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1、汽车连杆零件的锻模设计(锻模毕业设计论文) 学科门类: 单位代码 : 毕业设计说明书(论文)汽车连杆零件的锻模设计学生姓名所学专业 班 级 学 号 指导教师 XXXXXXXXX系二*年XX月目录中文摘要 1英文摘要 11 绪论31.1 问题的提出及研究意义31.2 国内外研究状况 32 模锻工艺简述2.1模具对金属变形的影响 42.2模锻的分类及各自的特点 5开式模锻5 闭式模锻5 挤压6 顶镦63 工艺性分析及工艺方案的选择63.2汽车连杆工艺方案选择74 汽车的工艺参数设计计算.1 锻件图设计84.2 计算锻件主要参数 104.3锻锤吨位的确定104.4确定飞边槽的形式和尺寸10置10差和

2、余量104.5终锻模膛设计114.6钳口的设计124.7 预锻模膛设计124.8绘制计算毛坯图134.9确定坯料尺寸145 锻造模具的设计145.1模具设计的基本作用145.2降低模具生产成本的措施155.3模具的重要作用175.4模具的设计175.5模具的设计175.6模具材料的选取185.7锻造模块的确定185.8、燕尾及键槽的选186 汽车连杆成形工艺过程分析 186.1 毛坯的制备186.2润滑剂的选用196.3模具的预热206.4锻造温度范围的确定207 结论与展望217.1主要结论217.2后续研究工作的展望218 心得与体会22致谢23参考文献23谢谢朋友对我文章的赏识,充值后就

3、可以下载说明书。我这里还有一个压缩包,里面有相应的word说明书和CAD图纸。需要压缩包的朋友请联系客服:1459919609。下载后我可以将压缩包免费送给你。需要其他设计题目直接联系!摘 要连杆是发动机中的高精度的精密零件,对强度有较高的要求,是汽车发动机中重要的部件之一,被称为“保安件”,其质量直接影响到发动机乃至整辆汽车的安全使用和行驶。连杆的品质直接关系到其力体部分的截面多为圆形或工字形,两端有孔,内装有青铜衬套或滚针轴承,供装入轴销而连杆机构中两端分别与主动和从动构件铰接以传递运动和力的杆件。例如在往复活塞式动力机械和压缩机中,用连杆来连接活塞与曲柄。连杆多为钢件,其主构成铰接。连杆


5、量以提高疲劳强度,否则高强度合金钢的应用并不能达到预期果。Abstract Linkage is the engine of high-precision precision components, the strength of higher demand, a car engine in one of the important parts, known as the security case, its direct impact on the quality of motor vehicles and the security of the whole Use and traffic.

6、 Link directly related to the quality of its cross-section of part of the round or more for the shape, at both ends of a hole, the hole with bronze bushings or needle roller bearings for axle load and sales of property and life, forging Linkage with good mechanical properties and easy processing, th

7、e advantages of good quality surface, and the short production cycle, the production process stability. Linkage with the two ends of the active and passive components hinged to convey movement and of the bar. For example, in Reciprocating power machinery and compressors, with link to connect the Pis

8、tons and crank. Link for more steel parts, which constitute the main hinged. Linkage is important in the automobile engine parts, it connects with the Pistons and the crankshaft, the Pistons will play the role of the reciprocating movement into the rotating crankshaft, and the role of the Detroit Pi

9、stons passed on the crank to power output. Link in their work, in addition to the gas chamber under pressure, we must also bear the vertical and horizontal inertial force. Therefore, the link in a complex work under stress. It subject, alternating the tension and compression stress, the bending stre

10、ss. Linkage is the main form of damage and excessive fatigue fracture deformation. Fatigue fracture is usually the site of the linkage of the three high stress on the region. Linkage of the terms and conditions of the link with high intensity and anti-fatigue properties and require adequate steel an

11、d toughness. Linkage of the general use of 45 steel, 40 Cr or 40 MnB, such as quenched and tempered steel. Although the strength of high-alloy steel, Tam is very sensitive to stress concentration. Therefore, the link shape, fillet over the areas to be strict requirements, attention should be paid to

12、 the surface processing to enhance the quality of fatigue, or the application of high-strength alloy steel and can not achieve the desired fruit. Linkage of production varied, the common mode for a one. For more than two-one for the introduction of the row. This article is more systematically on the car side-by-side double-linkage of the forging process and die design process, a mold and shape第一章 绪论1.1 问题的提出及研究意义常规的连杆制造工艺难以满足现代社会的要求,也难以适应这个竞争日趋激烈的社会。因此,生产出尽可能的强度高、力学性能好,表面质量好,易于加工、生产周期短、成本低的连杆已经成为我们的迫切需求。我国汽车连杆以前


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