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1、精品文档:人教新版四年级英语上册四年级月考试卷南开区2010-2011学年度(一)华苑学区片阶段性校际联考四年级第一次英语检测?成绩成绩成绩成绩成绩成绩成绩成绩成绩成绩 _等级等级等级等级等级等级等级等级等级等级? 线线线线线线线线线线_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 姓名姓名姓名姓名姓名姓名姓名姓名姓名姓名 B. Listen and choose 听录音,选出听到问题的正确应答 ?( ) 1.A. Hes Jim. He is my new friend. 封封封封封封封封封封?(Read B.She is Sue. She is my new f riend. ( ) 2. A.

2、Im in Class Two, Grade Three. B.I am from America. and choose 选用合适的词填空,一词多余。(10%) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( ) 3. A. Yes? B. No, thanks. ( ) 4. A. He is a driver. B. Really? 班级班级班级班级班级班级班级班级班级班级to this about what four grade ( ) 5. A. Its thirteen. B. Its fifteen. 1.Nice_meet you, Kate. 2._ is my friend,

3、Mary. 3._ class are you in ? 4.Im in Class Two, Grade_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5.Im from China. How_ you? ?(Choose the right answer. 选择填空(15%) 学校学校学校学校学校学校学校学校学校学校( )1. -What_ are you in? -Im in Grade Three. A. grade B. class C. number ?密密密密密密密密密密( ) 2. Kate is number thirteen. What _ you? A. about B.

4、of C. are ( ) 3. Lets count _one _ eighteen. A. from, at B. from, to C. about, to ( ) 4. -Whats _ number? -Im number 12. A: Whats _ name? A. you B. youre C. your B: My name_ Lily? ( ) 5. Miss Liu is_ old teacher. A: What_ are you in? A. an B. a C. / B: Im _Class Two, Grade Three. ( ) 6. Whats your n

5、ame? _name is Jim. A: Whats your_? A. I B. My C. Im B: Im Number_. ( ) 7._ four and three ? A: Lets be_, OK? A. What B. Whats C. How B: Ok. We are _ friends. ( ) 8. -_some fruit ! -Thank you. A: Yeah! A. Have B. To have C. having ( ) 9._ is my father. _ a docter. ?(Read and tick or cross.阅读,排序。(6%)

6、A. he.hes B. This,Hes C. She,Shes A Ok, one, two, three twenty. ( ) 10.Where are _ from? -_from China. B. Good morning, Mimi. Lets count from 1 to 20. A. you,Im B. you,I C. your, Im C. No, thanks. Whats the time? ( ) 11. -_ your mother? -Shes a teacher. D. Good, have some milk, please. A. Whos B.Wha

7、ts C. Hows E. Its 7:20. 二次函数配方成则抛物线的( ) 12.-_ the girl? -_ Joy. F. Oh ,Im late. A. Who, Shes B. Whats, Shes C. Whos, Shes ( )-( )-( )-( )-( )-( ) ( ) 13.This is a Chinese boy. Hes from_. (1)理解确定一个圆必备两个条件:圆心和半径,圆心决定圆的位置,半径决定圆的大小. 经过一点可以作无数个圆,经过两点也可以作无数个圆,其圆心在这个两点线段的垂直平分线上.A. England B. China C. Canad

8、a ?(Read and choose. 阅读理解,根据短文内容选择。(5%) ( ) 14. Be careful. -_. You are wrong 0 抛物线与x轴有2个交点;A(Thank B. Thanks you C. Thanks Tim is six. He is a naughty boy. He studies hard,but he is not clean. His face and dr 直线L和O相离.( ) 15.你把你妈妈介绍给你朋友,应该说: hands are often dirty. He only washes them with water. He

9、doesnt use any soap. A. This is my friend. B. This is my mother. One day, his aunt goes to see him. She looks at Tim and says, “Tim, I know what 9切线长定理:过圆外一点所画的圆的两条切线长想等,圆外切四边形对边相等,直角三角形内切圆半径公式.you eat for lunch today.” 43.193.25观察物体2 生活中的数1 P22-23?(Choose the right answer. 选择恰当的答语(10%) “What?” Tim

10、looks at his aunt and asks. ( ) 1.Where are you from? “Noodles,” says his aunt, “Your face and mouth tell me that.” A. Nice to meet you too. 定义:在RtABC中,锐角A的对边与邻边的比叫做A的正切,记作tanA,( ) 2.Have some fruit. “But you are wrong, aunt!” says Tim. “Not today or yesterday, but the day before B. Im from America.

11、 推论1 经过圆心且垂直于切线的直线必经过切点.( ) 3.Whats your father? yesterday.” C. Hes my brother. ( ) 4. Whos that boy? Note : Naughty 淘气的 wrong 错误的 dirty 脏 yesterday 昨天 D. Thank you. ( ) 5. Nice to meet you. Choose the best answer。选择正确答案 E. He is a driver. ( )1. Is Tim a clean boy ? F. ?(Form the sentences. 连词组句(12%

12、) A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt. 9、向40分钟要质量,提高课堂效率。1. is, new, my, friend, this, Mary (.)_ ( ) 2. How old is Tim? 2.your,is,uncle,what (?)_ A. He is six. B. He is nine. 3.friends,are,we,good (.)_ ( ) 3. “ the day before yesterday”的意思是_ 4.class two, grade three, I, in am (.)_ A. 昨天 B. 前天 5.is,seven,e

13、ight,and,what (?)_ ( ) 4. His face and hands are often_ 6 is, a, student, my, brother(.) _ A. dirty B. clean 3、第五单元“加与减(二)”,第六单元“加与减(三)” 在“加与减”的学习中,结合生活情境,学生将经历从具体情境中抽象出加减法算式的过程,进一步体会加减法的意义;探索并掌握100以内加减法(包括不进位、不退位与进位、退位)和连加、连减、加减混合的计算方法,并能正确计算;能根据具体问题,估计运算的结果;初步学会应用加减法解决生活中简单问题,感受加减法与日常生活的密切联系。( ) 5. “You are wrong.”的意识是_ ?(Complete the dialogue. 补全对话(16%) A. 你对了 B. 你错了(提示:good,your, four, friends, number)


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