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1、Team nu mber:Date情態助動詞(第一部份)、情態助動詞概述英語中的情態助動詞有:can, could, had better, may, might, must, ought (to), shall, should, will , would。說明:情態助動詞通常表示說話者的態度。例如:情態助動詞可用來表達說話者認為某事是必須的、適宜的、許可的、可能的或大概的;此外,它們還可傳遞那些態度的強弱程度。每個情態助動詞都有一種以上的含義或用法。(可參考199頁,表10-10)1. 基本的情態助動詞(以下往右移並對齊)/ can do it.I 、could do it.Youhad b

2、etter do itHemay do it.SheI1might do it.Itr +must do it.Weought to do it.Youshall do it.They /should do it.will do it.would do it.*即使主詞為第三人稱的she, he或it,情態助動詞字尾不加S。例如:正確:She can do it.錯誤:She cans do it.*情態助動詞後面直接接原形動詞。例如:正確:She can doit .錯誤:She can to do it. / She can does it. / She can did it.例外:只有o

3、ught它後面接不定詞 (to +動詞簡單式。Ex: He ought to goto the meeting.2.片語式情態助動詞,例如:be able to do it / be going todo it / be supposed todo it / have to do it / have got todo it / used todo it*片語式情態助動詞與某些基本的情態助動詞意義類似。例如:be able to 類似 can; be going to 類似 will。(這些意義類似的片語式情態助動詞用了不定詞:to +動詞簡單式)。練習:下列各句在情態助動詞的形式上都有錯誤,請

4、改正錯誤。1. She can to see it2. She can sees it.3. Do you can see it?二、主詞為 ” ”及YOU ”的禮貌問句1. (a) May I: May I (please) borrow your pen?(b) Would you: Would you pass the salt (please)?(c) Will you : Will you (please) pass the salt?2. (a) Could I: Could I borrow your pen (please)?(b) Could you: Could you p

5、ass the salt (please)?3. (a) Can I: Can I borrow your pen?(b) Can you: Can you (please) pass the salt?*May I、Could I及Would you、Will you都用來請求許可,它們的禮貌程度相同。(Would you通常被視為較 為禮貌的用法。)*在could I句中禮貌請求時,could只有現在或未來的意義,沒有過去的意義。*can I、can you could you 一般用於非正式的禮貌請求,特別於對話雙方很熟時才用;而 can、can you could you 的用法被視為

6、不女口 may I、could I、could you Would you 恰當。(補充:might I是屬於相當正式與禮貌的用法;但相對於may I或could I, might I較不常見)三、表示必須的 MUST、HAVE TO、HAVE GOT TO1. must及have to都表示必須;Ex: a. All applica nts must take an entrance exam.b. All applica nts have totake an entrance exam.說明:在a句及b句中;每位申請者皆必須經過入學考試,別無選擇,考試是規定的。而在日常表示“必須”的敘述時

7、have to較must常用。Must的語氣比have to強,且可以強調緊迫性或重要性。2. have got to go及 have to go 亦表示必須:Ex: c. I have got to gcnow.d. I have to gonow.說明:在c句及d句中都有表示”必須”的意思。但have got to為非正式用語,主要用於口語英語中。 而have to則在正式及非正式英語中皆可用。 時態說明:現在或未來式:I have to / have got to / must study toni ght. 過去:I had to study last night.(表示過去的時間必

8、須用had to,而must及have got to沒有過去式)3. 用於否定式中,must與have to意義不同(1) do not have to =不必(2) must not =禁止(不可以這麼做!)Ex : (1) Tomorrow is a holiday. We don t have to go to class.(2) You must not look in the closet. Your birthday present is hidden there.四、表示適宜的 SHOULD、OUGHT TO 、HAD BETTER 說明:1. had better與should

9、/ought to相近,但語氣更強烈些,有時在口語中,had會被省略。Ex : You should study harder或 You ought to study harder.= 強度上從建議到有關責任、義務的敘 述。Ex : The gas tank is almost empty. We had better stop at the next service station. =通 常暗示一種可 能產生嚴重後果的警告或威脅。2. should 與 had better否定式的寫法 =should + not 與 had better + not而ought to不常用於否定句,用於否

10、定句時,to有時會被省略 =ought + not (to)3. had better與should/ought to的過去式有何意義不同或相同(1) should = should have + 過去分詞(2) ought to = ought to have + 過去分詞(3) had better = had better have +過去分詞 (較少使用 )Ex : (1) I should have studied last night.(2) I ought to have studied.(3) He had better have taken care of it.Amy: 1. 9-4, 9-10, 9-11 沒說,還是要留給我說 ?2. 添加 exercise 在第二點之後的每一部分參考資料:請見sample presentatior的寫法


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