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1、SAT改进段落题:lmproving Paragraphs Test TwoQuestions 1-6 refer to the followingpassage, which is a draft of an essay:(1)Cicero said, “A room without a book is a body without a soul.” (2)Certai nly whe n I en ter some on es home for the first time, I am likely to gravitate to the bookshelf, in part to gle

2、a n further in sight into the personality of its owner. (3) But now that the family encyclopedia is likely to have been replaced by a CD-ROM is possible that the book might be reduced to an item of decoration rather than information and en terta inment.(4)I n a sen se, books have always bee n more t

3、ha n just repositories ofinformation. (5) The look and feel of a book is as mucha part of its appeal as its contents. (6) There is something immensely satisfying about opening a new book: the smell of the paper, the feel of the cover, the design on the dust jacket and the weight of the volume all co

4、n tribute to the impression it makes. (7) The most aesthetically pleasing volumes, the leather bound volumes, and the volumes with beautiful bindings are actually often bought by interior decorators to add to the look of a study, office or of a liv ing room.(8)Books have a symbolic power. Weshudder

5、whenwe hear of book burning, associated dow n the ages with tyra nny and oppressi on. (9) Books as cultural icons remind us of freedom of speech and enhanced opportunities, they remi nd us of the in tellectual aspirati ons of the huma n race.(10)But in the future will the book still be read? (11)I b

6、elieve it will. (12)More books are being written and published than ever before; the book has withstood the advent of the cinema, television, and personal computer and are likely to be there in cen turies to come.sat1. Which is the best version of the underlined portion of sentence 3 (reproduced bel

7、ow)?But now that the family en cyclopedia is likely to have bee n replaced by a CD-ROM it is possible that the book might be reduced to an item ofdecoration rather tha n in formati on and en tertai nment.A. might be reduced to an item of decoration rather than informationB. might be reduced to an it

8、em of decoration rather than a source of in formatio nC. will be reduced to an item of decoration rather than informationD. will be reduced to an item of decoration rather than a source ofin formatio nE. could be reduced to an item of decoration rather than information2. Which version of sentence 8

9、would form the best transition between paragraphs two and three?A. Besides their aesthetic appeal, books have symbolic power.B. Books have also always had symbolic power.C. Besides their use to decorators, books have a symbolic power.D. Books have other functions besides decorati on.E. Other people

10、have used books as symbols.3. What revision is most needed in sentence 9?A. Change “enhanced” to“equal ” .B. Change the comma to a semico Ion.C. Change “us” to “people ”D. Rewrite to avoid repetiti on of“ they remi nd us of” .E. Insert “Moreover” at the beginning of the sentence.4. Sentence 7 would

11、probably ben efit from all the followi ng cha nges EXCEPTA. Change from passive to active voiceB. Correct faulty parallelismC. Rewrite to avoid repetition of“volumes” .D. Delete the word “actually ” .E. Remove the word “ aesthetically ”.5. Paragraph threeA. is somewhat un derdevelopedB. is red undan

12、tC. is too repetitiveD. contains error in verb tenseE. has errors in pronoun usage6. Which is the best vers ion of the un derli ned part of the last sentence (reproduced below)?More books are being written and published than ever before; the book has withstood the advent of the cinema, television, a

13、nd personal computer and are likely to be there in cen turies to come.A. the book has withstood the advent of the cinema, television,personalcomputer and are likelyB. the book has withstood the adve nt of the cin ema, televisi on, andpersonal computer and are liableC. books have withstood the advent

14、 of the cinema, television,and personalcomputer and are likelyD. the book withstood the advent of the cinema, television, personal computer and is likelyE. the book withstood the advent of the cinema, television, and personal computer and will likelyQuestions 7-12 refer to the following passage, whi

15、ch is a draft of an essay :(1)The study of ecology has taught us that diversity is important to stability in the natural world. (2)Modern agricultural practices and other human interventions in the environment reduces the number of interacting species making the ecosystem vulnerable and unstable.(3)

16、Similarly, human society in its progress toward the clich e d “globalvillage ” is liable to make the world less stable not more stable. (4)We are eliminating languages, traditional diets, and eroding cultural practices at an alarming rate. (5)The whole world wants to speak the same language, eat the

17、 same food and wear the same clothes. (6)But will this homogeneity be good for the human species? (7) Biologists would tend to say no.(8)Certainly a world where we can all understand each other and share commoninterests is appealing on one level. (9)But how infinitely poorer we will all be if wetrav

18、el 5000 miles from homeonly to find no new people, no new places, no new ways of living, just a copy of what you experience back home.sat7. One weakness of the writing style of this essay isA. Reliance on general statementsB. Incorrect paragraphingC. Inappropriate vocabularyD. Poor punctuationE. Poo

19、r choice of verb tenses8. The author makes his point about human society mainly by use ofA. personal experienceB. scientific factsC. parallel constructionD. an analogyE. hyperbole9. Sentence 2 could be best improved byA. insert a comma after“environment ”B. remove the word “other ”C. remove the word

20、“ in teract ing”D. change “interventions ” to “intervention ”E. change “reduces” to “reduce”10. Which is the best version of the underlined part of sentence 3 (reproduced below)?Similarly, human society in its progress toward the cliche d “globalvillage ” is liable to make the world less stable not

21、more stable.A. is likely to make the world less stable notB. is likely to make the world not less stable butC. is likely to make the world less and notD. are liable to make the world less stable notE. are likely to make the world less stable not11. The best version of sentence four isA. Weare elim i

22、n at ingIan guages, traditi onal diets, and erod ing culturalpractices at an alarm ing rate.B. Weare elim in at ingIan guages, cha nging traditi onaldiets, and culturalpractices at an alarm ing rate.C. Weare elim in at ingIan guages, cha nging traditi onal diets, and erod ingcultural practices at an

23、 alarm ing rate.D. Languages, traditionaldiets, and cultural practices are being erodedat an alarm ing rate.E. Languages, traditional diets, and cultural practices are being eliminated alarmingly fast.12. The change most needed in sentence 9 is to replaceA. will with wouldB. you with weC.just withon

24、lyD.infin itelywithmuchE.experie neetoexperie need参考答案:(DABEA CADEA CB)1. Correct An swer: DExplanation:A future tense is needed after possible. Also parallel construction is needed around rather than.2. Correct Answer: AExplanation:This sentence indicates the transition from writing about the aesth

25、etic aspects of the book to its use as a symbol.3. Correct Answer: BExplanation:The comma splice error has to be corrected.4. Correct Answer: EExplanation:The word aesthetically helps reinforce the point the writer is this paragraph and so should be retained.5. Correct Answer: AExplanation:The autho

26、r could have elucidated the idea of the book as symbol, could have clarified his point about book-burning, and could have given a specific illustration.6. Correct Answer: CExplanation:In answer A are is incorrect; in answer B liable is incorrect; in E will likely is wrong. C is better than D because

27、 it uses the present perfect tense and it uses the plural books as does the first part of the7. Correct Answer: Amaking insentence.Explanation:An essay without specific detail and supporting facts does not make its point effectively.8. Correct An swer: DExpla nati on:The author uses the need for div

28、ersity in the ecosystem as an analogy for the n eed for diversity in society.sat 9. Correct An swer: EExpla nati on:A plural subject requires a plural verb.10. Correct An swer: AExpla nati on:Use likely not liable.11. Correct An swer: CExpla nati on:C has the best parallel con struct ion.12. Correct An swer: BExpla nati on:You disrupts the pronoun contin uity.


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