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1、干细胞(stem cell),干细胞(stem cell),干细胞是具有自我更新与分化潜能的未分化或低分化细胞。医学界称之为“万用细胞”,干细胞具有“无限” 的增殖能力,能够产生与母代细胞相同的子代细胞,维持该干细胞种群。,自我更新,分化潜能,干细胞能分化生成不同表型的成熟细胞,例如胚胎干细胞可以分化形成个体的所有成熟细胞类型。,根据其发育阶段不同,可分为:,胚胎干细胞 (ESC)具有分化为机体任何一种组织器官的潜能。 如囊胚期内细胞团中的细胞。成体干细胞(ASC)机体组织中保留的一部分比较原始的细胞,一旦机体需要,这些细胞便可按发育途径,先分裂后分化,产生分化细胞。,按分化潜能的大小,全能干

2、细胞: 在一定条件下,能够分化发育成为完整个体的细胞,如哺乳动物桑葚胚的8细胞期之前的细胞 。多能干细胞: 在胚胎发育的三胚层形成后,细胞的分化潜能受到限制,仅能向本胚层组织和器官方向分化发育。如造血多能干细胞。 单能干细胞:只能分化为一种类型的细胞,而且自我更新能力有限,如上皮组织基底层的干细胞,肌肉中的成肌细胞,红系干细胞等。,骨髓干细胞,一类是造血干细胞(hematopoietic stem cells,HSCs),它为循环血液提供前体细胞;另一类是间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs),它是骨髓中主要的 支持细胞,在调节造血干细胞的长期存活,生长分化中起

3、重要作用。,二、干细胞的生物学特征,(一) 具有“无限”的自我更新能力,(二)多向分化潜能,(三)具有未分化或低分化特性 (四) 可塑性,1、干细胞的独特增殖方式,干细胞通过非对称分裂产生与一个与母代细胞完全相同的子代细胞,以保持干细胞稳定;同时还产生分化细胞。,2.细胞分化的潜能随个体发育进 程逐渐“缩窄”,细胞分化的一般规律:在胚胎发育过程中,细胞逐渐由“全能”到“多能”,最后向“单能”的趋向。,干细胞的可塑性,干细胞的可塑性:即干细胞具有在不同微环境中可转化为不同干细胞及不同类型的成熟组织细胞的特性。机制:1, 横向分化 2,去分化/脱分化 3,干细胞的异质性 4,细胞融合 5,基因重组

4、学说 6,亚全能干细胞学说影响因素:微环境和基因表达,三 鉴定,筛选,ESC:胚胎细胞在发育的不同阶段, 其细胞表面出现不同的抗原。未分化的人ESC 细胞表面SSEA-3、SSEA-4、TI-1-60、TRA-1-81等呈阳性.这些标记物加上干细胞时期细胞内碱性磷酸酶、端粒酶的特异性高表达, 可成为鉴定胚胎干细胞的依 据.ASC的鉴定识别主要通过三种途径: 分离培养和形态学观察; 免疫表型鉴定; 分化功能检测。,四 干细胞的应用,一,干细胞是早期胚胎发育的良好模型二,干细胞是研究人类疾病的良好模型三,干细胞具有临床应用的前景。1,移植治疗2,基因治疗3,转运载体4,干细胞库,五 存在的问题,1

5、)干细胞的分离、纯化、增殖、鉴定的问题。 2)干细胞诱导分化的问题。 3)移植时机的把握 4)供体细胞的功能表达问题 5)移植后免疫排斥反应。 6) 干细胞治疗中生物安全,伦理和法律问题,骨髓干细胞在抗肝纤维化治疗中的应用研究,优点:1,近年来有不少文献报道,骨髓干细胞可以分化为肝细胞,改善肝功能。2,研究发现,将肝星状细胞与MSC 共培养后,受活性肝星状细胞分泌的IL- 6 刺激,MSC 分泌IL- 10、TNF- 和肝细胞生长因子(hepatocyte growth factor,HGF),使得肝星状细胞增殖激活明显受抑制,凋亡增加,胶原合成显著减少。 3,相关资料显示,MSCs 除了有可

6、以分化为肝细胞的潜能外,还可以通过表达高水平的MMPs,尤其是MMP- 9来减少肝脏细胞外基质的沉积。,弊端:1,最近研究显示,BMSCs 移植入肝硬化小鼠体内,骨髓源性肝细胞仅占肝组织细胞总数的0.6%,而骨髓源性肝星状细胞和肌成纤维细胞则分别高达68%和70%,且是通过非融合方式直接来源于BMSCs,并具有型胶原转录活性,能促进纤维变性反应。2,另外,也有学者认为,慢性肝损伤还可诱导BMSCs 分化为肌成纤维细胞的前体细胞成纤维细胞,潜在地促进肝纤维化发展。因此用于肝再生的BMSCs 移植研究必须警惕其加重肝纤维化形成的可能。3,最值得引起注意的是骨髓干细胞可以促进肝细胞性肝癌的发生。,T

7、he Therapeutic Potential of Human UmbilicalMesenchymal Stem Cells from Whartons Jellyin the Treatment of Rat Liver Fibrosis,Pei-Chun Tsai,1 Tz-Win Fu,5 Yi-Ming Arthur Chen,2 Tsui-Ling Ko,8 Tien-Hua Chen,3 Yang-Hsin Shih,6,9 Shih-Chieh Hung,4,7* and Yu-Show Fu3,1,Abstract,We investigated the effect o

8、f human umbilical mesenchymal stem cells (HUMSCs) from Whartons jelly on carbon tetrachloride(CCl4)induced liver fibrosis in rats. Rats were treated with CCl4 for 4 weeks, and this was followed by a direct injection of HUMSCs into their livers. After 4 more weeks of CCl4 treatment (8 weeks in all),

9、rats with HUMSC transplants CCl4(8W) HUMSC liver exhibited a significant reduction in liver fibrosis, as evidenced by Sirius red staining and a collagen content assay, in comparison with rats treated with CCl4 for 8 weeks without HUMSC transplants CCl4 (8W). Moreover, rats in theCCl4 (8W)HUMSC (live

10、r) group had significantly lower levels of serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, glutamic pyruvate transaminase, a-smooth muscle actin, and transforming growth factor-1 in the liver, whereas the expression of hepatic mesenchymal epithelial transition factorphosphorylated type (Met-P) and hepatocy

11、te growth factor was up-regulated, in comparison with the CCl4 (8W) group。,Notably, engrafted HUMSCs scattered mostly in the hepatic connective tissue but did not differentiate into hepatocytes expressing human albumin or a -fetoprotein. Instead, these engrafted, undifferentiated HUMSCs secreted a v

12、ariety of bioactive cytokines that may restore liver function and promote regeneration. Human cytokine assay revealed that the amounts of human cutaneous T cellattracting chemokine, leukemia inhibitory factor, and prolactin were substantially greater in the livers of the CCl4 (8W)HUMSC (liver) group

13、, with considerably reduced hepatic inflammation manifested by a micro positron emission tomography scan. Our findings suggest that xenogeneic transplantation of HUMSCs is a novel approach for treating liver fibrosis and may be a promising therapeutic intervention in the future.,Aim,We investigated

14、the effect of human umbilical mesenchymal stem cells (HUMSCs) from Whartons jelly on carbon tetrachloride(CCl4)induced liver fibrosis in rats.,Materials and Methods,Rat:1,normal 2, CCl4 for 8 weeks 3, CCl4(8W) HUMSC index: weight, CTACK, Prolactin, LIF ,Met-P HGF/GAPGH GOT,GPT, a-SMA, TGF-1, collage

15、n 18F-FDG human albumin , human a-FP , fresh liver,Results,Conclusions,1,HUMSC transplantation can increase CTACK, Prolactin, LIF ,Met-P ,HGF/GAPGH and reduce GOT,GPT, a-SMA, TGF-1, inflammation so that it can inhibit HSC proliferation and collagen synthesis and enhance liver cell repair.2, The effe

16、ct of HUMSCs on reducing fibrogenesis most likely relies on bioactive factors or cytokines released from the grafted HUMSCs to trigger liver regeneration rather than on the differentiation of these cells into hepatocytes.In conclusion, sufficient amounts of HUMSCs in rat livers can secrete cytokines, reduce the activation of hepatic stellate cells, enhance liver cell repair, and effectively cure liver fibrosis.,Thank you!,


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