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1、五英上 第 5 单元测试题( 闽教版新版)一、抄写下面的单词,并注意大小写形式。March August April September OctoberMayJanuaryFebruary DecemberNovember JuneJuly以上月份按顺序排列二、找一找,连线。spring cold cool winter warm hot summer autumn春天 温暖 夏天 炎热 秋天 凉爽冬天 寒冷三、抄写句子,翻译句子。1、 What s your favorite month? December.()2、What s your favorite season? Autumn.3.

2、 What s your favorite festival ? The Spring Festival .4、When is your birthday?Its in January.5、When is Teachers Day? It s on September 10th.四、选择,圈出正确的答案。1、Which boy?A、The tall boy.B.The nice toy.2、Which girl?A、 She s a beautiful girl. B.The girl with long hair.3、Which month?A、On Children s Day.B.October.4、Which book?A、 The book with a lovely panda. B.This English book is for you.五、连一连,写一写。Teachers DayJanuary or Februarythe Spring FestivalMarchMother s DaySeptemberNational DayOctoberChristmas DayDecemberWome n s Day 妇女节May例句: Teachers Day is in September.1 2 3 4 5 第3页 共4页第4页 共4页


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