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1、DC1500V城市轨道交通用直流 电力电缆DC1500V城市轨道交通用直流电力电缆Metro D.C. cable该产品适用于城市交通地铁或轻轨或安全性、可靠性要求较高的直流用电区域。This product is suitable for metro or other D.C. area with much requireme nts for security and reliability.一、产品使用特性Using properties该产品具有低卤(或无卤)低烟、耐腐蚀、防鼠蚁、防水、防紫外线等特性,其特性完全符合IEC60332、IEC60754、IEC61034 标准规定要求。Th

2、e cable possesses many characteristics such as low-smoke low halogen( halogen-free), anti-corrosion, an ti-termite, waterproof and protectio n aga inst radiati on, which is in con formity with IEC60332, IEC60754 and IEC61034.二、 产品型号、名称、使用环境Type, desig nati on and applicati on电压等级voltag生产范围 productio

3、n range型号type名称 desig nati on使用环境application标称截面nominal芯数coreesect ion areas直流D.C.1500V50 4001(FS/FZ-)WDZATZYJV直流1500V地铁或轻轨用铜芯交联聚乙烯绝 缘(防水防紫线)无卤低烟阻燃电力电缆D.C. 1500V copper con ductor XLPEin sulated un dergro un d/light rail power cablewith low-smoke haloge n-free water-proof and protectio n aga inst UV

4、 radiati on电缆可敷设于隧道内,对电缆敷设落差不作规定laid in tunnelwithout restrict ion ofdiffere nee of level(FS/FZ-)DDZA-TZYJV直流1500V地铁或轻轨用铜芯交联聚乙烯绝 缘(防水防紫线)低卤低烟阻燃电力电缆D.C. 1500V copper con ductor XLPEin sulated un dergro un d/light rail power cablewith low-smoke low-haloge n water-proof and protectio n aga inst UV radi

5、ati on电缆可敷设于隧道内, 对电缆敷设落差不作规定laid in the tunnel without restrict ion of differe nee of level注:W无卤低烟DD-低烟低卤ZA A类阻燃(根据用户要求可提供 B类、C类电缆)FS/FZ防水防紫外线Note: WD-low-smoke halogen-freeDD- low-smoke low-halogenZA-Class A flame-retardant(also canprovide Class B, Class C flame-retarda nt).FS/FZ- water proof/prote

6、ct ion aga inst UV radiati on.、电缆特殊性能Special characteristics序号No.性能名称Items无卤低烟类Low-smokehaloge n-free低卤低烟类Low-smokelow-haloge n试验方法Test sta ndard1电缆烟密度试验透光率 Test of smoke den sity of cables bur ning un der defi ned con diti on: light pen etrat ing ratio 60% 30%GB/T 176512取自电缆的护套材料燃烧时卤酸气体逸出量the amoun

7、t of haloge n acid gas evolved duri ngcombusti on of sheath materials from cable5mg/g100mg/gGB/T 176503燃烧气体酸度试验,水溶液的PH值Test of degree of acidity of gases: PH of water 4.3 2.5GB/T 17650solution燃烧气体酸度试验,水溶液的导电率4Test of degree of acidity of gases: conductivityof10 us/mm180us/mmGB/T 17650water soluti on成束燃烧试验(A类)碳化的部分高度不超过2.5m不超过2.5m5Bun ched bur ning test( Class A): the height ofNo moreNo moreGB/T18380.33carb oni zed parttha n 2.5mtha n2.5m四、产品结构示意图:Sketch map of structure铜导体Co nductorXLPE 绝缘 XLPE insulation阻燃内护Flame-retarda nt inner sheath4、铜带Copper tape5、阻燃夕卜护 Flame-retarda nt outer sheath


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