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1、新概念英语课堂笔记第一册Lesson 131-132Word Study第4页/共4页Egypt【用法】n.埃及【扩展】Egyptian adj.埃及的,埃及人的n.古埃及语;埃及人abroad【用法】adv.到国外,到海外【词组】be abroad在国外go abroad去国夕卜home and abroad 国内外,海内夕卜【同义】overseas adv. / adj.在海外;海外的 overseas Chin ese 华侨【扩展】aboard adv./prep.在船或飞机、车上, 上船或飞机、车board vt.上船、车或飞机【例句】They were all aboard the

2、ship last night. 昨 天夜里他们都在船上.I boarded the plane bound for England. 我 登上了飞往英格兰的飞机.worry【用法】v.担忧;发愁;困扰;使不安宁【扩展】worried adj.担忧的【词组】worry about担忧,惦念be worried about 为担忧【例句】 Mum always worries too much and it makes her tired.妈妈总是过度忧虑,而这使她疲惫.Shes worried that she might lose her job soo n.她担忧也许很快她就会丢掉她现在的

3、工作.Doesn it worry you that his health is becoming worse?他的身体越来越差,你不担忧 吗?She is always worryi ng him for prese nts. 她 总是缠着他要礼物.NamesMartin / ?m a :tin/ 马丁 男子名Text Expla nati onWhere are you going to spe nd your holidays this year, Gary?【译文】加里,今年你们打算去哪里度假?【用法】spe nd vt.花费;花时间;度过spend the holidays 度假e.

4、g. By the end of the holiday, I had spent all my money.到假期结束时,我已经花光了 自己所有的钱.We spent the night in a hotel.我们在一家旅馆过夜.表示花费的句型总结sb. + spend 时间 /钱 + on sth./in doing sth.sb. + pay 钱+ for sth.sth. costs sb. + 钱it takes sb. + 时间 /钱 + to do sth.We can make up our min ds.【译文】我们还拿不定主意.【用法】make up ones mi nd下

5、决心做,打定主意做e.g. We have made up our minds to go there on foot. 我们已经决定步行去那里.mind n.头脑;意志;决心 v.介意;留心,注意e.g. That beautiful piece of music is still in my mi nd.那首美妙的乐曲仍然在我心里.Mi nd your han ds.小心你的手.Do you mind wait ing outside for a mome nt?你不介意在外面等一会吧?Will you travel by sea or by air?【译文】你们乘船去还是乘飞机去?【用法

6、】 1. by sea = by ship; by air = by pla ne介词by后面直接加交通工具,不能加任何冠词或其他词.如:by the car是错误的2. “乘的几种表达方式 by + plane/air/ship/sea/train/bus/car/taxi/bike步行: on foot on a/the plane/ship/train/bus/bikein a/the pla ne/ship/tra in/bus take a/the plane/ship/train/bus/taxi“乘飞机去北京的几种表达方式:go to Beiji ng by pla ne/by

7、airgo to Beiji ng on a/the pla netake a pla ne to Beiji ngfly to Beiji ng“开车去北京的表达方式:go to Beiji ng by cargo to Beiji ng in a/the cardrive to Beiji ng“走着去那里的表达方式:go there on footwalk thereI m sure you enjoy yourselves.【译文】我肯定你们一定会玩得很痛快.【用法】O I m sure后面加宾语从句,省略了 that.enjoy on eself玩得开心on eself是反身代词第一

8、人称第二人称第三人称单数myselfyourselfherself; himself; itself复数ourselvesyourselvesthemselves“玩得开心的表达方式:have a good time = have fun = enjoy on eselfDon be so sure. We might not go any where.【译文】另挪么肯定.我们可能哪里也去不成.【用法】O so在本句是副词,用来修饰形容词sure.any where adv.任何地方;什么地方通常用于否认句或疑问句中,用以替换somewheresomewhere adv.某处,什么地方,某地e

9、verywhere adv. = here and there至U处,处处,无论什么地方no where adv.任何地方都不e.g. rve seen him before somewhere.我以前曾在哪里见过他.I looked everywhere. I could nt find him.我到处都找了,就是找不到他.I have no where else to go.我没有其他地方可去.We have this problem every year.【译文】我们每年都碰到这类为题.【用法】O1 problem n.问题,麻烦;question强调于学习上的问题和科学方面问题,ans

10、wer the questionproblem强调于生活上的东西,比方借东西,对方说NO problemO相关短语No problem!没问题have problems (in) doing sth./with sth. 在有问题=have trouble (in) doing sth. /with sth. 在有麻烦=have difficulty (in) doing sth. /with sth. 在有困难In the end, we stay at home and look after everyth ing!【译文】最后,我们呆在家里来照看一切.【用法】O1 in the end最

11、终,最后;不与 of连用.相似短语:at the end (of)在末尾(点时间)by the end of到的末尾(段时间)look after照顾,照看,注意,关心The doctor advised him to look after his health.医生建议他要注意自己的健康. 同义短语:take care of照顾,照看Grammar Analysis情态助动词 may和 might【用法】1. may和might都表示可能性,意为可能、也许,通常可互换使用;两者都用于肯定句中,其可能性比must要小;might所表示的可能性比 may要小;当情况是虚拟时只能用might而不能

12、用may.(1) may/might表示现在或将来的可能性: may/might + 动词原形/be doingThe bread may/might be fresh. 面包可能是新鲜的.He may/might be reading. 他可能正在看书.I may/might go abroad. 我可能出国.They may offer me a job.他们也许会给我提供一份工作.(2) may/might 也可以表示过去的可能性: may/might + have done/have been doingHe was late. He may/might have been busy.

13、他迟到了.他可能一直很忙.I went out last ni ght, and she may/might have bee n readi ng. 我昨天晚上出去了,她可能直在看书.It may/might have bee n right. 也可能是对的.They may/might have been in the garden. 他们那时可能一直在花园里.2. may和might都可以表示请求、允许,此时might比may语气更委婉一些,否认答复时要用mustn 表示不可以、禁止之意.You may drive the car.你可以开这辆车.May/Might I use your pen? 我可以用你的钢笔吗?No, you mustn .不,不可以.May I?表示征求对方许可,在文体上比拟正式,在口气上比拟客气.在日常口语中,用Can I?更为常见.3.用于祈使句中表示祝愿.May you succeed!祝你成功!May they live long! 祝您长命百岁!May you both be happy!祝你们两个幸福!


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