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1、高中英语优秀教案必修二(人教版)全套(下)学生学习的方案,教师备课的设计 高中英语优秀教案必修二(人教版)全套 内容简介 新课标学案人教版?高中英语以英语课程标准为总纲,以人教社英语教材为主线,以学生认知水平为标准,结合了多年教学积累的优秀而独特的教学案,汲取了近几年的全国高考试题以及模拟试题的精华。学案既有条理清晰的知识点总结,经典的例题素材,又有精心挑选的习题;源于教材,又高于教材,从中既能找到课本的影子,又跳出了书本并开阔了学生的视野,使其具有丰富的英语综合能力。学案极具系统性和全面性,是学生学习的方案,教师备课的设计。 1 学生学习的方案,教师备课的设计 总目录 2 学生学习的方案,教

2、师备课的设计 Period 2 Learning about Language The General Idea of This Period: This period includes revision of the text、learning about language.From this period the students will learn how to use some of the key words and expressions in the text and do some exercises for consolidation,and learn how to us

3、e the Present Perfect Passive Voice. Teaching Aims: 1.Help the students to learn to use some useful words and expressions. 2.Enable the students to learn how to use the present perfect passive voice. Teaching Important Point: The use of the present perfect passive voice. Teaching Difficult Points: H

4、ow to master the usages of some important words and phrases and the Present Perfect Passive Voice. Teaching Methods: 1.Task-based learning. 2.Cooperative learning. 3.Explanation and practice. Teaching Aids: 1.A tape recorder. 2.A multimedia. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Revision T:Boys and girls,in l

5、ast period we learned something about the history and development of computers.Now who would like to retell the text with the help of these figures? S:Let me try.In 1642,a calculating machine was used in France.Then in 1922,the Analytical Machine was 1made by Charles Babbage.It could follow instruct

6、ions from cards with holes.In 1936,Alan Turing,the real father of computers,wrote a book to describe how computers could be made to work and built a “universal machine” to solve any mathematical problem.Later,people discovered the computer had “artificial intelligence”.In the 1960s,the computer got

7、his new transistors.Its size was totally changes at that time.And in the early 1960s,the first family of computers were connected to each other.In 1970s,computers have brought into peoples homes.Now computers have 3 学生学习的方案,教师备课的设计 been used by billions of people to deal with information and communi

8、cate with each other around the world by the Internet. T:Congratulations!Youve done very well.Now try to do the same to your partners,OK! Step 2 Words and Expressions Task 1 T:Please turn to Page 19 and finish Discovering Useful Words and Expressions.At first,look at Ex.1.From the reading passage,fi

9、nd the words and expressions with the following meanings.Now,ten students will be asked to give the words.Who can?Volunteers! Check the answers together. Task 2. T:Well done.Now please look at Ex 2.and complete the passage with some of the words above.Pay attention to the use and the forms of those

10、words. The possible answers: network so that went by totally truly simple-minded Anyway deal with Task 3 T:Please finish Ex.3.Look at the sentences on Page 20.Tick the right word.Then some of you will be asked to read the sentences one by one. The possible answers: 1.Life totally changed when I went

11、 to university. 2.I was amazed to find that I won the competition to design a new computer. 3.The competition was so exciting that we cheered all evening. 4.I was so excited at the thought of meeting Yang Liwei that I could not sleep. 5.Robots can be bought so cheaply that I gave one to each of my f

12、riends. 6.It was so unlucky that you lost your watch at the concert. Task 4 T:Please turn to Page 56 and lets finish Using Words and Expressions.First look at Ex.1.Read through the words in the right-hand box below.Use some of them to name each part of a computer in the left-hand box.We have known a

13、bout computer.But who can give us the exact names? The possible answers: 1.floppy disc 2.hard disc 3.scanner 4.modem 5.CD-ROM 6.monitor 7.keyboard 8.printer Task 5 T:Now please look at Ex.2.Complete the sentences with some of the words in the right-hand box above.You can use each word only once.Firs

14、t do the exercise individually,and then check your answers with your partners.And last seven students will be asked to report their answers to the class. The possible answers: 1.A printer is a machine for printing text or pictures onto paper,especially once connected to a computer. 2.A CD-ROM or dis

15、k is the main device that a computer uses to store information. 3.A monitor is used to see your data on a computer. 4.A keyboard is used to put data into a computer. 5.A CPU is often used to connect computers to each other through phone lines. 6.Data can also be stored in a floppy disc,which is smal

16、l and can be carried easily. 7.A hard disc is a disc that contains computer data.It can store a large amount of data. Step 3 GrammarThe Present Perfect Passive Voice T:Boys and girls,now please pay attention to the following sentences in the text: 1.As the years have gone by,I have been made smaller

17、 and smaller. 2.Since then,my family and I have been used by billions of people to deal with information and communicate 4 学生学习的方案,教师备课的设计 with each other around the world by the Internet. 3.I have truly been built to serve the human race since my birth. T:What verb tense is used in these sentences?

18、And what verb voice is used in these sentences? Yes,the present perfect passive voice is used in these sentences. Can you tell us the structure of the present perfect passive voice? subject,have/has been done,object”.The Quite right.The structure of the present perfect passive voice is “function of

19、present perfect passive voice is indicating verbs the present perfect and the passive voice.OK,lets practise the present perfect passive voice. Task 1 T:Please turn to Page 20.Lets finish Discovering useful structures. At first,look at Ex.2.According to examples,change the following sentences into t

20、he present perfect passive voice.Put the verbs into the correct form. Suggested answers: 1.A new personal computer has been bought. 2.Many problems have been found with our new computer. 3.A PC has been built the way we wanted. 4.Our computer has just joined to the Internet. 5.The computer has been

21、used every day since we bought it. 6.A lot of e-mails have been written on the computer in the last year. Task 2 T:Class,lets play a game called “What has been decided”.Now,get into groups of four.Your task is to decide what things have been decided for the class.Take turns to make the ideas as inte

22、resting and lively as you like.You may finish them according to EXAMPLES on Page 21,(or finish Ex.3 after class.)Then collect the ones you all like best and be prepared to tell them to the class. Suggested answers: S:It has been decided that those who know of the computer will be asked to say someth

23、ing in class. 1S:It has been decided that those who didnt clean the blackboard will be asked to come into office after school. 2Task 3 T:Now,please turn to Page 57.Finish using structures.First,look at Ex.1 and change the following sentences according to the model,and pay attention to the passive vo

24、ice form.First do the exercise individually,and then check your answers with your partners.After that well check the answers in class. Step 4 Homework T:OK,its almost time for a break.Now look at Ex.2 on Page 57.Translate the following sentences into English after class.The words and expressions in

25、brackets may help you. Step 5 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 3 Computers Period 2 The Present Perfect Passive Voice 1.As the years have gone by,I have been made smaller and smaller. 2.Since then,my family and I have been used by billions of people to deal with information and commu

26、nicate with each other around the world by the Internet. 3.I have truly been built to serve the human race since my birth. Structure: “subject+have/has been done+object” Step 6 Record after Teaching 5 学生学习的方案,教师备课的设计 Period 3 Extensive Reading The General Idea of This Period: This period includes re

27、vision of the text,Reading and speaking on Page 22、Reading task on Page 58.In this period the students will be involved in a speaking activity about designing an android after reading the story of Andy,and learn something about the performances of a sporting robot of the 22nd century,Hua Fei in 78th

28、 Olympics and 79th Olympics,so that the students will not only improve their reading and speaking,but also their creative thinking. Teaching Aims: 1.Help the students to learn about the different ways of designing the robots and give their opinions to the class. 2.Enable the students to discuss to d

29、esign their own robots. Talk about the different ways of designing the robots. Teaching Important and Difficult Points: How to design their own robots and report their designing to the class. Teaching Methods: 1.Task-based learning. 2.Cooperative learning. Teaching Aids: 1.A tape recorder. 2.A multi

30、media. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Greetings Step 2 Reading (1) Weve learned a lot about computers,but can you imagine that computers could be put into androids or robots.Think of the fun you could have!Now lets first read the passage about a robot called Andywhat it looks like and what it can do on

31、 Page 22,and then well have a designing competition to see who will design the best robots. The students read the passage for several minutes. T:A few simple questions for you.What does Andy look like? What can it do? S:Andy looks like a human.It is designed to play football games and can move and t

32、hink like a human.Andy is 2really smart. T:I agree with you.Are you eager to design your smart robots?Now in small groups discuss how to design your own androids,draw a picture of your androids and write down your design.You may refer to the following questions: 1.What would you like it to look like

33、? 2.What are some of the things you would like it to do? 3.Do you want it to be like a man or a woman or neither? 4.How much would it cost? T:And dont forget to use the following expressions in your discussion. I think that In my opinion. What is your reason? I have decided that. After several minut

34、es. T:Now,Ill check your work.One from each group will show your picture of the android you have designed and 6 学生学习的方案,教师备课的设计 tell the class your design.And well see which group has designed the best android.Who would like to try first? S:Look here.This is the picture of the robot weve designed.Wh

35、at does it look like?Yes,it looks like a dog.We 3all like dogs very much.Every morning it will wake us up so that we will not be late for school.Then it will company us to school and carry our heavy bags.You know how heavy our bags are!In the evening,after a whole days hard work,it will play beautif

36、ul music to help us relax.Maybe it will cost at least 2000 yuan,but we dont think it is too expensive to have such a good friend. S:Well,wed like to design our robot in this way.We would like it to look like the famous footballer Beckham 4who serves as a striker on the football team.It has the most

37、advanced program,so it can move and think like Beckham,and of course can shoot good goals like him.We would like it to enter the next Electronic World Cup,and we are sure that it will win the cup! T:Your designs are very unusual and smart.I really want to go on appreciating your designs,but time is

38、limited.Will you put up your pictures of the robots you have designed with instructions on the back wall,and then decide which group has designed the best androids after comparison? Step 3 Reading (2) Class,lets come to the Reading Task on Page 58.First read the passage quickly and then fill in the

39、chart of Exercise 1 and keep a record of his performances of the sporting robot of the 22nd century,Hua Fei in 78th Olympics and 79th Olympics.After doing it individually,please check your answers with your partners,and then we will check the answers in class. Suggested answers RECORD CARD HUA FEI A

40、bility High flying exercises Performance in 78th Olympics Wonderful turns,dives,circles and dances Prize won Silver medal Began very well but failed through on fault of Performance in 79th Olympics his own Reason for failure Parachute failed to open Treatment Two new legs and a new head Step 4 Homew

41、ork T:Its almost time for a break.Now homework for you today. 1.Compare the designs of the androids of each group and try to decide which one is the best. 2.Suppose you have been lucky enough to be allowed to interview Hua Fei in hospital for your school paper.Work out some questions together with y

42、our partner,and then interview each other. Step 5 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 3 Computers Period 3 Time Events 1642 1822 1936 1960s 1960s 1970s Now 7 学生学习的方案,教师备课的设计 Reference for your design of the androids: 1.What would you like it to look like? 2.What are some of the things y

43、ou would like it to do? 3.Do you want it to be like a man or a woman or neither? 4.How much would it cost? RECORD CARD HUA FEI Ability High flying exercises Performance in 78th Olympics Wonderful turns,dives,circles and dances Prize won Silver medal Began very well but failed through on fault Perfor

44、mance in 79th Olympics of his own Reason for failure Parachute failed to open Treatment Two new legs and a new head Step 6 Record after Teaching Period 4 Listening The General Idea of This Period: This period includes listening and writing on Page 21;listening on Page 55 and listening task on Page 5

45、8.Apparently,the purpose of this period is to train the students listeningfor information;for comprehension and for language.Meanwhile,the students will be trained to express their own opinions after listening. Teaching Aims: 1.Help the students to learn about the knowledge of information technology

46、. 2.Enable the students to get the main ideas of the listening materials. Teaching Important and Difficult Points: 1.How to get the main idea and information in details. 2.Express their own opinions after listening. Teaching Methods: 1.Task-based learning. 2.Cooperative learning. Teaching Aids: 1.A

47、tape recorder. 2.A multimedia. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Revision Check the students interviews. Get the students to work together with their partners to interview each other. 8 学生学习的方案,教师备课的设计 Step 2 Listening and writing (Page 21) Task 1 Listen to a conversation T:Class,as we all know,the 21st c

48、entury is the century of information and technology.Next we will listen to a conversation about different kinds of information technology or IT.And as we know,each kind of information technology has its own advantages and disadvantages.So from this conversation we will listen for the advantages and disadvantages of each one.But before listening lets first look at the pictures on


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