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1、Un it 7 Secti on A (Grammar Focus-3c)I 用 is, are, its 或 theyre 填空1. How muchthat gree n T-shirt? $26.2. How muchthose black trousers? $33.3. How muchthe yellow bag? 20 yuan.4. How muchthe brow n shoes? 12 dollars.5. The shorts only $9. Ill take them.I用适当的数词填空6.0ne and nin ety-nine is one .7. Ten and

2、 two is .8. Eleven and fourteen is .9. Two and thirteen is .10. Nine and nine is .I根据句意及汉语提示完成句子11. You can buy the shirt for eight (美元).12.Ill take three (双)of shoes.13.I (需要)a sweater for school.14.1ll (买)the red hat.15. This color is great for (女人).I用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空16. (this) shoes are 12 dollars.

3、17. The old man (want) some bananas.18. How much (be) those pants?19. The blue socks are six dollars. Ill take (it).20. How many pairs of (shorts) do you want?I单项填空()21.2019 北京Excuse me,is this T -shirt?Its 88 yua n.A. how muchB.how manyC.how longD.how old( )22.These trousers are only fifty yuan two

4、 .A.for; pairB.to; theyC.of; themD.for; pairs()23.The hat is nice, but its too for me. I want a small one.A.smallB.bigC.dearD.cheap()24. Can I help you?A. No, you cantB. Sorry, you arentC. No, tha nksD. Yes, you can( )25.These shoesvery nice. How much this pair of shoes?A.are; areB.is; isC.are; isD.

5、is; areI根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词26. 我想要一双黄色的袜子。I want yellow socks.27. 你女儿喜欢什么颜色?”蓝色。”your daughter like?28. 这些绿色的短裤多少钱 ?”3元。 these gree n 30 yuan.29. 那件棕色的毛衣多少钱 ?the brow n sweater?30. 它们看起来不错。They .I完形填空Woma n: Can I help you?Lily: Yes, please. I 31 a sweater. How much is the sweater? I cant see the price.

6、Woma n:32 here, forty-one dollars.Lily: Forty -one dollars? How much is it in 33 money?Woma n: Let me see. Its about 270 yua n.Lily: It is too expe nsive.Woma n: Do you 34 so?Lily: Yes, of course. OK. Forget it.How 35 is the backpack?Woma n:36 here. Its sixtee n dollars.Lily: Oh n o, its expe nsive,

7、 too. How much are the 37 ?Woma n: Let me 38 a look. Oh, ten dollars and eight cen ts.Lily: For a big 39 of socks? Thats cheap. All right. Ill 404 boxes of socks.()31 .A. haveB.n eedC.takeD.make()32.AtsB.Im C.Youre D.Theyre()33 .A.En glishB.America nC.Japa neseD.Ch in ese()34. A.thi nkB.wa ntC.showD

8、.k now()35.A.lo ngB.old C.muchD.ma ny()36.A. Liste nB.LookC.ReadD.Watch)37.A.shortsB.shoesC.pantsD.socks)38.A.haveB.learnC.meetD.give)39.A.bagB.boxC.cupD.piece)40.A.sellB.findC.takeD.have(Unit 7 Section A (Grammar Focus -3c)I .1.is; Its 2.are; Theyre3.is; Its 4.are; Theyre5.areI .6.hundred 7.twelve

9、8.twenty-five9.fifteen 10.eighteenI .11.dollars 12.pairs 13.need14.take/buy 15.womenI .16.These 17.wants 18.are 19.them20.shortsI .21.A 22.D 23.B 24.C25.C 第一句话的主语是 shoes,因此谓语动词用 are第二句话的主语是this pair,因此谓语动词用 is。I .26.a pair of 27.What color does; Blue28.How much are; shorts; They are 29.How much is 30.look nice/goodI .31.B 32.A33.D34.A35.C36.B 37.D 38.A 39.B 40.C


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