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1、教学设计一、教学内容:五年级英语(PEP)Unit 4 What can you do? A Lets Learn二、教学目标1.能力目标:(1)能够听、说、认读动词词组:empty the trash和句子“Im helpful! I can sweep the floor.”(2)能够听、说、读、写动词词组cook the meals, water the flowers, sweep the floor, clean the bedroom。(3)能够听懂、说唱歌谣“Dog, dog, what can you do?”,并熟悉运用句型:What can you do? I can.2.

2、知识目标:(1)掌握A lets learn的新词组、新句型。(2)运用新学的词组以及句型进行日常交际。3.情感、策略、文化等有关目标:(1) 情感态度:养成讲究卫生、热爱劳动的好习惯,培养乐于助人的优秀品质。(2) 学习策略:注重小组合作学习,培养相互沟通和交流的能力。三、教学重、难点 (1)重点:有关做家务的五个词组:sweep the floor./cook the meals./ clean the bedroom./water the flowers./ empty the trash。(2)难点:正确书写所学词组;运用“Im helpful. I can.”的句型进行交际活动。此外

3、,还有“helpful”一词的正确发音。四、课前准备单词卡、图片、课件、录音机及录音带,调查表,练习题,两盆花、喷壶,簸箕,笤箒、垃圾筒五、教学程序:Step 1. Warm-up / Revision (热身/复习)1Greetings and introductionT: Hello! Boys and girls! My surname is Cai. Just call me Mr. Cai. Nice to meet you!Ss: Nice to meet you too!T: For this lesson, Im your English teacher.2. Daily En

4、glish(1)What day is it today? Its.T: Can you tell me what day is it today?S1: Its.(2) What can you see in our classroom? I can see(chain work)T: I can see two boards in your classroom. What can you see in your classroom?S1: I can see.S2: I can see.S3: I can see. ( 设计意图:口语练习生活化,同时为学生从已有知识向新知识的迁移做好准备。

5、)3. Lets doT: What can we do in our classroom? Do you remember the first class we learned in Grade 4? Now please show me your hand, lets listen to the tape, say and do together. (四年级上册第一单元A部分)Ss: Listen, clap your hands, say and do together.Open the door, Open the door! Turn on the light, Turn on th

6、e light! Sweep the floor, Sweep the floor! Clean the window, Clean the window! Put up the picture, Put up the picture! Clean the board, Clean the board!( 设计意图:在说说做做中将学生带入英语情境,同时达到复习巩固相关词组的目的。)Step 2. Presentation (呈现新知)1Present the phrase “sweep the floor” and the sentence “Im helpful. I can sweep t

7、he floor.”T:What can you do in our classroom?S1: I can sweep the floor. (Do the action)S2: I can clean the window. (Do the action)S3: I can.T:Look! The floor is dirty, who can sweep the floor? Please come here.S4: I can sweep the floor.Ss: I can.T: (请一学生上前边扫地边说这句话,师伸出拇指夸他)You are helpful.(面向其他学生)Can

8、 you praise him like me? (引导学生说) You are helpful.Ss: You are helpful.T: Im helpful. I can sweep the floor. Can you? (引导学生说)Ss: Im helpful. I can sweep the floor.T: Look, Sarah can sweep the floor, too. (贴图片,短语卡片,领读) Ask some Ss to read it one by one.Ss: Students read it one by one.T: (写句子) Im helpfu

9、l. I can sweep the floor.(示范读)Pay attention to the pronunciation of the word “helpful” and the phrase “Im helpful.” (辅以手势强调Im的闭嘴动作。) Ask some to read it one by one.Ss: Students read it one by one.T: (示范) Im helpful. I can sweep the floor.(边做动作)Ss: practice in pairs.(设计意图:在真实情境中感受语言,学习语言,实现从已有知识到新知识的

10、过渡。)2. Present the phrase “empty the trash”T: (教师指着扫好后放在簸箕里的垃圾说) Who can empty the trash? Can you?S1: I can empty the trash.T: Oh, you are helpful. Thank you. Look, Sarah can empty the trash, too.( .(贴图片,短语卡片,领读) Pay attention to the pronunciation of the words “empty” and “trash” (单词“empty”辅以手势强调字母“

11、e”的发音位置,字母 “p”的闭嘴动作,第一音节重读。单词 “trash”辅以手势让学生感觉字母 “a” 的发音位置,并让学生了解字母组合 “tr”和“sh”的发音。读短语。)Ss: Read it together, and then read it one by one.(设计意图:将联系紧密的两个短语先后出示,使学生在特定的语境中理解新内容,降低学习难度,也使教学环节衔接自然。)3. Present the phrase “water the flowers”T: Alright, boys and girls. Look at the flowers, they are thirsty

12、. Who can water the flowers?Ss: I can water the flowers.T: You are helpful. You can water the flowers. (贴图片、卡片领读,强调单词中重点字母及字母组合发音)Ss: Read it together, and then one by one in rising tone and falling tone.4. Present the phrases “clean the bedroom” and “cook the meals”T: What can you do to help your m

13、other at home? S1: I Can.S2: I Can.T: Look, what can Sarah do to help her mother at home? (贴图片、卡片)Ss: She can clean the bedroom.Ss: She can.T: Can you read them? (show the words “book” and “look”)Ss: Read the words.T: Now can you read this? (进一步引导)“c” says /k/Ss: /kuk/T: Yeah, you are right! Great!

14、“meals” /mi:lz/, “ea” says /i:/, read it, please.Ss: repeat.T: Can you cook the meals?Ss: Yes, I can cook the meals.T: You are helpful. Your mother will be very happy!(设计意图:将情境从教室转移到家中,使教学内容之间过渡自然。)Step 3. Practice(趣味操练)1Guess what the teacher says (看嘴形猜短语) T: Now, please look at my mouth, guess wha

15、t I am saying. Ss: Students look, guess and say phrases2Look, guess and say(1) T: (rules) I do an action, you try to guess what I do, and say out the phrase.(示范)Who can do it like me?Ss: Look, guess and say.(2) Guessing game教师提供单词卡片,每组的第一个同学上前来任选一张。抽卡片的同学只能做出一个动作,如扫地,请本组的同学猜一猜并说出英文sweep the floor,这时

16、前面的同学就可以说:Right! I can哪组用的时间最快、说的最准确,就可加一分。教师对优胜组进行奖励。Ss: (设计意图:在多样化的练习中感受语言。) Consolidation and extension(巩固延伸)T: Today is Sunday. Your father and mother are not at home. What can you do to help them? (model, ask the students to pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.)Im helpful at home.

17、 I can sweep the floor,empty the trash,water the flowers, clean the bedroom and cook the meals.Ss: practice in pairs.Act.(设计意图:在生活中运用语言,形成这样一种意识并养成习惯。)附:板书Unit 4 What can you do?A Lets learn sweep the floor.cook the mealsIm helpful! I can clean the bedroom water the flowers empty the trashJohn Tom Mary Ann - 6 -


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