至U家;这两句的home都是地点副词,前面不用任何介词,所以我们不说come to home和arrive athome.下文中的 co

10、me home from work “下班回家,和arrives home “到家也是此种用法.Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper, but sometimes he and his wife watch television.【译文】索耶先生总是读报纸,但有时和他妻子一起看电视.【用法】O read newspaper读报纸,此处动词用read,不能用look at.类似还有:read a book读书, read a map 看地图第3页/共3页耳he and his wife作主语,是两个人复数形式,所以后面的 watch不用watches.Gr

11、ammar Analysis一般现在时二【用法】一般现在是用于表示一个习惯动作、有规律的行为以及永恒的现象.一般与时间频度副词和时间短语连用.时间短语: every day / week / month / year 每日 / 周 / 月 / 年in the morni ng / after noon / evening在上午 / 下午 / 晚上at noon / night 在正午 /夜里频率副词: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, once 一次,never, hardly几乎不频率副词在句中的位置为:be动词、助动词和情态动词之后,行为

12、动词实义动词之前,有时也可放在句首或句尾.比方:It is sometimes rainy. 天气有时多雨.It rains sometimes. 有时下雨.在否认句中,频率副词放在not的前或后含义不同.比方:The weather is not always pleasant. 天气并不总是很宜人.The weather always isn pleasa nt.天气总是不好.动词的第三人称单数变化形式【用法】在一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数的时候,其后的谓语动词通常要随之发生变化,其规律为:直接加-s,如:come comes arrive arrives 以-s, -x, -sh, -ch, -o结尾的动词加-es,如:guess guessesfix-fixeswash washes watch watches go goes 以辅音加-y结尾的动词,把-y变成-i,再加-es;而元音加-y结尾的动词,只加-s即可,如:hurry hurries carry carries play plays stay stays第4页/共3页


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