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1、中国平安保险电销业务服务提升研究中国平安保险电销业务相关服务提升研究本文关键词:中国,平 安保险,提升,业务,研究中国平安保险电销业务客户服务服务提升研究本文简介:中国平 安保险电销业务客户服务服务提升研究内容摘要随着十九大的召开, 政策支持保险行业的发展的情况下,保险业在2021年显现出一派蓬勃 的景象,近几年来,随着国民素质的提升,邻近地区人们的保险意识 在慢慢增强,而中国平安保险集团作为的中流砥柱,在近几年来也有 望成为了服装品牌全球第一保险品牌,连续两年荣登全球最具价值聚 财中国平安保险电销业务产品服务提升研究研究本文内容:中国平安保险电销大幅度降低业务服务大幅提升研究内容摘要随着十九

2、大的召开,国家政策支持保险行业发展的情况下,保险 业在2021年呈现出一派兴盛的景象,近几年来,随着国民素质的提升, 内陆地区人们的努力提高保险意识在慢慢进一步增强,而中国平安保 险集团作为保险业的,在近几年来也成为了全球保险品牌,连续两年 荣登全球最具价值保险品牌100强的榜首。而传统的门店面销渠道已 经不能完全满足顾客需求,电销和网销也逐步正式成为保险营销的新 渠道。中国平安寿险电销截至2021年已经发展了将近十年的五十年时 间,然而销售误导、电话扰民以及很多客户销售不认同电销的还方式 等等问题大大降低了客户的满意度。所以,木文对中国平安保险电销 业务(以下简称平安电销)的发展状况和遇到的

3、瓶颈进行分析,以客 户服务提升的角度作为切入点,就寿险营销的过程中如何提升客户满意度的问题提出一些建议。关键词:保险 电销 客户满意度 服务AbstractWith the convocation of the 19th National Congress of the People s Republic of China, the national policy supports the development of the insurance industry. In 2021, the insurance industry showed a flourishing scene. In r

4、ecent years, with the improvement of the quality of the people, the Chinese people s insurance awareness is constantly increasing. Enhanced, and China s Ping An Insurance Group as the mainstay of the insurance industry, in recent years is among the world s top insurance brands, for two consecutive y

5、ears ranked the world s top 100 most valuable insurance brands top. However, the traditional outlets for outlets cannot fully meet the needs of customers, and tele-marketing and online sales have gradually become a new channel for insurance sales. Chinese Ping An Life Insurance has been developing f

6、or nearly 10 years by 2021. However, misleading sales, telephone nuisances, and many customers still do not agree with the sales methods of electric sales, which greatly reduces customer satisfaction. Therefore, this article analyzes the development status and bottlenecks of Chinese Ping An Life Ins

7、urance tele-marketing(the following calls Ping An tele-marketing), takes the service promotion perspective as an entry point, and puts forward some suggestions on how to improve customer satisfaction in the process of life insurance marketing.Key words: Insurance tele-marketing customer satisfaction service目 录前言11保险电销业务概述22平安电销的健康发展历程22.1 萌芽阶段22.2 2繁荣阶段32.3 3瓶颈阶段32.4 调整阶段32.5 电销业务发展中存在的问题及分析33.1 过度推销43.2 国民认知度总体偏低43.3 老客户对平安不悦己有服务的不满53.4 4理赔印象差53. 5销售误导54平安电销产品与服务提升的建议64.1 转型业务员体制,弱化单一电销方式64.2 利用自身平台开拓市场,建立良好口碑74.3 正确对待客户抱怨74. 4增强坐席售后服务品牌意识,改善理赔83.5 5加强质检监管力度,不断提高从业人员素质83.6 103.7 考文献114 4.1


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