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1、本 科 毕 业 论 文题 目:On English Translation of Chinese Public Signs 院 (系): 外语系 班 级: 英语 级 班 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 教师职称: V汉英公示语的翻译摘要公示语向来被称作“城市的脸孔,是给所有到中国来的外国人士留下第一印象的中国名片。然而,公示语翻译的错误比比皆是,这大大影响了公示语作用的发挥,削弱了我国的国际形象。为了树立我国良好的国际形象,不断规范和完善城市公示语的翻译成为了一项亟待完成的工作。基于以上原因,作者尝试从理论和实践的角度分析现今汉英公示语翻译中所存在的一些问题。通过对大量标准以及问题公示语翻译的

2、深入观察分析,作者对公示语的一般特征进行了总结并对公示语翻译中出现的问题进行了分类,从而在实践观察和对相关理论深入研究的基础上提出相应的翻译策略。翻译并不仅仅是跨语言行为,它更是一种文化信息的传递。公示语的翻译同样如此。得体的公示语翻译不仅在语言上要无懈可击,在文化信息传递上也要雅俗共赏。本文还对公示语的概念做出了解释,并根据目的需求与功能两种标准对公示语做了分类。在介绍公示语的特征时,作者将其分为语言特征与功能特征,特征与分类不同,也决定了需要采取不同的翻译策略。 关键词:汉英翻译;公示语;问题;翻译策略On English Translation of Chinese Public Sig

3、ns AbstractPublic signs, which have always been referred to “face of city”, are the first impression of China for the people who come to China. However, the ubiquitous translation mistakes of public signs greatly undermine the international image of China. So, specificating and constantly perfecting

4、 the translation of public signs have become an urgent work in order to establish a good international image.The paper ventures an attempt to analyze the current problems existing in the C-E translation of public signs and to seek proper translational strategies both from the perspectives of theory

5、and practiceBy closely observing numerous samples of both standard and problematic translation of signs,the author manages to generalize the characteristics of public signs and to categorize the problems and mistakes in the current C-E translation of public signsThen, proper translational strategies

6、 are proposed on the basis of in-depth study of relevant theories and keen observation of practiceTranslation is not merely a cross-linguistic activity, but more of a transmission of cultural informationThe translation of public signs is no exceptionAn appropriate translation of public sign should n

7、ot only be linguistically correct, but also culturally acceptableThis paper expresses the meaning of the public signs and classify the signs according to the standards of objective demand and function. And the characteristics of the public signs are different studied from linguistic features and fun

8、ctional features, which determines to adopt different translation strategies.Key words: Chinese-English translation public sign problems translation strategyContents摘要IAbstract.IICHAPTER I Introduction.11.1 Objective of the study.11.2 Significance of the study.11.3 Structure of the paper.2CHAPTER II

9、 General Introduction to Public Signs.32.1 Definition of Public Signs.32.2 Functions of Public Signs.32.2.1 Directing function.42.2.2 Prompting function.42.2.3 Restricting function.42.2.4 Compelling function.5CHAPTER III Analysis on Problems in C-E Translation of Public Signs.63.1 Linguistic transla

10、tion problems.6 3.1.1 Spelling errors.6 3.1.2 Grammatical errors.6 3.1.3 Wrong dictions.73.2 Cultural translation problems.7CHAPTER IV Strategies of C-E Public Signs Translation and Requirementfor Translator.94.1 Principles of C-E translation of Public Signs.94.1.1 Clearness.94.1.2 Conciseness.104.1

11、.3 Simple words.104.2 Methods of C-E translation of Public Signs.114.2.1 Modification.114.2.2 Addition.114.2.3 Omission.124.2.4 Mutual transformation of affirmative and negative expressions.134.3 Requirement for the translators.13CHAPTER V Conclusion.15Acknowledgements.16Works Cited.17CHAPTER I Intr

12、oduction1.1 Objective of the study The research objective of the study is to examine the translation problems in the Chinese-English public signs translation and further propose the translation strategies as well as principles suitable for specific groups. The studies begin with the careful and long

13、 period of observation of the problems existing in the public signs translation. On the basis of the classification of the translation errors proposed by Christiane Nord, the author aims at the most appropriate translation strategies for each type. With the examination of sufficient sources, the aut

14、hor finds that it is not difficult to eliminate the errors at linguistic level since the text of the public signs is less complex than documentary and other instrumental texts due to its conciseness and directness features (Ni 18).1.2 Significance of the study Public Signs affect peoples life in a t

15、remendous way. When somebody smokes, it is the public sign that stops him. In fascinating and mysterious spots where we have never been to, it is the public sign that teaches us related knowledge. Foreign visitors from all walks of life,such as entrepreneurs,professors,students and tourists come to

16、China for various purposesBut for most of them,they know little about ChineseIn this case,it is necessary to translate Chinese public signs into English for the convenience of these foreign visitorsIn this case, a proper translation helps establish a good image of China and enhance the cultural comm

17、unication.1.3 Structure of the paper The paper is structured with five chapters: The first chapter is a general introduction to the thesis, including the objective of the study, the structure of the thesis and the significance of the study. The second chapter makes a general introduction to public s

18、ign, including the definition and functions of public sign. The third chapter focuses on the problems of C-E translation of public signs from linguistics and cultural perspectives. The fourth chapter deals with translation strategies of C-E public signs in connection with principles, methods and the

19、 standardization for the translators, including modification, addition, omission and mutual transformation of affirmative and negative expressions. And the fifth chapter draws a conclusion to the paper,in which the author appeals for translators and scholars to make contributions to the C-E translat

20、ion of public signsCHAPTER II General Introduction to Public Signs2.1 Definition of Public SignsPublic Signs,which are usually called“signs”,include public notices,advertisements,slogans and expressions on the public signsPublic signs refer to “signs” in English and are defined in different ways. Ac

21、cording to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English(1997),a sign is a piece of paper, metal, or wood with words or a picture that gives information,warnings,or instructions. In that sense, public sign is the general terms for indicators,signs,traffic signs, posters, slogans, warning, short notices

22、,short instructions,stickers,and are becoming the catch word and the buzzwordAll in all, public signs are so widely used and played important roles in our daily life.2.2 Functions of Public SignsPublic signs are essential to the normal operation of the society and their influence is also visible in

23、almost every aspect of our daily lifeSometimes,we have to admit that our lives cannot do without the proper guidance that public signs provide to usHowever, what usually happens is that we are prone to be bewildered by various public signs and the enormous information they convey to usTherefore, it

24、would be necessary to classify the public signs in terms of their functions as well as the status of information that they deliver2.2.1 Directing function Directing is the most basic function of public signs, this type of public signs is used to give readers related information about what the instit

25、ution is,what it deals with and what kind of service it can provideFor example: Take Away(外卖),Gas Station(加油站), Emergency Exit(紧急出口), Business Hours(营业时间),Pause(暂停),Menu(菜单),Airport Security(机场安检). From the examples above we may tell that the language and the tone of these public signs are generally

26、 neutral,reflecting no attitude towards receptorsTherefore,public signs of this kind are purely informative rather than vocative2.2.2 Prompting function Promoting signs are similar to the directive ones in their informative function. While the difference is the former carries the tone of warning,rem

27、inding the readers to pay some attention to certain things or activitiesFor example: Keep Clear(请保持清洁), Keep Silence(请保持安静), Wet Paint(油漆未干),Fully Booked(客满),Beware of Pickpockets(小心扒手),Maximum Height(限高).2.2.3 Restricting function Public Signs with restricting function impose restriction or even pr

28、ohibition on receptors. The language used in this kind of signs are simple and direct but are not in rude,tough or impolite wayWe can list some of them as following: Pay In Cash(现金支付), Slow Out(减速慢行), Keep Silence(保持安静), 30 Minutes Parking(限停30分钟), Seat By Number(对号入座), Stand In Line(排队等候).2.2.4 Com

29、pelling function Compelling function is the strongest considerable mood. It is used to prohibit the readers to do something or must do something. The language used is usually forceful,with no possibility of making a compromiseThe sign with this function which we mostly often see is“No Smoking禁止吸烟”,t

30、hat is to say that smoking is completely forbiddenImperative sentence is not enough to express this strong mood,usually, we use“No+”form,for example,“No Food禁止携带食物”More examples: Dont Touch(禁止触摸), No Cameras(禁止拍照),No Visitors(游客止步), No Trucks(卡车禁止通行), Dogs Not Allowed(禁止带狗入内). Translation of the pub

31、lic signs, translators not only need to grasp their function features since we use different mood to express different function, but also should keep their language features in mind during the translating.CHAPTER III Analysis on Problems in C-E Translation of Public Signs3.1 Linguistic translation p

32、roblems Linguistic translation errors are often due to deficiencies in the translators source or target language competence (Nord 77). And in his book Pragmatics and English Language He Ziran explained that by making linguistic errors,the translators and interpreters fail to conform to the target la

33、nguage structures,instead they blindly translate the source text in their own language structures(157). Professor Wang Yinquan, classifies linguistic translation errors into: spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes and wrong diction (32).3.1.1 Spelling errorsSpelling errors are typical translation probl

34、ems in bilingual public signs. The reasons for this type of errors attribute to the three factors: the incompetent language acquisition, the laziness of the translator when writing, the uncertainty of the correct spelling, among which the third type is most difficult to be identified. For example:3.

35、1.2 Grammatical errors Apart from spelling mistakes,many grammatical errors also occur in the translated signsThese errors appear in various forms,most of which result from the translators poor command of the English language or irresponsible working attitudeAs a result,the translated public signs c

36、annot be of any help to the target readersSometimes they may do damage the image of our cityFor example: 室内停车场(Car Park)It may be apparent to tell that the translator intends to use the word“park”as a noun to express the meaning of parking place for automobilesHowever, as a noun the word actually me

37、ans a public place where people can entertain themselves with the landscape or public facilities in itTherefore, it will be advisable to use the gerund form of the word “park”and translate it as“Indoor Parking”3.1.3 Wrong dictions Wrong Dictions occur when the translator doesnt make right choices of

38、 words in the target culture that will lead to unsuccessful expression of the correct information to the target text receivers. In fact, many English words have more than one meaning. Sometimes one word used to describe the source culture may not be applicable in another situation and the diction is

39、 conditioned. The words chosen for each text might vary according to different semantic and syntactic features in different situations. For example: 请勿采摘花朵-Please Dont Pick Flowers. Here use“pick”to describe the gesture. In fact, there is a variety of expression in English corresponding with “摘”, of

40、 which one of the expressions is “pick”. But in the given circumstances, “pick”doesnt equate with “摘”. “Pick” means to select among a variety of choices, but here the sender wants to persuade people not to pluck the flowers. The error is due to the confusion about the seemingly identical usage of on

41、e word.3.2 Cultural translation problems As we all know, people in different cultures may view the same thing in different ways and differ in the perspective of cognitionAt the same time,they express the same idea in different wayAs far as Chinese and English are concerned, culture differences are t

42、remendousTranslation breaks down language barriers and thus realizes communication between cultures using different languages. In this sense, target readers approach to people of source culture whose beliefs, backgrounds, perception of the world are distinct from their own. For example: 古装照相 It is a

43、ncient to pack photo“古装照相” is a typical Chinese term. In English, people dont have the correspondent term. According to the public signs translation convention, the signs which are composed of Chinese noun phrases are expected to have the same structure in English version, so the sentence is not cor

44、rect in terms of the sentence structure. Also concerning the meaning of the sentence, it is wrongly translated that the foreigners cant get the message which leads to the pragmatic failure of the assumed function. The correct version should be “Photos in ancient costume”.CHAPTER IV Strategies for C-

45、E Public Signs Translation4.1 Principles of C-E translation of Public Signs As we know, different functions need different language forms to convey and each language style possesses its special principles. Ni Chuanbin and Liu Zhi analyze the language principles of public signs in their essay“The Principles for C-E Translation of Public Signs and its Cases


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