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1、(贵阳专版)2017七年级英语下册 unit 8 is there a post office near here(第3课时)section b(1a-1d)学案 (新版)人教新目标版Unit 8 Is there a post office near here 第三课时 Section B (1a,1d) 【学习目标】 1(能读写、运用along,turn,left,turn right,crossing等单词和短语。 2(认识常见路标,能用具体的地图说出到指定地点的方法。 3(通过指路问路学会与人交流,乐于助人。 【学习重点】 能进行简单的问路与指路。 【学习难点】 通过听力训练和交流表达

2、,提高学生的综合听说能力。 【学习提示】 1(Play the tape,enjoy an English song. 2(Greet the whole class and ask them some questions: How can I get to the bank? Where is the library? Task 1 【学习提示】 Review the words,phrases and sentences.Students should mark the new words and Chinese meanings on P46.情景导入 生成问题 Teacher:The

3、post office,bank,supermarket,New Park,book shop are in my schools neighborhood.I am at school.I want to go to the bank.How can I get there? Teach the students to describe directions using the following phrases:go walk straight,turn left/right,on the left/right,go/walk down the street. For example:Go

4、 straight and turn right.Its on Jiefang Street.Its on the left.The bank is next to the supermarket. 自学互研 生成能力 Task 1 Lets read new words and phrases. 1(I can read.(我会读) turn,right,left,turn left/right,crossing 2(I can write.(我会写) 汉译英。 (1)向右拐 turn_right_ (2)向左拐 turn_left_ (3)沿着走 go_along (4)在左边 on_th

5、e_left_ (5)在你的右边 on_your_right (6)在第一个十字路口 at_the_first_crossing 1 【学法指导】 turn为行为动词,意为“转向;翻。”,其名词形式为turning(转弯处);作系动词时,意为“变得”,后面一般跟颜色词;作名词时,意为“轮流”,常用于短语take turns to do sth.(轮流做某事)及Its ones turn to do sth.(轮到某人做某事)。另外,turn也用于某些固定短语中,如:turn left(向左转),turn on(打开),turn off(关闭),turn down(关小),turn up(调大)

6、,turn into(变成)等。 Task 2 【学习提示】 1(Listen to the tape in lb,then follow the tape. 2(Listen again,then finish 1c. 【学法指导】 There is a post office between my house and a clothes store.在服装店和我家之间有一个邮局。 【用法】介词短语betweenand表示“在和之间”,只限于两者之间,三者之间用介词among。 【举例】There is a desk between the door and the window.在门和窗户

7、中间有一张桌子。 Task 3 【学习提示】 Read the conversations in 1d,then choose one to practice. 【学法指导】 “There be,主语,doing,介词短语”句型。如:There is a truck collecting rubbish outside. there be句型和have/has的区别: there be句型表示“存在;有”,have/has表示“拥有;所有”,两者不能同时使用。如: There are three books on the desk.桌子上有三本书。 I have three books.我有三

8、本书。 【备注】 3(I can summarize.(我会总结) (1)否定句:there be句型否定句句式的构成和含有be动词的其他句型一样,在be后加“not”即可。也可用“no”来表示。即:no,n.(名词),not a/an/any,n.(名词)。注意:no,n.(可数名词单数),not a/an,n.(可数名词单数);no,n.(可数名词复数),not any,n.(可数名词复数);no,n.(不可数名词),not any,2 n.(不可数名词)。如: There are some oranges in her bag. ?There arent any oranges in h

9、er bag. ?There are no oranges in her bag. There is some juice in the bottle. ?There isnt any juice in the bottle. ?There is no juice in the bottle. (2)一般疑问句:there be结构的一般疑问句句式只需把be动词移到句首,再在句尾加上问号即可。如: There is some money in her handbag.?Is there any money in her handbag,(疑问句和否定句中,some改为any,something

10、改为anything.) 见所赠光盘 Task 2 Lets listen to the tape and finish 1b,1c. 翻开课本P46,要求学生听第一遍录音,并完成lb的听力任务。然后要求学生听第二遍录音,完成lc的听力任务。听第三遍录音,逐句进行跟读。 Task 3 Lets make conversations. 1(I can translate.(我会译) 见所赠光盘 2(I can make conversations.(我会编对话) 你不知道某个地方的具体位置,试编写问路指路的对话。 假设你和同伴两人在P46的图片上,见所赠光盘 见所赠光盘 交流展示 生成新知 Pr

11、eshow:Show in groups.(Time: six minutes) Task 1:First,the students read the words and phrases in groups.Then,read together and sum up the usage of the words in groups. Task 2: First,the group leaders ask members to discuss the task 2 and perform the conversations.Then,mark the wrong words.(They can

12、ask the teacher for help.) At last,write them down on the blackboard. 3. 圆的对称性:Task 3:First,the group leaders ask members to listen carefully and finish 1b,1c.Then check the answers in groups. Promotion show: Class show.(Time:sixteen minutes) Task 1: 1.I can read.(1)Read together,pay attention to th

13、e pronunciation of “north”and “along”;(2)Consolidate the words learning by word games. 一年级数学下册教材共六个单元和一个总复习,分别从数与代数、空间图形、实践活动等方面对学生进行教育。2(I can write.(1)Students translate the phrases into English by answering quickly;(2)Read together. 3(I can summarize. Task 2: 1.I can translate.(1)Ask several stud

14、ents to translate the key sentences;(2)Read together;(3)Students sum up the usage of “Where is,” 166.116.17期末总复习2(I can practice.(1)Ask students to finish the exercises;(2)Check the answers by answering 3 A、当a0时quickly and explain. 4.二次函数的应用: 几何方面3(I can make conversations.(1)Students make dialogues

15、 according to the task;(2)Perform the dialogues. 4(I can summarize.(1)Sum up sentence patterns of “There be” and “Be there,”(2)Check the answers. Task 3: 1.I can translate.Ss translate the key sentences. 2(I can make conversations.(1)Students make dialogues according to the tasks;(2)Perform the dialogues. 当堂演练 达成目标 186.257.1期末总复习及考试见所赠光盘 94.234.29加与减(二)4 P49-56课后反思 查漏补缺 6、增加动手操作的机会,使学生获得正确的图形表象,正确计算一些几何形体的周长、面积和体积。收获:_ 八、教学进度表存在困惑:_ 集合性定义:圆是平面内到定点距离等于定长的点的集合。其中定点叫做圆心,定长叫做圆的半径,圆心定圆的位置,半径定圆的大小,圆心和半径确定的圆叫做定圆。4


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