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1、 Merry Christmas We all have the April fools day, all know April fools day is a day of February, but who knows April fools day come from where? 我们都过过愚人节,都知道愚人节是二月?一日,但是又有谁知道愚人节起源于哪里呢? origin 起源)( April fools day festival, several ?hundred years of history. About his origin, opinions vary. One of the

2、 most popular saying think it first .started in France愚人节又称万愚节,已经有几百年的历史了。关于他的起源,众说纷云。其中最为流行的说法认为愚人节起源于法国。 In sixteenth-century France, ?on April 1, people celebrate New Years day, exchanging gifts, have a party to celebrate. Then celebrate method and yielding around now. .十六世纪的法国,人们在4月1日这天过新年,互赠礼物,

3、举办晚会,庆祝新年。当时的庆祝方法与现在相差无几。 ?Later the new reform France reign method, to January 1 as the beginning of the year. But there are still some people in the April 1, the giving of gifts, celebrating the New Year, the claims of reform to these conservative person practice at all, and 后来法国采用新they become “Ap

4、ril fool”.改革的纪年法,以1月1日为一年的开始。但是仍然有一些人在4月1日送礼物,庆祝新年,主张改革的人对这些守旧者的做法大加嘲弄,并且把他们成为“四月傻瓜”。 celebration This day, people can play ?their own rich imagination, coaxing, teasing, fool others. And, no matter what to do so after the consequences, people appear shall also any legal liability.这一天,人们尽可的想象力,哄骗、以发

5、挥自己丰富取笑、愚弄别人。而且,不管这么样的后果,人样做之后出现什们也不负任何法律责任。 What do children usually do on April Fools Day? April fools day is coming, you want to what those trick of method?Food Tricks In the middle of the ?cookies add some 在饼干中(toothpaste间加一些牙膏)?Buy a bottle of coke, Join all sorts of condiments, give (买someone

6、to drink一瓶可乐,加入各种作料,给某人喝)?Time Difference ?When your roommate is asleep reset his/her alarm clock ?当你的舍友睡着时,重置它的闹钟 Confetti Rain?糖果雨)(?Place confetti inside a closed umbrella in your home or office and pray for rain on stApril 1?在你的家里或者办公室放一些糖果或者纸月4屑在关着的伞里在乞求降雨1st ?Who is pig?Ask friends: pig English -问朋友:猪的拼写spelling is PUG? 是PUG吗?-wrong, is the PIG -不是的,是PIG-not right, how do I -不对吧,为什么我记得remember is U (YOU) 是U(你)呢?-you made a mistake, is I,-你错了,是I(我)-the pig is U -猪是U(你)-pig is I)我I(猪是- As a result, it may people crazy! Let us hopes April fools dayThank you


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