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1、I .单句语法填空1. It is said that the new TV program is targeted adults2. I wonder why he could face the challenge so (calm).3. He was viewed a hero by the villagers for saving the boy.4. When she saw the scene, she tried to hold her(angry).5. They won t accept higher prices without an(argue).6. I admire

2、these young people(struggle) for their dreams.7. We waited(anxious) before the result was coming through.8. Police said that they were(concern) about the boy s safety.9. She told me that she had been really(stress) at work recently.10. The man was so stubborn that he refused to backeven if he was de

3、feated.9 stressed1. at 2 calmly 3 as 4 an ger 5 argument 6 struggli ng7an xiously 8 concerned10 dow nn.完成句子11妈妈担心自己的孩子,这是很正常的。12这个年轻战士并不总是打中目标,这很正常。13事实是这些小孩子渴望知识。14埃伦是一位了不起的舞蹈家。我希望我能跳得像她一样好。15在这件小事之后,男孩学会了在和妈妈争论时,什么时候认输。11. It is normal that a mother is concerned about her children.12. The young so

4、ldier does not always hit the target a nd it s normal .13. The fact is that these young children are anxious for knowledge.14. Ellen is a fantastic dancer.I wish I danced as well as her.15. After the incident , the boy learned when to back down while arguing with his mother.川.单词拼写1. We should pay at

5、tention to the teenagers (精神的)health.2. Several(主编)walked in and showed us some new magazines.3. Our teacher used to(强调)the importanee of the handwriting.4. They will help the villagers make the village return to( 常态).5. The old couple(把视为 )the boy as their own grandson.6. When I came in , she(争论)wi

6、th one of her classmates.7. Unfortunately , the young man was injured in a(搏斗)with the thief.8. After these years, the woman could keep(沉着的)in that situation.9. The mother told me about the(紧张关系)between her and her son.10. I have a strong(渴望)to visit the old castle , whose door is pain ted red.1.men

7、tal 2 editors 3stress 4 normal5 view 6 was argui ng 7 struggle 8 calm 9 tension10desireIV.单句语法填空12. It is natural that teenagerS are developinga different rate.13. For such a young man, it is really a very(stress) job.14. The young man arrived and solved the problem(calm).15. I wish they(not know) m

8、y address at the moment.16. These black slaves have struggledfreedom for many years.17. She didn t know how(control) her feelings in that situation.18. She decided to find a way to end the(argue)with her husband.11. tensions 12 at 13 stressful14 calmly 15didn t know16for 17 to control 18argume ntV .

9、核心短语默写1. (在某事上)与某人看法一致2. 快速长高,蹿个儿3. 保持融洽;维护和平4. 从某人的角度、观点出发5. 充分考虑,全盘考虑,想透6. 处理7. 采取行动& 经历,遭受9. 结果是10. 指的是11. 平静,镇静,安静12. 承认错误,认输1 see eye to eye with sb.(on sth.) 2 shoot up3 keep the peace 4 from one s point of view 5think sth.through 6 deal with 7 take action 8 go through 9 tur n out 10refer to11 calm dow n12 back dow n


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