最新高中英语优秀教案(人教版):必修五+Unit+3 名师优秀教案.doc

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1、高中英语优秀教案(人教版):必修五 Unit 3Unit 3 Life in the future Brief Statements Based on This Unit The topic of this unit is about life in the future, which is full of imagination.The unit gives us vivid pictures about the first impression in 3005 AD.The four skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing al

2、l center on the topic, life in the future. This unit can be divided into six partswarming up, reading, learning about language, using language, listening and speaking, summing up and learning tip. In Warming-up, students are expected to fill in a chart.Let the students compare differences in life be

3、tween in 1005AD and in 2005AD, and encourage them to imagine what will happen in 3005AD.The purpose of designing this part is to prepare the students for the knowledge of life in the future. In Pre-reading, two questions are presented.The first question is to ask the students to list all the problem

4、s we are facing.The other one is to get the students to discuss whether the problems will still exist in the future and will get much more serious in the future. In Reading, the students are to read a letter named First Impressions.In the letter, Li Qiang told his parents about how he traveled to th

5、e living space in 3005AD and what he saw there.In reading, it is necessary for the teacher to get the students aware of the strategies for reading descriptive articles.The purpose of designing this part is to develop the students reading ability, to In Post-reading, three exercises are followed.The

6、students are asked to discuss which changes are good, while others belong to disadvantages.The next one is to ask the students to infer the authors attitude towards the future.At the same time, the students are expected to show their own opinions to the whole class and reason them, trying to persuad

7、e othersIn Learning about language, there are two parts.The first is about vocabulary, which is to ask the students to apply the words and phrases freely.The other exercises are about the grammar, that In Using language reading, speaking and writing, there is a passage titled I have seen amazing thi

8、ngs.Teaching and learning activities can be focused on reading, speaking and writing In listening, the listening material is also about life in the future, which is about living in Wonder world.By listening to it, arouse the students to imagine whether such a world is fit for living in. In Speaking,

9、 the teacher mainly offers the students the chance to talk about the future and In Writing, the students are expected to learn to describe a person in their imagination to get the students not only to be familiar with description but also to form the good habit of imagining. In Summing up and Learni

10、ng tips, let the students learn to sum up what they have mastered in this unit, including words, expressions, grammar and what to know about the future.The purpose of this is to get the students to know what they have learned and what need to be learned in the future.Besides that, some advice is als

11、o given to the students on how to write down notes. The new words and expressions to be learned in this unit are: vehicle, carriage, private, settlement, impression, constant, constantly, previous, tablet, capsule, opening, surrounding, lack, ache, mask, bend, press, swift, master, sight, flash, opt

12、imistic, length, extraordinary, helmet, assist, agency, skip, require.take up, remind.of, lose sight of, catch sight of, speed up, assist in, space agency, as a result, suffer from, be similar to, be well-known for, as though, in no time, provide.with, fall fast asleep, search for, go soft, speak in

13、 whispers, mix with, wave about, shake from side to side, depend on, put on, get lost, as if by magic, plenty of, in all directions. 1.It took me only a few minutes to master the idea and soon I could fly as fast as Wang Ping. 2.I got lost when we reached what looked like a large market because of t

14、he people flying by in all directions. 4.Wang Pings mother appeared, flashed a switch on a computer screen, and a table and 5.Worried about the journey, I was unsettled f Exhausted, I slid in Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Grammar Period 6 Language Focusing Period 7 Assessment Period 1

15、 Welcome to the Unit The General Idea of This Period This is the first period of this unit.At the beginning of this period, the teacher can spend some time training the students to read new words and expressions.The purpose of this is to offer some new expressions to the students, which are helpful

16、for the students to talk about the topic “life in the future” and to help the students pronounce them correctly. This unit is about life in the future, so the teacher can let the students brainstorm the words or phrases about future.In their minds, what will life in the future be like?The students a

17、re free to say anything that they can imagine.They should be encouraged to be brave enough to speak out what they dream.This activity gives Ss a chance to express their imagination.At the same time, this Later Ss are required to talk in groups of four about the following topic: Think about how many

18、changes there have been in the last one thousand years.Now think about what changes you might expect to find in the next one thousand years in the following aspects: transport, houses, Then ask students to draw a picture about the topic “my future family”.After that, let some of them show what they

19、have designed in the picture.Whats more, the teacher can ask them why they design it in this way and whether it is possible to realize their dream in the future.If they want such dreams to come true, what should they d Apart from the above, the teacher can design a competition.Divide the class into

20、four groups.Each group should work together to list the problems human beings are facing t.The group, which has listed the most problems, will be the best.Following that competition, the teacher will ask the students to consider what problems people in the future will have to overcome and which ones

21、 will still exist there or might be even worse in AD 3005 so as to lead in the text more coherently. The Ss are supposed to analyze the possibilities, and also show their reasons for such imagination. Finally, the teacher had better let the students consider this question“Do you want to live in AD 3

22、0 Teaching Important Points Have the students discuss the changes that have taken place for almost one thousand years Encourage the studen Understand and learn the following words and expressions: vehicle, carriage, private, settlement, impression, take up, constant, remind, previous, tablet, capsul

23、e, surrounding, lack, mask, bend, press, swift, master, lose sight of, catch sight of, sweep, switch, optimistic, length, Teaching Difficulties Teaching Aids CAI equipment with a multi- Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge Aims Learn about the changes that have happened for almost one thousand

24、years and what will happen in the coming one thousand mask, bend, press, swift, master, lose sight of, catch sight of, sweep, switch, optimistic, length, Ability Aims Encourage the students to imagine what will happen in the future to cultivate the students for Emotional Aims Encourage the students

25、to be brave enough to imagine what seems impossible today.Let them realize nothing is impossible and we can make the impossible possible.Having courage to imagine Teaching Procedure Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Word Puzzles T: Open your books to Page 94.Lets read the words and expressions together. (The s

26、tudents read those words and expressions together.Help them pronounce the new words and expressions correctly.Later give them some time to remember some.If some students are poor in pronunciation, the teacher should give them some more help.) T: Now, listen to me carefully.I will give you some expla

27、nations or situations for some words and phrases.When I tell you some meanings or situations, youd better guess which words or phrases I refer to.Get ready for it.Lets see who will be the first to find out the correct answers. T: When we go to some place, especially to a place far away from you, wha

28、t do you need the most? S: Vehicle T: What a beautiful sentence.Next one is coming before in time or order.Can you guess what S: I think T: Good.I like the book very much, but I dont have enough money on me.What difficulty do T: You are T: Even if he is in lack of money to buy food to eat and to buy

29、 a house to live in, he is still T: Quite goo Step 3 Brainstorming T: As we all know, no one can stop the wheel of history.Our society keeps advancing, so what will happen in the future?Sure you often dream of your beautiful life tomorrow.Now, Id like to share with you what you have imagined about t

30、he future.You are free to show your different imaginations. S: People will not have to work, because all of work will be done by machine. S: People will go to space very easily.We can go to other stars just as we visinowadays. Fields What will the_become in the future Energy Language Farm Factory (F

31、ive min S: In the future people will live in different places.As the population is exploding, more S: In the future people will speak on S: In the future, people can eat anything.People wont need to worry about the food problem in the world. S: In the future people can find many ways to deal with po

32、llution, we can live in a better environment.People in the future will explore a new kind of energy, which will never be used up. Step 4 Discussion T: Just now you offered me a good chance to vividly view a future world.It is full of imagination and wonders.Lets wait together for it coming asap (as

33、soon as possible).Now lets try to think about the many changes there have been in the last one thousand years.Then think about what changes you might expect to find in the next one thousand years, especially consider the following fields: transport, houses, villages, towns, location and settlement.I

34、 will break you up into several groups.Each group is made up of four students.Discuss it in groups.In five minutes, (The teacher had better join in the discussion and give them some guidance when/whenever necessary.After the discussion, some students will come to summarize what the group has discuss

35、ed.) AD1005: China AD2005: Modern World AD3005: Your ideas Transport By horse or by simple By car, by bus, by train, by By spaceship, or vehicle such as a air, by motorbike, by bike, capsule, by advanced carriage. by maglev, by ship. vehicle to be invented. Houses Made of wood and mud: Apartment, vi

36、lla, Siheyuan Special houses with no bathrooms. advanced equipment, which can be moved to any place. Villages Many small house round There are many buildings Farmers neednt go to a temple and a pond. with gardens, wide roads and work, and they will large fields. live in a folded house with everythin

37、g people need.Computer will do anything to help villagers. Towns Streets with markets, There are crowded Streets will not as small shops and private skyscrapers on both sides of crowded as now, houses. main streets with malls and because the entire shopping centers. vehicle can fly in the whatever t

38、hey need for free. Location of On the earth; on land On the earth, on land On the moon, on the settlement other planets; under the sea. (In fact, there are no fixed answers to the question what the future will be like.Various answers are possible.) T: Now, let us have a competition about designing o

39、ur future family.Four students make up a group to design it.Make a sketch together.After that, some of you will show what you have designed in the picture.Discuss it first and then draw it.You are allowed to finish it in six minutes. T: Have you finished it?Its time for you to show your pictures.Let

40、s see which group can offer us the most beautiful picture with the most wonderful imagination.Whats more, you will have to describe what you have drawn and why you design it in this way.In the end, you will predict whether it is possible to realize our dream in the future, and analyze why you have s

41、uch view.The rule is that your group will be given one star when you finish one step.If your design is extremely excellent, you will be praised to get two stars.When you give us a vivid and imaginative description, which is also reasonable, you will also gain two stars for one step.Lets see which on

42、e will describe it, one will tell us the purpose of designing it.The last one will tell us whether it T: You did an excellent job.If you want such dreams to come true, what should we do now? S: We should work hard to be knowledg S: We should have enough courage to imagine what seems possible now, wh

43、ich may lead to Ss: . T: Just now you designed a beautiful dream.But as we know, each coin has two sides.We may meet with some problems in our daily life.Discuss what problems we are facing, and make a list of the problems human beings (The teacher had better join in discussion.Then ask some student

44、s to come to write problems T: Look at the blackboard, and predict which problems will be overcome in the future and find out the w (The teacher should encourage the students to use their heads to find out as many ways as will not suffer from cancer, AIDS S: There will be no war and people will not

45、experience social and economics unrest.In my opinion, people all over the world will lead a rich and happy life, because our world is being highly developed and all the people will be educated to be friendly and kind to others. Ss: . T: I am proud of your outstanding imagination.Can you tell me whic

46、h problems will still be there or even worse in AD 3005?Why do you think so?You are expected to discuss in groups.If what you will present is reasonable a (The students should be given five minutes to discuss them.Later exchange them with the population S: The balance of nature will be destroyed wor

47、se and worse, because a large number of animals and plants are dying out day by day.As a consequence, human beings will be endangered. Ss: . T: Good, you know.Everything has advantages and disadvantages.What should we do to make sure we will have a bright future? T: Good.We should be lifelong learne

48、rs and accept the change, appreciate what is new and Step 7 Sum up T: In this period, we have talked a lot about future.You are full of imagination and clever.In class, you are also active.So all of us bring me vivid pictures and let me preview what the future is like.After class, write a passage about the future.You are free to write what you are interested The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 3 Life in the future Period 1 Welcome to the Unit Brai


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