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1、【优质】外研社版高一必修1 module3 introduction教案外研版高一英语必修1 Module 3 My First Ride on a Train Period 1 Introduction and Speaking 课堂教学设计 The General Idea of This Period In this period well review the means of transport that we can take to travel. The students will be able to learn some new words and expressions o

2、n vehicles. And they will be encouraged to describe their travel experiences. At last the students will talk about their travel plans for National Day. Teaching Contents: Introduction and Speaking Teaching Goals , 1. Target Language Important Words and Expressions: helicopter, motorbike, tram, ferry

3、, distance, ride, drive, land, get on, get off, get into, get out of, take off. 2. Ability goals , a. Train the students speaking ability. , b. Enable the students to describe the first time they travelled to some place or talk about their unforgettable trips. , c. Enable the students to talk about

4、their travel plans for National Day. , 3. Learning ability goals Help the students to learn to describe their travel experiences. 4. Affection and attitudes , a. Develop positive life attitudes and the love for our motherland. , b. Cultivate the students awareness of cooperation. , c. Cultivate the

5、students awareness of protecting the environ- ment when they travel. 5. Cultural awareness , a. Enlarge the knowledge of travel. , b. Cultivate the awareness of protecting the environment when travelling. , 6. Learning Strategies a. Cognition: Learn the ways of describing ones travel experience. b.

6、Control: While doing tasks, watch and listen to other class- mates and learn from them. c. Resources: Learn about different means of transport and various places of interests through communication with teachers and classmates. Teaching Important Points 1. Enable the students to learn words and expre

7、ssions on vehicles. 2. Train the students speaking ability. Teaching Difficult Points How to improve the students speaking ability and to help them describe their travel experiences. Teaching Methods 1. Answering activity to help the students go through vocabulary. 2. Matching the words to arouse th

8、e students interest in the names of vehicles. 3. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class. Teaching aids: CAI facilities. Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in Lead in by talking about how I come to Haikou Experimental Middle School and telling my first trip by plane. T: Good

9、morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Teacher. T: Today is a special day. I feel very much honoured and lucky to come to Haikou Experimental Middle School and to meet so many lovely students here. Im an English teacher from Qiongshan Middle School. Have you ever heard of Qiongshan Middle School

10、? Ss: Yes. T: Do you know where the school is? Ss: In Fuchen. T: Yes. Its not far from here. Can you guess how I came here? S1: By bus. T: Taking a bus is a good way of transport and it is cheap and comfortable. But its not convenient for me to take a bus here. I dont want to walk for a long way fro

11、m my home to the bus station and waste a lot of time waiting for the bus coming. S2: I guess you came here by car. T: Well. Driving a car is a good choice but it is my dream. I cant afford to buy a car now. You know, Im not so rich. S3: I think you took a taxi. T: Its fast and convenient to take a t

12、axi nowadays. But its not necessary for me because I have my own vehicle. ( Doing an action of riding a motorbike to help the Ss guess) Ss: By motorbike. T: Bingo. I came here by motorbike. It took me about ten minutes ride. I think its convenient to ride a motorbike everywhere and you can enjoy the

13、 fresh air and keep a good mood. For traveling in Haikou, Id prefer to ride my motorbike. And for a long distance, Id like to take a plane. I still remember the first time I traveled by plane. Last summer vacation, I together with my fellow teachers, the teachers in Senior 3, traveled to Hongkong ,S

14、ingapore and Malaysia. I was very excited and a little nervous because it was my first time to travel a long distance-to travel abroad. We travelled by plane and by bus. The plane took off at Haikou Meilan Airport and about an hour later it landed at Shenzhen Airport. It was also my first time to be

15、 on a plane. Everything seemed so fresh to me. I looked out of the window and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. I kept on talking to express my excitement. At Shenzhen Airport we took a bus to Hongkong. The next day we took a plane from Hongkong to Singapore. It was a long trip and it took more than fo

16、ur hours. Because it was at night, out of the window we could see nothing but darkness. What impressed me most was the service on the plane. The food was delicious and the pretty smiling airhostesses were ready to help us. What a ride! Though more than a year has passed, this experience is still fre

17、sh in my memory. (设计意图:教学之法,贵在启导.通过亲切自然、贴近生活的引入迅速引起 学生共鸣,激发学生参与到一个轻松、愉快的学习环境中.同时,教师对自 己旅游经历的描述扩大了学生的语言输入量,使学生获得表达思想所需要 的大量语言材料,激发他们说的强烈愿望,为后面的学生活动做好了准备 和铺垫.) Step 2 Ask and answer Ask some questions about the means of transport. , 1. What means of transport can you take to travel in Haikou? , 2. Wha

18、t means of transport do you take to go to school ? , 3. What means of transport can you take to go to Guanzhou? T: With the development of society, travel becomes more and more popular, convenient and enjoyable. Many means of transport can be used to travel. Now I will ask you some questions. Questi

19、on 1 : What means of transport can you take to travel in Haikou? T: Means of transport is a means of carrying people and things from one place to another. It also means vehicles. Please answer the question . S4: By bike, by motorbike, by bus, by car and by taxi. T: Yes, we can use many means of tran

20、sport to travel in Haikou. We can also travel on foot. Question 2: What means of transport do you take to go to school ? S5: I go to school by bike. T: Well, riding a bike is good for your health. S6: I take a bus to school. T: OK, its comfortable and cheap. You can even enjoy the cool air condition

21、ing during the hot summer. S7: By car. My father has a car. T: You are so lucky. I admire you very much. S8: I prefer to take a taxi. T: Oh, its fast but too expensive. You cant do that everyday. You can choose a cheaper means if you are not in a hurry. S9: By “motortaxi”(摩的). T: My God. Dont do tha

22、t. Its too dangerous. Many traffic accidents are caused by “motortaxis”. S10: I go to school on foot because its good for my health. T: I agree with you. And remember to get up early so that you wont be late. Lets come to another question. Question3: What means of transport can you take to go to Gua

23、nzhou? Ss: We can take a bus, a car, a train, a ship or a plane. T: Well done. For traveling to Guanzhou, we have to cross the Qiongzhou Straits and we can travel by bus, by car, by train, by ship or by plane. (设计意图:围绕交通方式这一主题和内容展开问答.问题贴近生活,容 易调动学生的积极性,激活他们的思维,培养他们的语言运用能力,达到 “师生互动、生生互动”的学习效果.) Step

24、3 Presentation Show some pictures on the screen and get the students to name the means of transport as fast as they can. T: Well, you know the means of transport very well. Now lets do an activity. Look at the pictures on the screen and tell the names of transport as fast as you can. Ss: (Picture 1)

25、 We can see a bike and a motorbike. (Picture 2) A car and a taxi. T: (Pointing to the taxi) We have to pay to use this car. Ss: (Picture 3) A bus and a tram. T: Exactly. A tram is a public vehicle driven by electricity. From the picture we can see it is connected to electric wires. Ss: (Picture 4) A

26、 train. (Picture 5) A plane and a helicopter. T: We seldom see helicopters in Haikou. They often appear on TV and in movies. Ss: (Picture 6) A ship and a ferry. T: A ferry is a ship or a boat that goes across the river carrying people and things. Ss: (Picture 7) We can see a boat in this picture. T:

27、 Going boating is romantic and a good way of relaxing yourselves. (设计意图:利用图片、声像以及多媒体技术使呈现的材料真实,贴进生活;迅速捉住学生的注意力,使学生了解学习的目标;通过对交通工具的学习, 增大学生的语言输入量,为下面的活动打下基础.) Step 4 Task 1: Asking and Answering (Pair-work) Get the students to ask and answer the questions in Activity 2 on Page21 inpairs. Q1: Which of

28、 the vehicles in activity 1 travel on roads? Q2: Which of them travel on rails? Q3: Which of them travel on water? Q4: Which of them travel in the air? Q5: Which of them can you use to travel a long distance? T: Among these vehicles some travel on roads, some on rails, some on water, and some in the

29、 air. Now lets classify them by asking and answering the following questions in pairs. S: Which of the vehicles in activity 1 travel on roads? S: Taxis, cars, buses, bikes and motorbikes travel on roads. S: Which of them travel on rails? S: Trams and trains travel on rails S: Which of them travel on

30、 water? S: Ferries, ships and boats travel on water. S: Which of them travel in the air? S: Helicopters and planes travel in the air. S: Which of them can you use to travel a long distance? S: Planes, helicopters, trains, buses and ships can be used to travel a long distance. (设计意图:结对问答活动充分体现学生为主体,教

31、师为主导的新课程理念. 培养学生分析信息,处理信息以及合作探究的能力.) Step 5 Task 2: Practice( Group-work and Competition) Match the verbs with the means of transport. Get the students to do Activity 3 at Page 21 get on , get off , get into , get out of , ride , drive, land , take off bicycle, motorbike, bus, tram, train, car, taxi

32、, plane, helicopter, ship, boat, ferry,. T: Now lets judge what verbs can go with these vehicles. Match the verbs with the means of transport. We can say “ get on a.” Ss: A bus. T: Since we can say “ get on a bus”, we can also say “ get.” Ss: Get off a bus. T: Clever. “ Get off” is opposite to “get

33、on”. Now you are divided into some small groups. Each group consists of four students. Discuss the answers with your group members. Then well do a competition between groups. Each group will get one point if you give a right answer. Call back the answers from the class by doing the competition. (设计意

34、图:合作学习使小组成员之间互相尊重,互相关心,互相欣赏,有利 于形成和谐的学习氛围,培养他们的团队精神和合作能力. 同时竞争意识 的注入,使学生情绪高涨,最大限度地激发了学生的学习兴趣.) Step 6 Task 3: Speaking (Group-work) Get the students to describe the first time they travelled to some place or talk about their unforgettable trip. T: We have finished learning some vocabulary on vehicle

35、s. Now lets do some speaking practice. Describe the first time you travel to some place or talk about your unforgettable trip. Well do this activity in fours. Every four students tell their travel experiences to each other. And then well get one member in each group to share his experience to the wh

36、ole class. You can follow this example: I first travelled to Sanya by bus when I was ten years old. I went with my classmates and teachers. It was a fine day. The sky was blue and the sun was shining. We got on a bus in Haikou. During the way we got a good view of the beautiful scenery. There were f

37、lowers and green trees everywhere. We were so happy and excited that we kept on talking and singing all the time. Then the students do the activity in fours and share their travel experiences with the whole class. (设计意图:通过语言实践活动去发展英语语言能力.通过营造一个能进行交际实践的学习环境,努力扩大学生的知识面,帮助学生构建自己的自主学习模式.使学生形成以交际能力为核心的英语

38、语言运用素质,在愉快轻松的氛围中达到运用英语交际的能力.) Step 7 Task 4: Free talk (Group-work) Get the students to talk about their travel plans for the coming National Day. T: National Day is coming. Because I like traveling , this National Holiday I have a travel plan. I will travel to Beijing by plane. I have never been to

39、 Beijing and visiting the Great Wall has been my dream since I was a child. There is a famous saying,“he who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man. ”This time I will value the chance to enjoy myself and try to be a true man. And suppose you will go on a trip during the holiday as well. Tal

40、k about your travel plan. Say where you will go, who you will go with and what means of transport you would like to use to travel. Then the students give a free talk. (设计意图:创设情景,让学生运用所学的知识来执行并完成任务.在这个过程中学习的主体始终是学生.他们用英语做事,在做中探究、学习,在做中体验、交流和实践, 进一步巩固了所学内容.) Step 8 Summary and Homework Get the student

41、s to write down their travel plans. T: In this period we have learned some vocabulary on the vehicles , practised describing our travel experiences and talked about our travel plans. You have done a very good job. I really enjoy your performance. Please write down your travel plans as homework. So m

42、uch for this lesson. Thank you very much. (设计意图:概括整个教学过程并用激励性语言评价学生在课堂中的活动, 激发学生学习兴趣,使学生获得成就感,增强自信心,充分享受上英语课 的乐趣.最后布置写作以帮助学生用英语进行思维和准确表达.) 以下是附加文档,不需要 的朋友下载后删除,谢谢 班主任工作总结专题8篇 第一篇:班主任工作总结 小学班主任特别是一年级的班主任,是一个复合性角色。当孩子们需要关心爱护时,班主任应该是一位慈母,给予他们细心的体贴和温暖;当孩子们有了缺点,班主任又该是一位严师,严肃地指出他的不足,并帮助他改正。于是,我认为班主任工作是一项既

43、艰巨而又辛苦的工作。说其艰巨,是指学生的成长,发展以至能否成为合格人才,班主任起着关键性的作用,说其辛苦,是指每天除了对学生的学习负责以外,还要关心他们的身体、纪律、卫生、安全以及心理健康等情况。尽管这样,下面我就谈几点做法和体会。 一、常规习惯,常抓不懈 学生良好的行为习惯的养成不是一节课、一两天说说就行的,它必须贯穿在整个管理过程中。于是我制定出详细的班规,要求学生对照执行,使学生做到有规可循,有章可依。由于低年级学生自觉性和自控力都比较差,避免不了会出现这样或那样的错误,因此这就需要班主任做耐心细致的思想工作、不能操之过急。于是,我经常利用班会对学生中出现的问题进行晓之以理、动之以情、导

44、之以行的及时教育,给他们讲明道理及危害性,从而使学生做到自觉遵守纪律。 二、细处关爱,亲近学生 爱,是教师职业道德的核心,一个班主任要做好本职工作,首先要做到爱学生。“感人心者,莫先乎情。”工作中,我努力做到于细微处见真情,真诚的关心孩子,热心的帮助孩子。我深信,爱是一种传递,当教师真诚的付出爱时,收获的必定是孩子更多的爱感受孩子们的心灵之语,便是我最快乐的一件事” 三、具体要求,指导到位 心理学研究表明,儿童对事物的认知是整体性的,能熟知轮廓,但不注重细节。 我认为,首先要蹲下来,以孩子的视角观察事物,用孩子能听懂的话和他们交流。其次,要注重细节教育,把该做的事指导到位,因为他们很想按照老师

45、的要求去做,很想把事情做好。 四、示范带头,直观引导 大教育家乌申斯基曾有过这样一段话:“教师个人的范例,对于学生的心灵是任何东西都不能代替的最有用的阳光。”低年级的学生对自己的班主任是一个怎样的老师,他们会留心观察班主任的每一个动作、每一个眼神、每一种表情,会细心倾听班主任的每一句话,他们对班主任有着一种特殊的信任和依赖情感。班主任的自身素质,道德修养,班主任的一言一行,一举一动,无形之中会成为全班几十个孩子的榜样。因此,在班级工作中我时刻注意自身形象,事事从我做起,以良好的形象率先垂范,潜移默化的影响着我的学生。凡要求学生做到的,教师首先自己做到,而且做得更好。要求学生讲卫生,不随便乱扔垃

46、圾,自己就做到随手捡拾垃圾。要求学生不迟到,在我的带动下,我们班的大多数学生都能做到讲卫生不迟到,个个讲文明守纪律。 五、及时表扬,延迟批评 德国美学家黑格尔说:“不应该使孩子们的注意力长久地集中在一些过失上,对此,尽可能委婉地提醒一下就够了。最重要的是要在学生身上激发出对自身力量和自身荣誉的信念。”教过低年级的老师都知道:孩子小,事儿多,一上课就“告状”。当老师的又不能不公平处理,这样耽误的时间太多,而且学生因为受了批评,注意力长时间集中在自己的过失上,情绪受影响,低落的情绪体验使智力活动水平明显下降,课堂吸收效率变低。针对这一情况,我采取延迟批评,这样既培养学生愉快的情绪体验,又给予其改正

47、和返回的机会,之后老师只要加以指导,就能很好的解决问题. 本文来自公务员之家,查看正文请使用公务员之家站内搜索查看正文。 第二篇:四年级班主任工作总结 学生是涌动着无限活力的生命体,是教育的起点和归宿。面对学生,祖国的未来,我们要做一个真正有意义的班主任,素质教育要求我们要面向全体学生,为学生服好务,使学生的思想道德、文化科学、劳动技能、身体心理素质得到全面和谐地发展,我们的班级管理究竟该如何阅读学生个体,提升学生学习生活及生命的质量呢?在过去的一学期里,我们班在学校的统一组织、领导和同学们的共同努力下及任课老师的大力支持和配合下,各项工作顺利开展,安全、学习、工作等方面都取得较突出的成绩,现

48、将我所做的一些工作总结如下: 一、做好学生的思想工作,培养学生良好的道德品质,净化学生的心灵,努力培养德智体全面发展的人才 做好学生的思想工作从两方面入手,一是重视每周的班会课,开好班会课;二是重视与学生的思想交流,多与学生谈心。重视班会,开好班会,为的是在班中形成正确的舆论导向,形成良好的班风、学风,为学生提供一个好的大环境,重视的是学生的共性。为配合学校各项工作的落实,我们班积极开展了许多有益于学生身心健康发展的活动,让学生在活动中明事理、长见识。学生自尊心也很强,直接的批评换回来的可能是思想的叛逆,利用班会课对学生进行思想教育的好处,就是避免单调重复的批评说教而引起学生的反感,容易为学生接受,能切实帮助学生澄清思想上的模糊认识,提高学生的思想境界。但开班会课不一定都要等到每周二下午第四节,可利用一些零碎的又不影响学科学习的时间开短小精悍的班会也能取得良好的效果。不必长篇大论,班主任把


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