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1、真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。The English Club(教学设计终稿)教材分析: 在课改的背景下,本套教材避免了传统课程的缺点,强调了学生的兴趣、经验等,能结合实际,贴近生活,插图生动活泼,重视了学生的情感。本节课我强调英语课程要从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。设计理念:以听说训练为主线,通过看、听、说、演练、唱、动手操作等一系列教学活动,使学生获得最基本的英语听说能力,并在教学中充分激发学生强烈的学习愿望,在注重学生知识能力发展的同时,特别强调学生人格的发展和思维的发

2、展。设计特色:强调学生自主学习,培养学生学习英语的习惯。如:预习作业的设计选择一个你最喜欢的国家(如:英国、美国、日本、法国、澳大利亚等),收集查找相关资料,如:它的国旗、国名、人民、语言、著名人物等,并能用英语做简单介绍。教案流程图:Warm up Free talkPresentation Learning new words Say a rhyme Learning new sentencesSummary Talking授课类型:多媒体演示课课时安排:一课时教学目标:(一)知识与技能1、能听懂、会读和会说单词China,Chinese,UK,British,USA,American,J

3、apan,JapaneseAustralia,Australian,France,Frence,English2、能听懂、会读和会说句型Where are you from? Im from . Im .3、能自编有关国名、人物、语言的小诗。 4、能用本课所学语言讨论国名、人物、语言等,并可以用较好的语音语调流畅地进行对话。(二)情感与态度1、进一步提高学生对英语的学习热情,增强学习兴趣。2、培养学生积极主动地参与课堂活动,大胆开口、主动模仿。3、通过本课的学习,培养学生良好的生活、学习习惯,增强学生的爱国主义情感。(三)策略与意识:1、能够在学习和课堂活动中集中注意力1520分钟。2、能够利

4、用自己已掌握的知识完成自我学习及小组合作学习。教学重点:正确拼读本课单词,能流利地用所学句型进行情景会话。教学难点:用所学的语言对某人进行描述或对话。教法:1、情境教学法;2、任务型教学中小组合作学习;3、突出学生个体,尊重学生差异;4、采用活动途径,倡导体验参与;5、注重过程评价,促进学生发展学法:任务型学习、小组合作交流教学准备:powerpoint 制作的课件、图片、单词卡片 教学过程设计(一)创设情境,激发兴趣。 播放flash歌曲My new friends1、Free talk: Hobbies(谈论贝克汉姆、乔丹、王楠)2、以自己小组得到更多的图形为线索组织教学。设计意图:创设情

5、境,激发学习的动机。学生在轻松愉快的气氛中进入本课的学习。(二)呈现学习新单词,说说 玩玩。1、以Country,People,Language分类,看中国国旗引出单词:China Chinese Chinese2、分别出示英国、美国、澳大利亚、日本和法国的国旗,按Country,People,Language分类,学习新单词Country,People,Language。3、反馈:模仿创编小诗 Say a rhyme:China , China. Im from China.Chinese , Chinese. I am Chinese. I speak Chinese.设计意图:设置本节课

6、的第一个任务目标。通过个人、整体学习掌握单词。在说一说、玩一玩,自编小诗的活动中增加学生学习的趣味性。玩一玩是对学生注意力的适当调节,在学中找乐趣,在玩中学知识。(三)紧扣主题,训练语言技能。1、请学生自我介绍,师生问答,引出句型:Where are you from? Im from . Im .2、师呈现图片,请学生小组合作完成简单的对话。 3、反馈:形式多样,按整体、小组、个人,选择图片进行对话,其他同学给予评价。4、游戏:每四人一组,在小组内进行国旗的传递,当音乐停止时,传递也停止。如果你拿到了国旗,那它就代表你现在的国籍,你需要回答组内其他三人提出的问题。设计意图:学生根据自身特点,


8、识由易渐难的积累,使学生体验到了成功,增强了他们学习的信心。通过小组合作,让学生主体参与,根据所设计的内容进行对话交流,学生的思维处于积极兴奋的状态,有利于提高课堂学习效率。德育渗透将课堂与生活紧密联系起来。小结更帮助学生将新知识温习了一遍,加深了学生的印象。(五)面向全体,作业分层。Homework:A. Listen and read the new wordsB. Copy the new wordsC. Collect the data of the countries(进一步收集有关国家的资料,如:首都、名胜、主要城市的英文名称)设计意图:通过这样的作业争取让每一个孩子都学有所获,书

9、写能力得到提高,从而达到激励全体学生努力学习的目的。板书设计:The English Club Where are you from? Im from . Im .教学反思:1、本课力求通过一系列贴近小学生生活实际的生动活泼的教学设计,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生自主学习以及团结合作的能力,使学生初步形成该话题的会话能力。2、教学过程中根据学生的心理和生理特征,采用游戏与教学相结合的方法,同时积极鼓励学生进行情景交际,让学生在教师的指导下通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式实现人物的目标,感受成功。3、教学过程中注重环节与环节之间的有机联系,精心设计,努力导入自然,做到环环相扣,步步为营

10、,使学生真正做到学以致用。Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from?(终稿)(Period One )Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge ObjectsNames of some countries and cities. Target languages:Where is your pen pal from? Where does he/she live? What language does she speak? 2.Ability ObjectsListening skills,Writing skills,reading

11、skills ,practicing skills,Communicative competence.3. Moral skillsBe proud of being a China, and know about more information about some countries. Teaching Key PointMaster the new words of this period and the target languages. Teaching Difficulties-Where is your pen pal from? -She is from . -Where d

12、oes he/she live? -He/She lives in .-What language does she speak? -She speaks .Teaching MethodsListening and talking methods. Pairwork. Teaching AidsA tape recorder, a world map, computer. Teaching ProceduresPre-task:Ask students to bring some thing that represents some country.Step I. Task One1、Mat

13、ch the cities and the map. (4 students a group)2、Learn the new words with the pictures.3、Listen and repeat. (1a)4、Listen and circle. (1b)Step II. Task Two - Guessing Game 11、Students watch the videos and then tell what countries they saw2、Ask students to show the things they brought, the other stude

14、nts will guess where they are from. If the students forgot to bring things to class, ask the students to do group work. They should say a sentence or a short paragraph and ask the other students to guess who she/he is. The other students can ask more questions.For example: Student A says: He can pla

15、y basketball very well.The others can ask: Where is she/he from? Where is he now?Student A answers: He is from China. He is in the United States.The others will guess: He is Yao Ming. Get each group say one, the other groups ask and guess.Step III. Listening1、Finish 2a.2、Listen and circle. (2b)3、Lis

16、ten and complete the chart. (2c)Step IV. Task Three - Choosing a pen palGroup work: 4 students a groupGet students to choose their favorite pen pals from other countries according to the cards given by teacher. The following card in only an example.Name:MariaGender/Sex:FemaleBe from:CanadaBorn:On 29

17、th July, 1990Live:TorontoLike:Dancing, basketball, English, thrillers,Language needed:My pen pal is Maria. She is from Canada. She lives in Toronto. She likes dancing, basketball, English and thrillers.Step V. Task Four - looking for friends Pair work: After choosing their pen pals, get the students

18、 to look for friends and find out whose pen pals come from the same country and live in the same city.Language needed:1. -Where is your pen pal from? -She/He is from.2. -Where does she/he live? -She/He lives in.Step VI. Homework 1、Please write a letter to your pen pal and tell her/him something abou

19、t you. 2、Make a card for your favorite movie star or sport star.Step VII. Grammar Focus1、Canada, South Korea, New Zealand, Japan, the United States, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, the United Kingdom, China2、Soul, New York, Mexico City, Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro3、-Where is your pen pal from?-She/H

20、e is from 4、-Where does she/he live?-She /He lives in Blackboard design Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from? -Where is your pen pal from? -Hes from Canada. -Where does he live? - He lives in England.教学反思:1、本课力求通过一系列贴近小学生生活实际的生动活泼的教学设计,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生自主学习以及团结合作的能力,使学生初步形成该话题的会话能力。2、教学过程中根据学生的心理和生理特征,采

21、用游戏与教学相结合的方法,同时积极鼓励学生进行情景交际,让学生在教师的指导下通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式实现人物的目标,感受成功。3、教学过程中注重环节与环节之间的有机联系,精心设计,努力导入自然,做到环环相扣,步步为营,使学生真正做到学以致用。Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake? The First Period一教学依据:人民教育出版社新目标英语八年级上第七单元“How do you make a banana milk shake?”语言功能语言目标1. Describe a process. 描述程序2. Follow ins

22、tructions. 遵照指令How do you make a banana milk shake?First, peel the bananas and cut it up.Then put the milk into the blenderHow many bananas do we need?We need three bananas.语言结构重点词汇1.祈使句2.使用描述事物发生先后顺序的词语,如:first, next, then, finally3.可数名词和不可数名词4. how much/how manyTurn on, cut up, peel, pour, putinto

23、, drink, milk shake学习策略与思维技巧多元智能学会合作学习,猜测和按次序排列肢体运用智能、逻辑排序二语言功能: 1. Describe a process. 描述程序2. Follow instructions. 遵照指令三语言结构:1.祈使句2.使用描述事物发生先后顺序的词语,如:first, next, then, finally3.可数名词和不可数名词4. how much/how many四教学目标:1. Let the student learn the new vocabulary about actions. 2. Let the students learn

24、to ask and describe a process. 3. Let the students can do something follow instruction.4. Let the students review prays causes the sentence.5. Train the students listening ability.6. Improve the student speaking ability by practicing the pair work.五教学重点:1.Learn to describe a process and follow instr

25、uctions2. Learn the structures and usages of imperative sentences.3. Review and consolidate the usage of countable and uncountable nouns.六教学难点:1Learn to describe a process and follow instructions.2The usage of countable and uncountable nouns.七教法学法:1. Pair works make every student join in the class a

26、ctivities.2. Explanations help students master some language points.3. The activity introduces the key vocabulary to help the students go through the listening material.八学习策略与思维技巧:学会合作学习,猜测和按次序排列。九重点词汇:Turn on, cut up, peel, pour, putinto, drink, milk shake十教具学具:A blender, a knife, bananas, ice crea

27、m, milk, cups, plateA tape recorder, A projector, Courseware.十一教学过程:Step Greetings and Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Ask Ss to do some simple actions after the teacher.T: Boys and girls, Some of you look stressed. Now do some actions after me and try to relax yourselves. First, shake your heads. Next shrug

28、 your shoulders. Then swing your bodies. Finally clap your hands.T: sit down, please.Ss: thank you. T: Its summer now. Do you think its very hot, isnt it? What will you drink if you feel very hot?Ss: Eat porridge and drink water, some juice, tea and so on.T: Chinese love drinking some green tea. How

29、ever, foreigners love drinking milk shake. Do you want to know whats milk shake?(Show it on the screen.) Milk shake has many different kinds. If we want to drink milk shake, we should learn how to make. Do you want to know how to make it?Ss: Yes.T: Today, we will learn unit 7 How do you make a banan

30、a milk shake? Please turn to unit 7. (Show another PowerPoint on the screen.)Step Explaining and PracticingT: First, look at the screen, please. What machine shall we need if we make a banana milk shake? Whats this? (Explain)Ss: Its a blender. (Follow me)T: What do we usually use a blender to do ? T

31、o make juice, banana juice, apple juice, orange juice and so on.T: What else shall we need?Ss: bananas, ice cream, milk. (Repeat) (Show the real things.) T: We have all the things to make a banana milk shake. How to make? Watch me carefully! (The teacher makes the banana milk shake in front of the w

32、hole class.)T: Follow me. Step III Pair workT: Now work with a partner, tell you partner how to make a banana milk shake. Please follow the example and make your own conversations. In addition, ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class.StepV Summary:Choose the best group and let them

33、 make a banana milk shake before the class.Step Read the poems.Step VI 1a writingT: Next, look at the words in 1a and write the names of the actions in the blanks on the screen above. Then, give one sample answer and ask students to fill in the blanks. Finally, check the answers.Answers:Peel the ban

34、anas.Cut up the bananas. Put the bananas and the ice cream in the blender.Pour the milk in the blender.Turn on the blender.Drink the milk shack.Step VII 1b listeningT: Ask students to look at the screen. Ask students to read the list of actions in activity 1b. Now, we will do some listening practice

35、. Youll listen the conversation twice. Please number the instructions. Are you ready?Ss: Yes.T: OK. The first time, you only listen. The second time, you should number the instruction. Lets begin.Ss: OK.Check the answers. Answers:5 2 6 4 3 1 Step VIII Exercise :Use “first, next ,then, finally”to Wri

36、te a passage. The title is “How to make a banana milk shake?”Step IX Summary Today we learned how to make a banana milk shake . If you want to drink something or eat something, you could make a special one , not by your father or mother, but by yourself. There is a lot of fun in cooking. Step X Home

37、work:Make milk shake for your family.Unit8 How was your school trip?教学设计 Made by Learning aims:1.Go on talking about events in the past.2 .Read and understand the article in Activity3a.3. Do some exercisesLearning important points:understand the key atcicle by reading,writing and listeningLearning d

38、ifficult points:Choose words in the proper blanksLearning ways:Ask and answer Groupwork learn by oneselfLearning stepsStep One Greeting Greet some students by asking some easy questionsStep Two RevisionReview the key words and phrases in the last lesson by looking at some pictures and guessingStep t

39、hree lead-inT: CLASS.You knew my last school trip . Now lets go into class9 school trip.shall we?Step four Read and understand the article.Then finish some tasks.Task one Correct the wrong parts below.1.The students had a terrible school trip. 2. They saw an octopus in the Visitors Center. 3. They t

40、ook the subway back to school. 4. The students watched a movie about dolphins. 5. The science teacher cleaned the bus. (After 5 minutes)The teacher can show right answers,then check each other.Task Two Answer these answers.1. Did Class9 have fun on their school trip? 2.What did they do first? 3. Did

41、 they buy lots of gifts or food after lunch? 4.How did they feel about the school trip? 5.Why was the science teacher very happy? The teacher choose five students to write their answers on the Bb,then the teacher can explain each question in right ways.TaskThree Listen and fill in the blanks.Class 9

42、 1 a great time on the school trip. They 2 to Blue Water Aquarium for the day. First they 3 the VisitorsCenter and watched a movie about sharks. Then they 4 a dolphin show. After that, they went to the Outdoor Pool and 5 a big octopus. After lunch , they went to the Gift Shop and 6 lots of gifts. Fi

43、nally, tired but happy, they 7the bus back to school. 8 the end of the day, the science teacher 9 very happy because the class monitor 10 the bus after the trip.After listening twice ,lets say out their answers one by one.Task Four GROUPWORK 接龙游戏 编写句子Group where to gowhen to gowho to go withhow to g

44、owhat to dohow to feelweatherStep Five Finish the exercise.camp hungry at they get mountain but twin take zoo thirsty quick The students of Class 2 went hiking on 1 school trip last week. They went to the 2 . There,Jill and Li Mu went 3 ,the 4 Tina and Tara visited temples(寺庙),and Jiang Wei studied the trees with Jimmy. But they had some problems 5 there. Jill went the wrong way.Li Mu took too ma


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