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1、Unit 6 Role modelsLesson 17 People in Our Lives 教材分析v本课是本单元的第二课,主要内容是介绍各个领域的模范榜样,学习的语言技能是从听力捕捉人物的特点。通过本课的学习,学生养成向先进模范学习的习惯,迅速从听力中获取人物的性格特点。 教学目标【知识目标】说出三个人的榜样是谁,并介绍每个榜样,从为什么是榜样、有什么样的品质、性格三方面介绍,并举出一些例子。【能力目标】提高听力技能,有:获取对话的主要内容、获取具体细节,尤其是确定说话人观点的听力技巧。方法是听说话人如何谈论这个人的动作并尽量记下关键单词或词组。【情感目标】通过阅读,挖掘姚明的优秀品质。

2、 教学重难点【教学重点】听力对话内容的理解以及根据表格提示复述对话。【教学难点】通过说话人对这个人的动作的描述以及听并记下一些关键单词或词组,从而达到确定说话人的观点的听力技巧。 课前准备1.课前准备:调试光盘与课件、给学生分组、为学生布置预习作业等; 2.教具学具:光盘、大卡片等。 教学过程Step1. Warm-up1. Look at pictures of various models and make a discussion about their contribution and achievements.2. Get students to write down the int

3、roduction about the chosen role models.Step2. Language points1. treasure v. 珍爱,珍视My dad is the person I treasure most.2. owe v.归功于欠债I feel I owe my success to my father.3. retired v. 退休的Many people think that the life of retired people must be slow and boring.4. look down on 轻视,看不起 I never look down

4、 on/upon anyone.Step3. Listening 1. Look at three main characters photos and learn their basic information.2. Listen the material and answer the related questions.3. Listen the material and match people with their identity.4. Listen to their presentations and tick persons who are talking about them.

5、5. Let students learn some listening tips on the detail comprehension.6. Listen to their presentations. Write some key words or phrases about each person. Then circle the best answer.7. Listen and answer the detail questions.8. Read the dialogue after the tape and then read it in role.Step4. Speakin

6、g skills1. Discuss the difficult sentences with your group members or the teacher.2. Retell the information about at least one of characters.3. Teach the expression stating logistic relations.4. Summarize the words and phrases employed in speaking.Step5. Homework1. Read the dialogue at home several times.2. Retell the dialogue according to the tables in the class.无3


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