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1、4文档在线http:/wvw, INenOang. com免责声明:文档在线网(文档中国)中所有的文档资料均由文档在线网会员提供。文档在线网会对会员提供的文档资料进行筛选和编辑,但是并不声明或保证其内容的合法性、正确性或可靠性。该文档资料的版权属于提供者所有,有关版权的问题请直接与提供者联系。Review Questi ons for PP1. Master DataOrga ni zati onal StructuresWhat are the various orga ni zati onal structures in the R/3 System? Which R/3 orga ni

2、zati onal structures are used p rimarily for PP?What is the relati on betwee n con trolli ng area, company code, valuati on area, plant and storage locati onMaterial MasterWhat is the purpose of differe nt material master views?Which views are available?Which views are used p rimarily for PP? What i

3、s the relati on shi p betwee n material master views and in dividual orga ni zatio nal structures?&How does the in dustry sector in flue ncthe material master maintenan ce?How does the material type in fluence the material master maintenan ce?What is the differe nee beeen exter nal and internal nu m

4、ber assig nment and how 敷 t up in Customiz ing?Which other factorsin flue nee the selecti on of fields in thematerial master?How can MRP profile and forecast p rofile be used to op timize material master mai nte nan ce?How can a material master be reorga ni zed (deleted/archived)?Which un its of mea

5、sure can affect pr ocess ing in the material master (base un it of measure, p roducti on un it, order un it, etc.)?What is the material status used for and on which levels could it be maintain ed?Review the usage of the followi ng sett in gs?MRP group- Sp ecial p rocureme ntMRP typetype-Reorder poin

6、t- P roducti on storagePlanning time fencelocati onMRP con troller- Backflush flagLot size- Stock determ in atio nP rocureme nt typegro upBulk materialScheduli ng margin key Safety stockStrategy group Consump ti on mode and consump ti on p eriod Availability checki ng groupAlter native selecti on fl

7、ag Dependent requireme nt flag for in dividual and collective requireme ntsProducti on schedulerProducti on scheduli ng profileUn derdelivery/overdelive ry tolera neeIn-house p roducti on time (lot size dependent/independent) Valuati on classPrice con trol in dicatorMoving average p rice/sta ndard p

8、 riceBills of MaterialWhat is determi ned by BOM usage?ggeWhat tech nical types of BOM are available? (j Can the tech nical type of a BOM be changed?During which p rocesses will BOM usag and status be con sidered? When would it be useful to make usf a Group BOM?What is meant by area of validityand e

9、ffectivity of a BOM?Which item categories are available and what are their sp ecificati ons?、What is a sub-item?could a BOM be recursive and whatUn der which circumjthe usage of the ecbrsive in dicator?Expl osi on typeReleva nt to p roducti onReleva nt to cost ing Material pro visi on in dicator Wha

10、t is the usage of the follow ing BOM sett in gs? Bulk materialP roducti on storage locati onWork Ce ntersWhat is a work cen ter category?What data can be maintained on the various views (basic, default, cap acity, scheduli ng, costi ng, etc.)?What is the purpose of a sta ndard value key?What role do

11、es the op eratio n con trol key p lay? What does referencing mean?Why to use a work cen ter hierarchy?What is a po oled cap acity?OverloadFormulas for scheduli ng Locati on group (move time matrix)Queue times (nor mal and mi nimum)Cost cen terActivity types Formulas for cost ingAn alyze the usage of

12、 the followi ng fields? Backflush in dicator Cap acity category Formulas for deter mining cap acity requireme nts Rate of cap acity utilizati on Releva nt to fin ite scheduli ng in dicatorRouti ngsWhat does a routi ng defi ne?How is a rout ing structured?What task list types are availablejnshe R/3 S

13、ystem?What is a routi ng group and groupc oun ter?What is awhat types of seque nee areavailable?What could be reasopuse seque nces?What are the variouopt ions to assig n materials to rout in gs?Un der which condto ns would it make sense to assig n components to op erati ons?What is a reference op er

14、ati on set?How could the lotsize-de pendend in house p roducti on time be calculated and up dated into the material master?P roducti on Resources/Tools What types of PRT are available? What is the relati on shi p betwee n PRTs and a rout ing/op erati on?Engin eeri ng Change Man ageme nt What are the

15、 objectives of Engin eeri ng Change Man ageme nt? What is the sig nifica nee of cha nges with a history?Which PP objects can be man aged using Engin eeri ng Change Man ageme nt?What is the purpose of an engin eeri ng cha nge request/order? How is a cha nge master record structured?*Other IssuesWhat

16、is a revisio n level comp ared to engin eeri ng cha nge master?Which scheduli ng op tio ns are available, and how do they differ from each other?Which time components are take n into acco unt duri ng scheduli ng? How are basic order dates determ in ed?How are the scheduled dates determ in ed?Which s

17、cheduli ng types are available in lead time scheduli ng?What role do reducti on measures p lay in scheduli ng?What types of scra p can be maintained in PP baic data and how would they be con sidered duri ng MRP rep ectiv scheduli ng?What is exter nal p rocess ing, and what con ditio ns must be fulfi

18、lled before exter nal p rocess ing can take p lac?*What are co-products? What are the various planning levels available in R/3 PP? What are the dependen cies betwee n Sales and Op erati ons Planning, Dema nd Man ageme nt, Lon g-Term-Planning and Material Requireme nts Planning?Sales and Op erati ons

19、 PlanningWhat is the purpose of Sales and Op eratio ns Planning?What is the structure of p roduct groups and how could they be used in SOP/DM/LT P/MRP?What is the purpose of prop orti on factors and aggregati on factors withi n p roduct groups?Which planning methods are available in SOP?Which source

20、s are available as input data for SOP?Which op ti ons are available for creati ng a sales plan in SOP?Which op ti ons are available for creati ng an op erati ons p la n in SOP? What is disaggregatio n ?How could the result of SOP be p assed on to differe nt planning tools within the PP planning en v

21、ir onment?Dema nd Man ageme ntWhat is the purpose of Dema nd Man ageme nt?At which points is Dema nd Man ageme nt in tegrated with Sales and Distributio n?Exp la in the mai n strategies in Make-to-Stock as well as in Make-to- Order planning logic. Pay atte ntio n to master data sett in gs.What does

22、consump tio n res pectively reducti on mea n in the con text of planning strategies?、What role does the in dividual/collective requirements in dicator in the material master have duri ng make-to-ordfer p roductio n?What is a stock ing level, and how can it beinflue need? Which types of availability

23、check are svOilable (ATP and check aga inst planning) and what are thecharacteristics of these checks? Exp lai n the link betwee n MRP gpup, strategy group, strategy and requireme nt class.爪What sett ings could be made in requireme nts classes (on PP as well as on SD side)?Exp la in the purpose vers

24、ion man ageme nt in Dema nd Management? 今Master Producti on Scheduli ngUn der which circumsta nces would you recomme nd the usage of MPS?Com pare the fun ctio nality of MPS with MRP?What is meant by the firming of p rocureme nt prop osals, and how can this effect be achieved?What is a planning time

25、fen ce, and where is it defi ned?What is a manual firm ing date, and where is it defi ned?How can a planned order be firmed , and which firming indicators are available in a planned order?Material Requireme nts Planninghttp:/wvw, INenOang. com What is the purpose of MRP and how does it fit into the

26、PP planning en vir onment? How would you orga nize MRP runs? Discuss the differe nt op ti onsMRP for a pla nt -onlineMRP for a plant -in backgro undMRP for a material (in dividual planning) - on li ne Which planning types are available (NEU PL, NETCH, NET PL)? Which planning p arameters are to be se

27、t in the app licatio n itself? What is the fun cti on of the planning file? What is meant by sin gle-level planning, multi-level planning? What is mea nt by in teractive MRP? What are the characteristics of an MRP sce nario that is p erformed in simulatio n mode? What is meant by low-level code and

28、how is it considered in MRP? What is a n et requireme nts calculati on? Which buffers can be take n into acco unt for the net requireme ntscalculati on in MRP (qua ntity buffer: safetybtock, time buffer: safety time)?Q0 What does lot-size calculati on entgi? Which lot-sizi ng p rocedures areBvailabl

29、e in the R/3 System (static, p eriodic and op timiz ing p roceduies)? What are the characteristics of these lot-siz ing p rocedures? How does the pr ocure nTi ype defi ned in the material master4文档在线http:/wvw, INenOang. comWhat is an MRP list? What is a stock/requireme nts list? How are these lists

30、structured? What are the differe nces betwee n these lists?What is the fun cti on of exce pti on messages?What are planned orders?What is meant by the in dividual/collective conversion of planned orders?What is meant by “ days supply ” and“receipt days supply ”?How can component disc on ti nu atio n

31、 be man aged in MRP?3. Production Order ProcessingGen eral IssuesWhat are the characteristics of work-to-ordercproducti on?What is defined in a production order? 盘What is a docume nt type, an order category and an order type? What are the various eleme nts thaOproducti on order contains? Which fun c

32、ti ons are executed when an order is created?What are the various op tionsailable for creat ing an order? Describe the system logicing routing selection?Describe the system JogiCduri ng BOM selecti on?At which point in timee reservatio ns gen erated and what in formati on doesSfpo ntain?“ Read maste

33、r data ”What can be achieved by p erform ing thefun cti on?How could rout ing seque nces be con sidered duri ng p roducti on order creati on?Describe the conv ersi on of planned orders into p roducti on orders with focus on scheduli ng asp ects?Order ReleaseWhat happens whe n an order is released?Wh

34、ich op erati ons are made p ossible and which are p reve nted when an order is released?What is meant by status man ageme nt?What are bus in ess tran sacti ons?What are the differe nces betwee n system status and user status? At which points in time can availability checks be p erformed? Which sett

35、ings can be made, and which must be made? On which objects can the availability check be run?What is meant by machi ne commitme nt?What is mea nt by mid point scheduli ng?PrintingWhich shop floor papers can be prin ted?Which print modes are available (on li ne, up date, backgro un d)? What does“repr

36、inting” mean?Which con diti ons must be fulfilled before order docume nts can be prin ted?Which con diti ons must an op erati on fulfill beforeh op floor papers (and in p articular con firmati on sli ps and time tickets) can be prin ted?Goods Issue&八Which con trol in dicators in fluence the behavior

37、 of the components in the pr oducti on order (bulkmaterial, backflush, phantom assembly, etc.)? 胡、 What is mea nt by pickg?What is meant by 商 determ in ati on? Which sett ings have to be made for stockmin ati on duri ng p roducti on order p rocess ing?What is a goods issue p osti ng?How can goods is

38、sues be en tered (refere nee to order, refere nee to reservati on, unplann ed, etc.)?What is the purpose of moveme nt typ es?What are the effects of a goods issue p osti ng from an in tegrati onal poi nt of view (MM, FI, CO)?What is meant by the backflush ing of components and how can this be achiev

39、ed?Con firmatio n Which con diti ons must be fulfilled before con firmati ons can be en tered? What is a con firmatio n?Which fun cti ons are linked to con firmati ons?Which con firmati on pr ocedures are available?What data can be en tered duri ng con firmati ons?What is a milest one con firmati on

40、?What is an unplanned milest one?What ide ntifies a p rogress con firmati on?What role does the con trol key defi ned in the op eratio n p lay duri ng con firmatio n?Is it po ssible to link a con firmati on with a goods moveme nt p osti ng?What is a goods rece ipt?What are the effects of a goods rec

41、e ipt p osti ng?What is the relevancy of the“ delivery compieted ” indicator?What is the fun cti on of overdelivery/un derdelivery tolera nee in the material master p lay?Order Settleme nt / Archi ving and Deleti ngWhat is meant by order settleme nt?What causes a p roducti on order to bdebited/credi

42、ted?What is the differe nee betwee n p Refine nary costi ng and actual costi ng?Which are the usual ste ps duTing order settleme nt?What means varia nee cacut ion?How is an order settjedlfthe header material is a sta ndard p rice material?At which points inyrme can an order be settled?Which con diti

43、 ons must be fulfilled before an order can be archived? How are orders archived/deleted?What is meant by“reside nee times”?Order In formatio n SystemsWhich in formati on systems can be used for order man ageme nt? What are the characteristics of the order in formatio n system? What are variable obje

44、ct overviews?What are the sp ecial characteristics of a (multi-level) order rep ort?What is the differe nee betwee n the order in formatio n system and the Shop Floor In formati on System?Which fun cti ons are available from the order p rogress rep ort?Automati on Op ti onsWhat op ti ons are availab

45、le for automati ng the p rocess ing of orders? What role does the p roducti on scheduli ng p rofile p lay?Describe the most lea n p roducti on order and the n ecessary sett ings to achieve it?Which fun cti ons could be executed in the mass p rocess ing?Collective OrdersWhat are the characteristics o

46、f collective orders?How can collective orders be created? Which con diti ons must be fulfilled?What are the adva ntages of worki ng with collective orders? Which fun cti ons can be p erformed on collectiveders? How is scheduli ng for a comp lete collective er done?What happens if a date/qua ntity fo

47、r an。嫁 is cha nged with in the collective order?4. Product Cost PlanningGeneral Issues仝 What is a cost eleme nt (ry/sec on dary)? What is a cost comporWhat is a cost compon nt split?Ex plain the CostjuVaria nt and the mai n sett ings in customiz ing. What is a costi ng type?What sett ings can be done in a valuati on varia nt?How is a costi ng sheet structured?Base un it cost ing Describe base un it costi ng Which master data are required for base unit costi ng? How can results of BUC be used in further calculati ons?Cost estimati on without quatity structure What is me


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