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1、【高一英语】新人教版必修1 高中英语 U1 FRIENDSHIP教案(共16页)Teaching Plan Unit 1 Topic: Friendship ? 话题:熟悉有关Friends and friendship, how to make friends和 how to make friendship的话题。 Language ? 功能:在日常交际中有效使用得体的语言表达态度: knowledge (a)同意和不同意:I agree; I think so; Exactly; I dont agree; I don t think so; Im afraid not. (b)肯定程度:

2、Thats correct; Of course not. ?语法:掌握陈述句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的直接引语和间接 引语。 ?词汇:重点理解、掌握下列词汇: add; share; dare; suffer; advice; calm down; be concerned about; go through; set down; a serious of; on purpose; in order to; join in Teaching Language ?听: 听懂Miss Wang of Radio For Teenagers 的回信,并能回答就skills 信中主要内容提出的问题。

3、 Aims ?说:能围绕中心话题Friends and friendship, 与同学交谈,合作,共同完成调查问卷设计任务。 ?读:能从Anne?s Best Friends中获取主要信息,理解课文的内容和细节;理解“语言运用”部分的两封信,为下面的听和写做好准备。 ?写: 能根据提示,以编辑的身份为 Xiaodong写封回信。 Cultural 了解英语交际中如何恰当地表达态度。通过课文学习,了解德国conscious 法西斯残害犹太人的历史,感受外国历史文化。 -ness Affect 加深对友谊、友情、朋友的理解,学习如何正确交友,对待友谊、& Attitude 友情,处理朋友间发生的问

4、题。 Learning ? 认知策略:总结语言材料中有关直接引语和间接引语的规律并加strategies 以应用。 ? 交际策略:在课内外活动中积极围绕话题与同学交流。 ? 调控策略:合理分配注意力。 ? 资源策略:学习有效地使用词典等工具书。 Teaching Teaching (1)本单元所出现的词汇的用法。 key important (2)陈述句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的直接引语和间接引语。 points points (3)对于个人观点态度的表达法。 Period 1 The whole content ,Warming up of unit 1(听说活动课) Period 2 Re

5、ading: Anne?s best friend (阅读课) Teaching Period 3 Learning about language (词汇语法课) Period 4 Reading and listening (听说课) periods Period 5 Reading and writing(写作课) Period 6 Summing up , revision (复习及课外阅读课-P44 friendship in Hawaii) Period 7 Test (单元测试) 备注 Title The contents ,warming up Period 1 Teaching

6、 aims Know about the contents of the whole text,talk about friends and friendship time Teaching Activity Objectives Interaction procedures (设计意图) Step 1 1. About the contents To know the Individual Look through your book and find structure of the work the answers to these questions. whole modules. a

7、. How many units are there in 修改与备注: 修改与备注: the book? _ b. The book is made up of two parts, what are they? _ c. How many parts are there in the appendices? _ About the theme Know the theme Pair work Look at the list of contents. In of every unit and 修改与备注: which unit can you develop student?s a. le

8、arn the history about the fast reading skills. development of English? 修改与备注: _ b. learn how to protect oneself and help others in disasters? _ c. Study vocabulary of landforms(地貌)? _ d. Read the introduction of some famous people? _ e. Read the suggestion about how to get along with others? _ About

9、 the grammar To get a general Pair work a. Which grammar structure is impression about 修改与备注: dealt with in the fourth unit the grammar. Earthquakes? 修改与备注: _ b. Which structure can we use to report others? ideas? _ c. What can we talk about using the present continuous tense? In this book, what new

10、 idea can we get? _ Step2 Individual work To develop Ss? Leading-in (warming up) 修改与备注: Ask the Ss to describe one of speaking skills . their friends-their appearance, 修改与备注: personality, hobbies, etc. Qs: Whats your friend like? What does he/she like to do in his/her spare time? What personality do

11、es he/she have? Step3 本环节通过引导Group work Have the Ss get into groups 学生描述朋友,进修改与备注: of four to list some qualities 而探讨好朋友应of a person they would like 具备的优秀品质,as a friend. F Forgiving, fair, forever, 循序渐进地引入faithful, friendly 本单元的中心话R Real, responsible, reliable, 题,真实性强,为respectful 学生学习和运用I Important,

12、 interesting 本单元的功能意E Enjoyable, everlasting, equal, 念项目提供了很encouraging 好的机会。 N Nice 修改与备注: D Devoted S Sincere, sharing H Helpful, honest I Independent P Pure, polite, precious, patient Step 4 为了有效完成设Individual work Doing the survey 1. Do the survey on page 1 in the 计调查问卷的任修改与备注: textbook. 务,首先对它有一

13、 2. While doing that, encourage 个直观的认识,弄students to guess the meaning of 清调查问卷的结unfamiliar words (if necessary). 构和形式,为下面3. Have students work out their 设计问卷这个中scores on page 8. 心环节做好各方4. Discuss the results: 4-7 points: 面的准备。对于问not a good friend; 8-12 points: a 卷中个别的生词fairly good friend; 12+ points

14、: an 和短语,应鼓励学excellent friend. 生围绕“中心话题”和上下文去猜测。) 修改与备注: Step 5 Step 3 Designing a questionnaire 本环节的目的是Individual work 1. Divide students into groups of 通过设计问卷,创修改与备注: four. 设真实的语言情2. Ask each group to design one 景,为学生探讨友question accordingly with three 谊、友情提供广阔possible answers each. 的空间。重点进行3. Give

15、 a score to each answer. 口语交际方面的4. Set down the question and 练习,同时培养学answers to make a questionnaire. 生发现、思考、解决问题的能力,树 立正确的人生观和价值观) Step 6 Trying the questionnaire 使用自己设计的Group work 1. Check the questionnaire 调查问卷,可极大修改与备注: through and try it out on your 的调动学生的积 own group. 极性,使他们主动2. Share your ques

16、tionnaire with 参与到活动中来,four other groups and see how 获得积极的情感many points you can get. 体验。 修改与备注: Step 7 Homework Objectives Interaction The design of the writing on the blackboard Record after teaching Title Anne?s best friend Period 2 Teaching aims 1. Read Annes diary and try to understand its main

17、idea as well as details. 2. Foster the reading strategy. Time Teaching Activity Objectives Interaction procedures Step 1 Pre-reading: 导入衔接上节课和本Group work A friend is a present which 节课知识。 you give yourself. 通过讨论,将学生的Why do you need friends? 注意力集中到下面阅Group work: 读材料的主题上。本Work in groups of four on 环节调

18、动学生围绕文the following questions: 章主题展开批判性思1.Does a friend always 维,为他们将话题与have to be a person? What 自身生活经历相结合else can be your friend? 提供机会. 2. Do you think a diary can 修改与备注: become your friend? Why or why not? Step 2 Reading : 1.预测可以活跃学生 1. Look at the title of the 的思维,激发学习兴reading passage and the 趣,

19、同时也给学生提pictures on Page 2 and 3. 供了表达的机会。 Guess who those people 引导学生充分利用各are and what the text 种信息源,拓宽阅读might be about. 时的视野。设置“信息2. listening 沟”,激发学生的阅读listen to the text 欲望。 3. Scan the passage and 2.提高听力修正错误answer the following 发音 questions: 3.训练学生快速阅读(1) How many parts is the 的技巧。总结主旨大text divi

20、ded? How do you 意是最基本的阅读技know that? 能(抓不住语篇的主(2) Whats the main idea for 旨大意,就无法深刻the first part ? Read Para.1 的理解整个语篇( and the first two sentences of Para.2 to get it. 4. Intensive reading.(精读) Work in groups of four and 4.本环节给学生提供discuss the following 充分的思维时间和广questions. 阔的思维空间,调动1. What is a true

21、 friend like 学生在交互学习、合in Anne?s opinion? 作学习中学会自己解2. What is an ordinary diary 决课文理解中的问like according to Anne? 题,尽量挖掘学生的What about her diary? 学习潜能。 3. About how long had Anne 修改与备注: and her family been in the hiding place When she wrote the diary? 4. How did Anne feel about nature after she and her

22、family hid away? 5. Why do you think her feelingschanged towards nature? Step 3 Filling the blanks by using 掌握本课出现的关键 some key words: 词,并体会和掌握其Anne?s sister, Margot was 在语境中的应用。 very _ that the family 修改与备注: had to move. She found _difficult to settle and _ _ in the hiding place because she was _ _w

23、hether they would be discovered. She knew she had to _ her parents and this was necessary. At first she thought she would go _ but later she realized that it was better to _ _ this together. Step 4 Read and discuss 引导学生学会去感 1.What do the two 悟、欣赏语言。 words(outdoors, nature) imply(暗含)in Anne?s letter?

24、 2. How would describe Anne?s feelings by using 修改与备注: some adjectives as she was looking out at the night sky? Step 5 Postreading 通过围绕课文的话题 Discuss the following 设置语言情景,鼓励questions: 学生发表自己的见解.1. Imagine you had to hide 理解安妮当时的心境somewhere to avoid being 和安妮日记的内涵,killed, where would you plan 在感受外国历史文

25、化to hide? 的同时自然而然的习2. What might it be like if 得语言。 you have to stay in your 修改与备注: bedroom for a whole year? 3. What would you do to pass the time? Step 6 Homework 培养学生口头叙述的 1. Read the text after class 能力 and try to retell the story (120 -150 words ). The design of the writing on the blackboard Re

26、cord after Teaching Title learning about language (vocabulary and grammar) Period 3 Teaching aims 1. Lexis: Have deep understanding of some useful words and expressions. 2. Grammar: The use of the Direct and Indirect Speech in narration and questions. Teaching Activity Objectives InteractioTime proc

27、edures n Step 1 Students retell the text 训练学生表达Individual 和总结能力 Language points (1) upset adj. & v. Readthe following sentences, paying attention to the use of the word “upset”: 在语境中掌握(a) She sounded upset when I told her 重要词汇和句Step 2 you couldnt give her an 型,并能灵活运appointment. 用。 (b) They are terri

28、bly upset by the 修改与备注 break-up of their parents marriage. (c) She warned me not to say anything to upset her. We can draw a conclusion that: (a) If you are upset, you feel _ because something unhappy has happened to you. (b) If something upsets you, you feel _ or _. (2) be concerned about / for : a

29、 feeling of worry .be concerned with: to be about sth. 与有关;涉及 (a) The family _ all _ _ (担心) his safety. (b) _ _ _ _ _ _(她为什 么如此关注)his attitude to her work? There seems nothing to do with him. (c) The public _ _ _ _ _ _(越来越关 注) the spread of the deadly disease. (d) The book _ _ _ _(主要涉及)the relations

30、 of the two countries during the Cold War. (3) I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at . a: on purpose 故意地 同义词组:by design 反义词组:by chance / by accident b: for / with the purpose of 原因 是,目的在于 你来这里的目的是要看望你的老师 吗, Did you come here for the purpose of s

31、eeing your teacher? 5). . I happened to be upstairs one 修改与备注: evening. a: to have the good or bad luck (to) 碰巧 常用搭配:. happened to do . It so (just) happened that. 事故发生的时候,我碰巧在场。 I happened to be there when the accident happened. It so happened that I was there when the accident happened. b: What ha

32、s happened to him? 6). . it was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face. It / This /That is /will be the first /second.time that. “某人第一/二.次做某事 It / This is the first time that I have seen such a big watermelon. He said it /that was the second time that he had been to

33、Europe. 7. I didnt go downstairs until the window had to be shut. not.until 用于否定句 要用非延续性动词 till/until 用于肯定句要用延续动词 Wait here till/until I come back. I didnt think of it until I graduated from college It is /was +not until.that It was not until I graduated from college that I thought of it. Step 3 Com

34、plete the exercises on p4 巩固重点词的 用法 Step 4 Grammar direct speech and in direct 学生自主探究 speech. 发现直接引语1. Do Discovering useful structures 和间接引语的(1) Examine the sentences in Part 1 不同。 and try to find out the difference between direct and indirect speech. 直接引述别人的原话,叫直接引语。 用自己的话转述别人的话,叫间接 引语。 间接引语在多数情况下

35、构修改与备注: 成宾语从句。从句中的人称、时态、修改与备注: 指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等 要作相应的变化。 1.陈述句:直接引语如果是陈述句, 变为间接引语时,用that引导(口 语中常省略)。 2.疑问句: (1)一般疑问句:直接引语如果是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,用 whether/if 引 导。主句中的谓语动词是said时,要改为 asked. (2) 特殊疑问句:直接引语如果是特殊疑问句,变为间接引语时,仍用原来的疑问词引导。 3.时态的变化: 一般现在时-一般过去时 现在进行时-过去进行时 现在完成时-过去完成时 一般过去时-过去完成时 过去完成时-过去完成时(不变) 一般将来

36、时-过去将来时 注:直接引语如果是客观真理,变为间接引语时,时态不变。 He said,”Light travels much faster than sound.” He said that light travels much faster than sound. 4. 指示代词 this -that these- those 5. 地点状语 here - there 6. 动词 come - go 7. 时间状语 now -then Next week - the next week Step 5 Do exercises of part two on page5 Step 6 Pair

37、 work : part 3 给学生提供真 实的语言环境,将直接引语和间接引用进行转换。 Step 7 Home work 1. 巩固直接引语 Do translation in the workbook on 和间接引语的P41. 使用。 2. Use Indirect Speech to retell 修改与备注: another Annes diary in the workbook on P42. The design of the writing on the blackboard Record after teaching Title Reading listening and s

38、peaking Period 4 Teaching aims 1. Read the letter from Lisa on page 6 and have a discussion on it. 2. Do the listening task. 3. Express agreement and disagreement Teaching Activities Objectives Interaction Time procedures Step 1 Checking the homework 通过检查作业, 1. Do translation in the workbook 进一步巩固所

39、on P41. 学的基础语言2. Use Indirect Speech to retell 知识。如果发现another page of Annes diary in the 学生在某些方workbook on P42. 面有欠缺,应及时进行补偿性练习。 Step 2 Lisa has a problem now and she 阅读这封信是 wrote a letter to Miss Wang of 为了熟悉话题,Radio for Teenagers. 明确下面听的1. Read the letter from Lisa on 目的。 Page 6 and discuss the pr

40、oblem which was upsetting her. 2.Imagine you were on Radio for 通过讨论,激发Teenagers, and discuss in groups 学生兴趣和听what advice youd like to give 的欲望,并对即Lisa. 将听的内容做出积极预测 3.Listen to the tape and answer the 指导学生培养questions in Part 3, paying attention 听得策略,重点to the use of Indirect Speech. 放在听大意和主题,理解说话人的意图和

41、态度,边听边做笔记 4.Compare Miss. Wang s suggestions with yours. I suggest/ advice that I think that she should/can 本环节再次为Why not 学生提供了在She could 真实的语言环She?d better 境中进行口语 交际的机会。 备案:make a dialogue about if you agree with Miss Wang?s advice 5. Listen to the tape again and try 训练学生获取to spell out the words as

42、 you hear 主要信息的技their pronunciation. 能 Exercise of part 2 Step 3 Listening task on P43 in the 激发学生思维, workbook 为听正文做铺1. Pre-listening 垫 Discuss the following questions: 修改与备注: (1) Do you always do what your parents tell you to? (2) What if you want to relax after dinner while our parents want you to

43、 do your homework right away? (3) What will you do if your parents want you to end friendship with someone because they dont like him/her? (4) Give an example that you disobeyed your parents and tell us what happened afterwards. 2. While listening 获取主要信息,Focus our attention on the gist of 培养学生动手the

44、listening passage. Then fill in 做笔记的能力。 the form on page 43. 3. Post-listening 激发思维,表达Perhaps you can help Anne with 个人观点。培养this problem. Work in pairs, make a 学生解决问题list of things she might say to her 的能力。 father to make him change his mind. Now be ready to tell the class your ideas. Step 4 Home wo

45、rk 备注: Record after Teaching Title Reading and writing Period 5 Teaching aims 1. Read the letter from Xiaodong on page 7 and have a discussion on it, especially on the writing purpose, writing style, and the authors attitude. 2. Write a letter in reply. Teaching Activities Objectives Interaction Time procedures Step 1 Check the homework 发现问题解决问题 Step 2 Reading and writing 此处的短文阅读是 1. Read the letter from 与下面的写作相联Xiaodong on P7 and


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