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1、(贵阳专版)2017七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip(第3课时)Section B(1a-1d)学案 (新版)人教新目标版Unit 11 How was your school trip 第三课时 Section B (1a,1d) 【学习目标】 1(通过听读、记忆,学生能正确读译和拼写单词museum,fire,fire station,painting。 2(引导学生通过小组讨论,理解别人叙述的旅行经历并准确描述自己的旅行体验。 【学习重点】 提高听说能力,正确运用新单词及一般过去时。 【学习难点】 用一般过去时描述自己及他人的旅行经历,使学

2、生体验到分享经验的快乐。 【学习提示】 Ask some questions by showing the photos. Task 1 【学习提示】 Review the words,phrases,then students read and mark the new words and their Chinese meanings in the text. 【学法指导】 (1) excited表示“兴奋的”,指人、物对感到兴奋; (2) exciting表示“令人兴奋的;使人激动的”,指人、事、物本身让人兴奋、激动。一般情况下,人作主语,用v.,ed;物作主语用v.,ing。同样的道理,

3、其他类似的词surprising/surprised;interesting/interested等也是这样区分的。 Task 2 【学习提示】 1(Finish 1a in groups. 2(Check the answers. 3(Ask students to listen to 1b,1c and finish it.Then listen again and repeat. 【学法指导】 be interested in 【用法】对感兴趣 【举例】I am interested in English.我对英语感兴趣。 情景导入 生成问题 1(T)Question:Whats thi

4、s in the picture? (S)Answer:_ 2(T)Question:Whats he doing in the swimming pool? (S)Answer:_ 1 自学互研 生成能力 Task 1 Lets read new words. 1(I can read.(我会读) museum,fire,fire station,painting 2(I can write.(我会写) 参观消防站 visit_a_fire_station 参观博物馆 visit_a_museum 去钓鱼 go_fishing 爬山 climb_a_mountain 去乡下 go_to_th

5、e_countryside 画画 draw_pictures 去动物园 go_to_the_zoo 骑马 ride_a_horse 看一些油画 see_some_paintings 3(I can summarize.(我会总结) 认真观察上面的动词短语,写出他们的过去式并归类。 规则动词:visitvisited,climbclimbed 你还知道其他的规则动词吗,walkwalked,livelived 不规则动词:gowent_,drawdrew,_riderode,_seesaw 不规则动词你还学过哪些,buybought,catchcaught 见所赠光盘 Task 2 Lets l

6、isten to the tape and finish 1b,1c. 听录音,要求学生完成1b中的两个问题。 先看1c的表格,再听录音,在表格中分别对所做的事打“?”。 Task 3 Lets make conversations. 1(I can translate.(我会练) 见所赠光盘 2(I can make conversations.(我会编对话) 结合教材1c和1d编写对话,询问旅行经历。 见所赠光盘 见所赠光盘 【拓展】take an interest in意为“对产生兴趣”,强调的是动作。 be interested in意思是“对有兴趣”,强调的是状态。 Task 3 【

7、学习提示】 1(Finish 1d. 2(Make conversations. 【学法指导】 否定句很简单,主语之后didnt添; 疑问句也不难,did放在主语前; 谓语之前有did,谓语动词需还原; (1)相交: 直线与圆有两个公共点时,叫做直线和圆相交,这时直线叫做圆的割线.动词若是was,were,否定就把not添。 交流展示 生成新知 2 Preshow:Show in groups.(Time: six minutes) Task 1:First,the students read the words and phrases in groups.Then,read together

8、 and sum up the usage of the words in groups. 如果圆的半径为r,点到圆心的距离为d,则Task 2:First,the students listen to the tapes and finish 1b,1c.Then check the answers in groups. Task 3:First,the group leaders ask members to discuss and perform conversations.Then,mark the wrong words.(They can ask the teacher for h

9、elp.) (2)顶点式:Promotion show: Class show.(Time:sixteen minutes) Task 1: 1.I can read.(1)Read together,pay attention to the pronunciation of “fire” and “painting”;(2)Consolidate the words learning by word games. 2(I can write.(1)Students translate the words into English by answering quickly;(2)Read to

10、gether. 3.确定二次函数的表达式:(待定系数法)3(I can summarize. 锐角A的正弦、余弦和正切都是A的三角函数当锐角A变化时,相应的正弦、余弦和正切之也随之变化。Task 2: 1.I can listen.(1)Listen carefully and finish 1b,1c;(2)Show them in class. 2(I can repeat.(1)Listen again;(2)Follow the tapes. 9、向40分钟要质量,提高课堂效率。Task 3: 1.I can make conversations.(1)Students make di

11、alogues according to the task;(2)Perform the dialogues. (2)扇形定义:一条弧和经过这条弧的端点的两条半径所组成的图形叫做扇形.2(I can read and write. 定义:在RtABC中,锐角A的对边与邻边的比叫做A的正切,记作tanA,3(I can summarize. (2)三角形的外心: 三角形外接圆的圆心叫做这个三角形的外心.当堂演练 达成目标 见所赠光盘 课后反思 查漏补缺 3.规律:利用特殊角的三角函数值表,可以看出,(1)当角度在090间变化时,正弦值、正切值随着角度的增大(或减小)而增大(或减小);余弦值随着角度的增大(或减小)而减小(或增大)。(2)0sin1,0cos1。收获:_ 存在困惑:_ 3


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