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1、.,iitnpW* th# 4 w翼.一 mdm*pw*.*AMjtbthr ,Ev.i。, 1 Ihc rttfur1.髀 up1 gntex(k4nd 史而 thC,K|riHlhodrum * outMlmI111的灰 ,t &”d133k仙he J%* W 产11r 1ch山面二t、RC 晨丁忌械一 l-s, Add more 冒。川卜 Jnd phr*se 访 e4th bJI- Abilities4 hruh尸JrS cat b|i-* 一 I _1_ - i . BA _I*I Other abilities,/* Jk 卯吗,可IM f swm tell stories i .

2、四四向一师小机叫 跖a闻s髓的回d的吧孙Md arts)loy ri扁35 maay wards as you can lo make phrases.1 P|jy the drums.2 *pe让 Englisk,.3 - bdpwi山 math .* bigpod at tdhng stories.5 lych people.tell storiests广如b:t$ k%Xow tdlk jbcut vodrselHoJc-phy Ilie contrsjLbi :j.Jritmiewer Scott buaniruenestuiHtfrorGjat iSett,、h”,Fee tuelv

3、e o-clock n nigfit to sii oclvck hi tht monung.Vi hit tim妙 Jo cu u%ulh ft up*Ai eight thirtt it hjjh Ihen的t Intervjwrer5coltIntervjtkverScotiIntirviHKfStoriifI eat brejkkst it. nine ihjt,i tun:jy 雄甘已辿 hgkh就! 板JF:河 Yejh. ,fter thit t usujIIy e,士kiw al jboqt ter tuentv. When do yvu 的A4,jfk、 Rl eleen。匚

4、lock, m,I m nrer l.Uv hr vk, 八 杷屣F*weekends斗式upStudent 3Narne1Interview three of your classmates. Find out what timt they do these activities. Then ve a report to the class.Wrifu about omcthin|; yuu tJw do,h+m口孙 do andsometliiiig you nevEr do.Whjt TuneWhenWhpn do your hie nds ejseicise?suallyjqel up

5、 at $11 thirtyin work at eleven cVtock号. Write ansv*ers or cjutstioiis Use 0fHgys, usually or neiirr.on sthool day#I u4y喊:一嫌增加 Wkt - W 4的R他胖tR忙L aln.iyii 萨旧-jp at 6:20声t?,一 -f 必加已力也 面区 在漱 砒一 kr汕Mt 一3. What tiAlina never cats breakfasL5+ What time docs your best ifriend eo to sch&d?. i5厄I喇 羿石b? M_at_

6、St?改o c城.ifa VOll yo to QLh口H 4 *田it limp do .-nni ijij.i! 丫 俨 up Wtiat tin-vdo 巾Ey qm 也图试d?电eal br?ikfa$t?Kcott go N wgk? Whjc Line de you get up J K5lW wkIhey .ik/dgft c碑at vpn twe ,小,He匠0b心Masi d1 七心 u小:HeJs never latehe/uuidjexe!jse in 丫t出nthedt dirmeii.itp a shrwei goto schoolStudent 1Narne:1 m

7、udly Ju 0HMmM朝.上:嚷:1i皿_4心 In !3.心! j&辐1. i_khuin:Mwl皿”卜.1、/汴。1 LiQ Airiif cnihrhiliirccin 力,, :一31 J71hW-式:仆 CfWg Ton丁-ndlljhi,* *Cheizkyour an,w虹* 哂仕 vtmipartn”*r When 由 studefrtsI usucliy 钮rtf,皿?ThEyUSuftUT 同dinner10非eh 帽 ThtListen And circJe the activities you heir.1 阴t up 5: 302郎砒4Mu6(3 my homew

8、or -unnc7皿,an mv fnim _.蜉棒七时 4诉小k4feo Io scKocjSten a整in. Write th, times next to the activities you circled in U.Ask and answer qutslioni about Toin.up tr115 fi .=_._hcn dots T中 k Uiunll-/ utl uw_5 j/Heahhy activities Whdt lime do wu qo to schoolT4 ,Check (V)the actlviitles you thmk *te healthy.inr

9、ierShe know5it s riotNc Write down the unhealtliy habits of each person- Then think of heal th函号 818 iZZ-ffeATbny jniJ Mary art? brother M】d sister. Uiey lia% e hcaltliy .itid unhealthy h三bi Is, Who ii halthir? Circle tile healthy activities.rit icr-crrjiinIMl YVgCLllk tiake a wdlk阿桶R硝如鹿皿成附哪皿心明吐 伽用f

10、tttS似激弓M物瓜.65go t口 bed early 心t qukldb play Nporr.activities for them.入他上的Unbedhliv hdbJu国姑A储悯always 匕kes a shows and i?Ms & good bn kijst. AHet th.iL, goes tn schaol at eight thirty. At twelve, she eats Jots 务uit and vefetjblek lor lunch. After lunch, she samutinies-s崂强. 4 0恪 tv、Hi! Imlbny, t dont

11、like m jjcl upcjrly. In the iTLOrrting, 1get up .ir Cipht. prhcn gn to whoH M eighUnjrly. dni/f , hjvc much time tor brcAkhist, $o F usually eleryVj .Por lunch, I uiuatly ent hamburgers. After jehuol,1 juniubiiic pUy bjskrtball for hdlhn himrP When L get ho?e?WC.r do my hurjirwork iirst, hi (he eien

12、ingH / 4 5I tilhjXHMck TV ;lLphy computer 将tni% At ten thitfy.1 bruiih my twth and thtn L 的 2 bed.Mary is my lister. She usually gc 加 up 虱岬 thirty: Then sheevening she doea her homework and usually swims or tike5 a walk. At nine thirty goes to bed.UMTW t3小妙a .fryibout=&的旧班怔Number 123求j 户邮 riid( nw w

13、olh ;fd gu Q 4 hoc”t et题用叫呼履二小m小川Be温缶:T心 iqu: YtwelveH3 3l,nt h J,“员 hJf pM twr mid do my homeHrk ()pri hnrnc11 尸itn 耀 ryM丽 H: jXdiPMMKhirty)般3 btd Jfltn Write Abput ymir tiwn d3iy routine-1 Match the verba m column A with the words in column B. Then ust the phrajes to complete the teciteiicef-I. It

14、r-crrjnn udually k4y K,indpi|.”, ifitr dinner.1- Iftiu nirrd fn*0-tudent% like to r*it it jftr scliool. y h*althy. They Mway.皿ci. Hl wQrkft jt% H甘汽 djQ mur&H Gq md力dnn t Fsjv-r iirrif hidmr* ii on Mfcar2 Co mpktr the convert a(tn n,wi “g小&加L* m,|:黑叫皿X: jtijig w have good teeth rjJio sutian.qujldy!Re Monday to Friday, So IarfciWersBt h th with theAr帆以间加etEuhg6Ar如由幽0门J5Achbjtesctiwj陶机!,get 岫 school)在丘斯什”:门口力Hut lie/she 1% rlievtJ加够证由电morrhngk


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