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1、2013年秋七年级英语上册Unit9myfavoritesubjectisscience教案1(新版)人教新目标版Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计) Structures : questions; questions; questions; Adjectives of quality WhatWhyWhoTarget language : Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is P.E. Why do you like

2、 P,E.? Because its fun. Who is your science teacher? Mr Wang Vocabulary : math, science, history, physical education(P.E.), favorite, teacher days of the week Learning strategies : Repeating; Practicing; Sequencing SECTION A Goals ? To teach the students what questions, why questions ? To let the st

3、udents talk about their favorite subjects Procedures Warming up by learning aboutwh-quest ions What is a wh-question? Definition A wh-question is a question that contains an interrogative pro-form. Also known as: Content question, question word question, information question Examples (English) Here

4、are some examples of words that begin wh-questions in English. Most of them begin with wh-: who ; what ; when ; where ; why ; how Warming up by discussing 1 T: Good morning, everyone! Were going to have our English class. You have many subjects everyday. Subject is the lesson you learn everyday, suc

5、h as English, math, Chinese and so on. Maybe you think some of them are interesting and so you are good at them. But some are not. Right? S: Yes T: Now lets see how many subjects we have everyday. S: Math, English, Chinese, art, music, biology, P.E. T: And we have science. Science includes chemistry

6、, physics and biology and so on. 1a Matching the words with the pictures Look at the picture on page 71, there are many subjects in the picture. Please match the words with picture. 1.P.E. c 2. art d 3. science b 4 music e 5. math a 6. Chinese f 1b Listening and circling the subjects in 1a you hear

7、We have many different subjects everyday. Now lets listen to the tape and circle the subjects in 1a you hear. Tapescript A: What your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is science. Whats yours? A: Hmm. Well, I like art and math. But my favorite subject is music. Answers: Science, art, math, mu

8、sic Read the tapescript to under the wh-questlineion. 1c.Doing pairwork I think you must have your favorite subjects. Please practice the conversation below. First read after me and practice it with your partner. I will ask some pair to act it out. A: Whats your favorite subject? B: My favorite subj

9、ect 2 is science. Then make your own conversations with your partner like this: A: Whats your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is music. 2a Listening and putting in order Listen to the tape and please put the conversation in order. First you just listen and then put them in order. Tapescript

10、 A: Whats your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is P.E. A: Why do you like P.E.? B: Because its fun. Can you try to place the sentences in right order? Because its fun _. Whats your favorite subject?_ My favorite subject is P.E._ Why do you like P.E._ The right order should be like this: Wha

11、ts your favorite subject? 1 My favorite subject is P.E. 2 Why do you like P.E. 3 Because its fun. 4 2b Listening and matching You will hear the conversation. In the conversation, people talk about school subjects. Listen and matching the subjects you hear with the description words. Tapescript 3 A:

12、Whats your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is P.E. A: Why do you like P.E.? B: Because its fun. How about you? Whats your favorite subject? A: Hmm. My favorite subject is music. B: Really? Why? A: Because its relaxing. We can only match two items according to the tapescript. Subject Descrip

13、tion word 1.art 2.science a. fun (4) b. interesting 3. music 4.P.E. c. boring d. difficult 5.math e. relaxing (3) 2cThinking and matching Now what do you think of your subjects? You can give your opinion. You can practice this conversation first. A: Whats your favorite subject? B: Science. A: why do

14、 you like science? B: Because its interesting. Then you can make up your conversation with your partners and match the subjects with the description words. The answers may be like this: Subject Description word 1. art 2. science 3. music a. fun b. interesting c. boring 4. P.E. 5. math d. relaxing e.

15、 difficult 2d Doing pairwork OK, stop! Now please make a conversation using the information in 2c. A: Whats your favorite subject? B: Art. A: Why do you like art? 4 B: Because its interesting and relaxing. 3a Completing the conversation Look at your book on page 73. Two students are talking about th

16、eir subjects and teachers. teacher my subject your Please fill in the blankith the wordss w in the box. A: Whats your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is art. A: Who is your art teacher? B: My art teacher is Mrs Jones. 3b Doing pairwork This time you can ask your partner about his or her fav

17、orite subject and the teacher. Complete the chart. Favorite subject Teacher Example Art Mrs. Jones You Your partner You can practice the dialogue like this: A: Whats your favorite subject? B: Math. A: Who is your math teacher? B: My math teacher is Mrs. Li. Favorite subject Teacher Example Art Mrs.

18、Jones You Math Mrs. Li Your partner Science Mr. 4 Surveying OK! We know a lot about our classmates and partners. But how well do you know your parents? Complete the chart with your parents favorite things then talk about your classmates. You can talk about 5 it like this: A: Whats your mothers favor

19、ite color? B: Her favorite color is blue. Students answers may like this: Favorite city Favorite food Favorite Favorite TV Favorite color show sport Mon Dalian rice blue TV play running Dad Taiyuan noodles orange news basketball Closing down by writing a short passage Just now we talk about your par

20、ents. Now please write a short passage about your parents hobby. My fathers favorite food is noodles. He likes sports very much. His favorite sport is basketball. His favorite color is orange. He lives in Taiyuan. His favorite city is Taiyuan. SECTION B Goals ? To go on talking about favorite subjec

21、ts ? To learn the days of week and the expressions of dates Procedures Warming up by talking about the date T: Boys and girls! Today were going to learn a new part Section B. By the way, what day is it today? S: Its Tuesday. T: Whats the date today? S: Its October 9. T: Oh! I see. Lets open you book

22、 and turn to Page74, and learn 1a. 1a Putting in order 6 Look at your book and put the days into correct order. The correct order should be: Answers Tuesday Oct.2 3 Sunday Sept.30 1 Thursday Oct.4 5 Friday Oct.5 6 Saturday Oct.6 7 Monday Oct.1 2 Wednesday Oct.3 4 1b Checking the subjects What subjec

23、t do you study at school? Check the subjects. You should pronounce them correctly and remember these words. a. art ? b. science ? c. music ? d. math? e. PE ? f Chinese ? g. history ? h. biology? 1c Doing pairwork Look at this teaching syllabus. Ask and answer questions about the subjects you study a

24、t school. For example: When do you have math? I have math on Monday, Wednesday and Friday . Students dialogue may be like this: When do you have Chinese? I have Chinese on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 2a Listening and writing Lets do a listening exercise. Listen and write the school subjects you he

25、ar. First you just listen and then you can write. Tapescript Boy 1: Are you OK, Ming? Girl 1: No, Im not. Its Tuesday and I have biology. Girl 2: And you dont like biology? Girl 1: No, its so boring. Boy 1:So, whats your favorite subject? Girl 1:Oh, history! Its such fun. I like Friday because we ha

26、ve history in the morning. How about you, Selina? 7 Girl 2: Art, I guess its really relaxing. Girl 1: When do you have art? Girl 2: On Monday and Wednesday. How about you, Ken? Whats your favorite subject? Boy 1: Science. Its really interesting. I have science class this afternoon. The answers are l

27、ike these. You can check them. Answers 1 biology 2. history 3. art 4 science 2b Listening and completing Listen again and complete the chart. Favorite subject Why? When? Ming history fun Friday Selina Ken When you hear, you should pay attention to the names and the subjects. Do not confuse them with

28、 each other. Favorite subject Why? When? Ming history fun Friday Selina art relaxing Monday and Wednesday Ken science interesting This afternoon Read the words of the recording to under the exprelinessions. 2c Doing pairwork Make conversations using the information in the chart. First please read th

29、e conversation in the book. Try to read it correctly and fluently. A: Whats Kens favorite subject? B: Science. A: Why does he like science? B: Because its interesting. Then make up the similar conversation with your partners. 8 A: Whats Mings favorite subject? B: History. A: Why does he like history

30、? B: Because its fun. 3a Reading and circling Lets read the following letter. Underline the things Lin Mei likes. Circle the things she doesnt like. While reading you should pay attention to the pronunciations and intonation and under the exprelinessions. Dear Jane, Its Tuesday, November 11. Im real

31、ly busy! At 8:00 I have math. I dont like math. Then at 9:00 I have science. Its difficult, but interesting. Next, at 10:00, I have history. Its boring, but at 11:00 I have P.E. Thats my favorite subject! I eat lunch at12:00 After lunch, I have music. Music is relaxing. I like my music teacher, Mr.

32、Cooper. Hes fun. My last class is at 2:00. After class I have volleyball for two hours. Our teacher is very strict and Im usually very tired after class. Then I have Chinese history club. Its really interesting! Love, Lin Mei These are the answers. These subjects should be underlined: science, P.E.,

33、 music, Chinese History Club These subjects should be circled; math, history 3b Completing schedule We have read Lin Meis letter in 3a. Here is Lin Meis schedule. Please complete it with the information from 3a. Then we have a clear look about what she does on that day. Time Subjects 8:00 to 9:00 9;

34、00 to 10:00 science 10:00 to 11:00 9 11:00 to 12:00 12:00 to 1:00 1:00 to 2:00 2:00 to 4:00 4:00 to 5:00 According to the letter we can find this information. Answers Time Subjects 8:00 to 9:00 math 9;00 to 10:00 science 10:00 to 11:00 history 11:00 to 12:00 P.E. 12:00 to 1:00 lunch 1:00 to 2:00 mus

35、ic 2:00 to 4:00 gymnastics 4:00 to 5:00 Chinese History Club 3c Writing your schedule I know you all have busy days. What is your favorite school day? Write your schedule for that day. Time Subjects 8:00 to 9:00 math 9;00 to 10:00 Chinese 10:00 to 11:00 English 11:00 to 12:00 P.E. 12:00 to 1:00 lunc

36、h 1:00 to 2:00 art 2:00 to 4:00 history 4:00 to 5:00 biology 4 Asking about favorite days 10 Please work in groups of four. Ask your partners about their favorite days. Later you will tell the class what you learned. Name Whats your favorite Why? day? Dave Monday Because I have music. Scott Friday B

37、ecause I have art. Han Xiao Tuesday Because I play volleyball. These are some of the students reports. Scotts favorite day is Friday because he has art. He likes art. Another example: Han Xiaos favorite day is Tuesday because she plays volleyball. He likes volleyball. Closing down by playing a guess

38、ing game Lets play a guessing game. We can play it like this: One student does some actions about one of subjects. And the others guess what subject it is. Lets see who can guess the most subjects. SELF CHECK 1 Checking the new words you know These are the words in this unit. Id like you check the w

39、ords you know and circle any words that you dont know. math science favorite subject Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday why because teacher PE 2 Adding five new words to your Vocab-Builder Work in groups. This activity helps build vocabulary by providing a specific time and pla

40、ce for you to record the new words. Please share your list with other students. Volleyball physics geography gymnastics club 11 3 Writing a response Read Zhao Jies notebook. See whether you can find some problems and then write him a response. Tell Zhao Jie about what subjects you like and why. “Wha

41、t is your favorite subject?” Miss Wang asks me. I dont like any subject. I like basketball only. I like to play with my dog, Nick. His name is Nick, he is 2 years old. Nick doesnt like subjects. But his “subject” is only running around with me. Were good friends. The students response may be like th

42、is: Dear Zhao jie, Do you really not like school? My favorite subject is math. I think its very interesting. It can teach me the way of thinking. I often do well in math. I often do more exercises after school. Closing down by making a lecture I think everyone has a favorite subject and has his reas

43、ons too. Lets talk about “my favorite subject”. You have five minutes to prepare. Then stand up to give your lecture to us. You can use body language when needed. My favorite subject My favorite subject is English. I can learn a lot in English class. I can learn English songs and learn much about fo

44、reign country. Sometimes I meet a foreigner or a foreign visitor in the street, and I can talk with them with what I learn in the class. I feel very happy. Just for fun! Lets learn some names of English songs. Honkey Pokey; How Is The Weather?(天气怎么样,); I Love Little Pussy(我喜欢小猫); IM A Little Teapot(

45、我是一把小茶壶); If Youre Happy(如果你感到快乐); Jimmy Crack Corn(撬开裂纹玉米); Jingle Bells(铃儿响叮当); Jingle Bells(铃儿响叮当 ); Lazy Mary(懒惰的玛丽); Let Everyone Clap Hands(让每一个人拍手); Let Us Sing Together(让我们一起唱歌); Little Cabin In The Wood12 (森林中的小木屋); Little Goldfish(小金鱼); Little Green Frog(绿色的小青蛙); Little Peter Rabbit(小兔彼得);

46、 Make New Friends(结识新朋友); My Aunt Came Back(我的姑妈回来了); My Brother And I(我的哥哥和我); Oh, Christmas Tree(哦,圣诞树); Oh, Susanna(噢,苏珊娜);Pat A Cake(做个面包); Pop!Goes The Rain, Rain, Go Away(雨,雨,走开); Reuben Reuben(鲁Weasel(砰追逐鼹鼠);宾); Roll That Bal(滚动那个球); Round The Clock(围着时钟转); Sally, Go Round The Sun(萨利绕着太阳转); S

47、ea Shells(海洋贝壳); Shell Be Comin Round The Mountain(她将绕过这座山脉过来); Simple Simon(头脑简单的西蒙); Sing Together(一起歌唱); Six Little Ducks(六只小鸭子); Smile(微笑); Ten Fat Sausages(十根肥香肠); The Ants Go Marching(蚂蚁在行军); The Bear Went Over The Mountain(小熊上了山); The Family(家庭); The Farmer In The Dell(农夫在小山谷中); The Finger Family(手指家庭); The Months(月份); The More We Get Together(我们在一起越多) Question: Name two things you can never eat for breakfast. Answer: Lunch and supper. Part 2: Teaching Resources (第二部分:教学资源) I. Background readings Time (美国人的时间


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