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1、News Item 1:1. General Comprehension. Fill in the blanks to complete the followingstatements according to what you have heard.(1) IBM announced today it is I pulllng out of South Africa IBM is selling I 心 South Africa holdings The I political and economy situations in South Africa has caused thisdec

2、ision.(4) Anti-apartheid groups havepraisedthis decision.(5) IBM employs some1500people in South Africa.Charles Redmond saidthe ReaganAdministration believes UScorporate involvementin South Africa forcebeen a., apartheidagainst IuWe regret anydecision toreduce US private sectorinvolv

3、ementin South Africa.2. Spot Dietation. Listen to the tape again and fill in the followingblanks.Spokesman3. Focusing on Details Complete the following statement with details The US State Department regrets the reductions of US private sector involvement in South Africa because they couldharmful eff

4、ects on black workersa. have I,c. 1 imitthe extend of US influenee in South Africab injurethe South Africa economy,andNews Item 2:L General Comprehension. Complete the chart to provide a brief summary of the news item.Event: DemonstrationPlace:South Africa officeIS embassy&Harare小ZimbabweCountry:IRa

5、ce:Black2. Focusing on Details Fill the detailed information according to whatyouhave heard.Numberofdemonstrators: more thanNumberofpeople arrested: more thana thousandCausesthe demonstration:.South Africa the comlicity in the plane crasha. suspecting I.Malawi for supporting the Pretoria-backed insu

6、rgentscalmb. blaming I(4) Government appealed forAn official statement isexpected fromPrime Minister MugabeLondon(6) Mugabe is just back fromNews Item 3:1. General Comprehension. Fill in the blanks to complete the followingstatements according to what you have heard.j. West German Chamcellor-. . 1 P

7、resident Reagan met with IHelmut Kohl.(2) The meeting lasted about I an hul ./ 、I the White House The meeting took place at Itoday./ 、support for the Presidents SDI program Kohl expressed I2. Summary. Use all the information you have gathered in Exercise 1 andtry to write a summary for News Item 3.S

8、uggested version: Preside nt Reagan met for about an hour today with West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl at the White House who expressed support for the Presidentr s SDI programNews in DetailGeneral Comprehension. Choose the best answer (a, b, c, or d) to completeeach of the following statements1. W

9、est German Chancellor Helmut Kohla. has been in Washington DC. for four days b is in Washington D C for four days of meetingsc. has been in Washington D. C four hours before he talks withPresident Reagand. is in Washington D. C for a four-hour meeting2. One of the following is on Kohls agenda It is

10、a. arms control talksb. economic relations with South Africa* c Germanya. the agreement signed by the United States and the Soviet Union in Reykjavikb. US-Soviet arms control talks c. Americas European allies * d. Arms control between US and the Soviet Union Accord ing to Preside nt Reagan, achiev i

11、ng an agreement with the SovietUnion would depend upon* a. pushing ahead with his SDI programb. the strength, realism and unity of European alliesc. weakness or timidity on the part of Hestern nationsd. eliminating Iong-range missiles in Europe Proposal was made in Reykjavik on eliminatinga. shorter

12、-range missilesvb medium-range missilesc. long-range missilesd. intercontinental missiless policy towards South Africad. US-Soviet summit meeting in Iceland3. The major topic of discussion with Chancel lor Kohl today is6. According to members of NATO, the carrying out of the proposal wouldleave Euro

13、pe vulnerable to the Soviet a. long-range missiles b. air-to-air missiles c. shorter-range missiles and greater superiority in conventional forcesd. air and naval superiority1 The allies want reductions in medium-range missiles reductions in shorter-range missiles and conventional forces.a. madeafte

14、rb. tiedtoc. madebefored. madeat the same time8. Chancellor Kohl was expected to urge President Reagana. to keep talks between the US and the Soviet Union movingb. to stop SDI programc. to compromise on talks between the US and the Soviet Uniond. to step up SDI program9. A senior administration offi

15、cial quoted Kohl as saying thata. he has no objections to the Strategic Defense systemb he has always been in favor of the Strategic Defense systemhe has always beenopposing the Strategic Defense systemhe didnot want tomention SDI in his arrival remarksSpecial Report1. General Compr ehens io n. Fill

16、 in the blanks with basic fac ts concerningthe program/ 、.business leaders Program organizer: a group of I(2) Place: I Bostn(3) duration of involvement: almost I 20 心(4) Plans:a. to expandprogramb. to supplya permanent five-mill ion do!lar endowment func(5) Promise: to hirestudcnts2. Answer the foll

17、owing questions briefly.(1) It dates back almost twenty years.(2) The Boston business community offeredwork internshipsandlateran endowment programto Boston teachers.(3) Boston business community has pumped more thanone mi 11 ioninto thepublic schools.(4) The business leaders say they are ready to m

18、ake their biggestcommitment:a multi-mi 11 ion dollars scholarship program(5) It isIenable the citys poorest kids to go on to col lege and to jobs aftcrwai(6) The title of the program| ACCESS| Action Center for Educational Services and Scholarships(7) I all the poor kids could get the scholarship for

19、 their further education;小 八、,qualified for financial aid-.(8) Only those Icould get it.(9) The average gram is around(10)One hundredBoston students have received money from thisprogram.3. Focusing on Details. Fill in the blanks with information about Robertairplane mechanicsWeaver.Robert Weaverr s

20、major isNow he studies in theWentworth Institute of Technologyin Boston.He will get his degreenext year (When?)He afforded college witha.the grant from theACCESSprogram;b.thestate scholarshipc.what he earned from hissummer workd. hisfamily contribution(5) The total amount of Wentworth1s bi 11 was5.7

21、004. Spot Dictation. Listen to the tape again and fill in the followingblanks.(1) Unemployment here is amongthe lowestin the nationsay they * re having a hardtimefinding qualified job applicantsandbusiness leaders(2) The ACESS program is not 航 good publlc le,atlons . There is a bit厂sc1f-preservation

22、 involvedol(3) If where you are has a supply of qualified peopleIcnter managerial and technical-professiona1 level jobs :that cant be.but a plusanything I(4) Philips says any scholarship student whofinishes col legewill begiven I hn ing prlority over other job applicantsthe participating business by

23、 I5. Answer the following question.(1) The bus in ess group now is collecting the I 八 mi,11n dllal (undTwo mi 11 iondollars has already been collected.Thirty-twoof Boston1s most influential corporations have joinedin the program.(4) US Education Secretary predicted the program.become a natiorml mode

24、lWill ISection OneIBM, following the lead of General Motors, announced today it* s pulling out of South Africa Like General Motors, IBM says it* s sei ling its South African holdings because of the political and economic situation there Anti-apartheid groups have praised the decision, but the State

25、Department says business pullouts are regrettable Spokesman Charles Redmond said today the Reagan Administration believes US corporate involvement in South Africa has been a progressive force against apartheidWe regret any decision to reduce US private sector involvement in South Africa Such reducti

26、ons could have harmful effects on black workers, injure the South African economy which has, on the whole, weakened the premises of apartheid and provided a means of improving the living standards 日nd skills of many people otherwise disadvantaged by apartheid, and it might 1imit the extent of US inf

27、luence in South Africa H State Department spokesman Charles Redmond. IBM employs some 1.500 people in South AfricaMore than fifty black youths were arrested today in Harare, Zimbabwe, when police broke up demonstrations at South African offices and the US embassy. Julie Fredricks reportsA group of m

28、ore than a thousand students and youths caused thousands of dollars of damage by burning and stoning the offices of the South African trade mission, South African Airways, Air Malawir and the Malawian High Commission. The demonstrators suspected South African complicity in the plane crash that kille

29、d Mozambiquan President Machel in South Africa and blamed Malawi for supporting the Pretoria-backed insurgents that are attacking Mozambique Zimbabwean government officials appealed for calm, and a statement from Prime Minister Mugabe just back from a trip to London is expected tomorrow For National

30、 Public Radio, this is Julie Fredricks in HararePresident Reagan met for about an hour today with West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl at the White House Kohl is the first European Leader to visit the Preside nt since the Reykjavik summit US officials say Kohl expressed support for the Presidentr s SD

31、I programSection TwoWest Germa n Cha ncellor Helmut Kohl is in Wash in gton D. C. for four days of meetings. Among the issues on his agenda are economic relations with the US and Germany1s policy towards southern Africa But today, Kohls talk with President Reagan was dominated by the recent US-Sovie

32、t summit meeting in Iceland NPRs Brenda Wilson reportsWhile no major agreement was signed by the United States and the Soviet Union in Reykjavik, the two countries made progress in arms control talks in areas that are a central concern to Americas European allies Those particular areas involve disar

33、mament proposals made in Iceland, affecting medium-range missiles and Iong-range missiles over which allies have voiced some reservations This was a major topic of discussion with Chancellor Kohl today, even though his Foreign Minister was briefed by the US Secretary of State only last week In remar

34、ks welcoming Chancellor Kohl, President Reagan sounded a positive note, saying that there was ample reason for optimismWhen the next agreement is finally reached with the Soviet Union, and I say when, not if, it will not be the result of weakness of timidity on the part of Western nations Instead, i

35、t will flow from our strength, realism and unityThe President also explained that achieving such an agreement would depend upon pushing ahead with his Strategic Defense Initiative, SDI, because it offered protection against cheating But members of NATO, in eluding Germa ny, have expressed concer n t

36、hat eliminating medium-range missiles in Europe as was proposed in Reykjavik would potentially leave Europe vulnerable to the Soviet shorter-range missiles and greater superiority in conventional forces They expressed doubts that SDI could make up for those deficiencies The allies, in particular Wes

37、t Germany, want reductions in medium-range missiles tied to reductions in shorter-range missiles and conventional forces Chancellor Kohl was expected to press these points and to urge President Reagan to compromise on SDI to keep talks between the US and the Soviets moving. Speaking through an inter

38、preter in his arrival remarks, Kohl did not mention SDI, Tt remains our goal, and I know that I shared with you,President, to create peace and security with ever fewerweapons In Reykjavik, thanks to your serious and consistent efforts in pursuit of peace, a major step was taken in this direct ion. A

39、nd we must now take the opportunities that present themselves without endangering our defensive capabilityAfter the meeting between Kohl and the President, a senior a dm in istrati on official quoted Kohl as saying that he has always been in favor of the Strategic Defense system At the White House,

40、Im Brenda Wilson.Section ThreeA group of business leaders in Boston today announced plans to expand a college scholarship program to include any eligible Boston high school graduate The business leaders announced plans for a permanent five-mi 11 ion dollar endowment fund, and they also promise to hi

41、re any of the students who go on to complete their college educations. Andrew Kaffery of member station WBUR has the reportThe Boston business communitys involvement in the Boston public school dates back almost twenty years, from work internships to an endowment program for Boston teachers Business

42、 has pumped more than one million dollars into the public schools. Now business leaders say they* re ready to make their biggest commitment yet: a multi-mill ion dollar scholarship program that wi 11 enable the city * s poorest kids to go on to college and to jobs afterward The program is called Act

43、ion Center for Educational Services and Scholarships, or ACESS According to Daniel Cheever, the President of Bostons Wheelock College, ACESS in not a blank check for the eligible graduatesFirst We111 help them get as much aid as they can from other sources, and secondly, wer11 provide the last dolla

44、r scholarship 1 should add, of course, they have to qualify for financial aid; that is, werre not handing out money to students who dont need it The average grant is around five hundred dollars and already the program has given one hundred Boston students more than fifty thousand dollars in scholars

45、hip money.Other assistanee from the program has helped those students raise more than six hundred thousand dollars in additional financial aid. School officials say this program will help a system where 43% of the students 1ive below the poverty level, and almost half who enter high school drop out

46、Robert Weaver was on Boston high school graduate who could not afford college Hes in the ACESS program now and will get a degree in airplane mechanics next year from the Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston. I got the Pale grant and the state scholarship, but there was still a gap There was l

47、ike a twenty-three hundred-dollar gap Wentworth1 s total bill was fifty-seven hundred, so 1 had to fill that amount with working over the summer, my family contribution. I paid for my own books, my own tools, things 1 ike that But without ACESS 1 wouldnt be where I am today.This program comes at an imports nt time for the city of Bosto n. Un employment here is among the lowest in the nati on an


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