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1、Unit 9 Save the PlanetLesson 25 Going Greenv 教材分析本文是一个介绍性的语篇,年仅15岁的牛津男孩Jim介绍了他们一家在日常生活中为保护环境所做的点滴努力。本文的主旨在于介绍一个家庭环保的范例,宣传“绿色生活”的观念。本文的逻辑性很强,Jim在介绍他们家的做法前先提出了他发现的环保方面的问题,一是人们制造了太多垃圾,二是过度用电。前者会造成土壤污染和过度消费(不断买新的东西)。后者会造成空气污染,从而使人们的健康状况出现问题,并导致全球气候变暖等。然后他针对这些问题提出了解决方案,即循环再利用、自给自足、减少电器的使用、减少汽车的使用等。这种解决问题

2、式的写作手法条理清晰,能够很快让读者抓住文章的脉络。 教学目标【知识目标】根据获取的信息,运用学到的有关环保的词汇和语言进行采访交流。【能力目标】通过阅读,获取英国的一个家庭为保护环境所做出的努力的信息。【情感目标】通过阅读,增强学生“保护环境、人人有责”的意识。 教学重难点【教学重点】本文的重点是文章的脉络,比如文章提到的问题和解决方法。【教学难点】 课前准备本文的难点是让学生在语境中猜测词义,以及有关环保的语言和对绿色生活的讨论。1.课前准备:调试光盘与课件、给学生分组、为学生布置预习作业等; 2.教具学具:光盘、大卡片等。 教学过程Step1. Warm-up1. Brainstorm

3、the topics related to environmental protection.2. Listen and read the Key Words.Key Words: pollution, air, energy, factory, nature, plant trees, pollute, recycle, reuse, rubbish, soil, take action, water3. Look at the photos and answer these questions.4. Do a free talk on protecting environments.Ste

4、p2. Reading 1. Look at the photos and skim the text. Who wrote this article? What is it about?2. Read and find out the main idea of the passage.3. Divide the whole passage into three parts and get the main idea of each part.4. Read the Reading Help. Then read the text and find the problems and solut

5、ions Jim mentioned.5. Read aloud with the speaker.Step3. Consolidation1. Do a free talkWhich of Jims actions do you think can help protect the environment most? What other actions do you want to suggest?2. Match the words to form collocation.Step4. Speaking1. Work in pairs and share what you have le

6、arned from Jims family.2. Work in pairs and do an interview: What are the main environmental problems we have? What can we do to protect our environment?Step5. Language points1. Learn the useful expressions.take actionhear aboutsave the planetmore thankeep doing sth.throw awaydecide to doglobal warmingbecause ofsave electricitystop doing cut downcar pooltake turnsStep6. Homework“保护环境,人人有责”,请以How to Be a Greener Person 为题,写一篇有关环保的短文,并适当发表你的看法。(80 词左右)略4


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