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1、中考英语一轮复习教案(牛津译林版7B UNIT4)用请下载 7下Unit4 Finding your way 一、复习单词表 A. 拼读易错单词. 1. follow vt. 2. straight adv. adj. 3dangerous adj. 4. quite adv 5. bridge n. 6. treasure n. 7. turning n. 8.traffic n. 9. traffic lights n. 10. crossing n. 11. corner n. 12. prepare vt. 13. exit n. B. 四会单词 (1)词性变化 1.follow vt

2、.-following adj. 2.north.: n. north-northern ; south-southern; west-western; east-eastern north-east/west ; south-east/west 3.bamboo-bamboos 4.dangerous adj. dangerousmore dangerousmost dangerous 名词:danger be in danger 5.giraffe n.-giraffes 6.funny adj. funnyfunnierfunniest 7.leaf n.leaves (2)重点单词用法

3、 1.remember vt. 反义词:forget remember/forget to do sth remember/forget doing sth Please remember (turn) off the light when you leave the classroom. I remember (meet)the man somewhere. 2.funny与fun的用法区别:1.两者都有形容词词性 ? fun 偏指愉快的 We had a night in the club. 我们在俱乐部度过了一个欢乐的夜晚。 ? funny 偏指有趣的(事物) Thats the jok

4、e Ive ever heard. 那是我所听过的最风趣的笑话。 ? fun 主要词性是名词,为“乐趣”。如have fun: What great fun we had (play) in the zoo. 3.?sound n.声音在一般情况下,凡是能听到的声音都可以叫 sound。如: Birds always make beautiful . sound vi.听起来 Your idea great. ?与noise, voice 的用法区别 noise 主要指大声的、令人不愉快的声音,尤指噪音(可用作可数或不可数名词)。如: Stop making so much . voice 主

5、要指人讲话或唱歌的声音(是可数名词)。如He has a loud voice. He told me the news in a beautiful . 4.prepare vt. ? prepare sth. Our English teacher was the lessons when I came into the office. ? prepare sb. sth.表示给.准备.,也可转换为prepare sth. for sb.。 She prepared us a nice breakfast.= She prepared a nice breakfast us. 用请下载 ?

6、 prepare to do sth.表示准备做. They were preparing (cross)the river when it began to rain. 二、重点词组、句型用法 1(I think we have to go up again( have to意为“不;得不,强调客观; must强调主观 My bike is broken,so I walk to school( 2(Sunshine Zoo is north of Sunshine Middle School( 表示“A在B的东/南/西/北面”用句型:”A is east/south/west/north

7、of B”其同义句是: A is to/on the east/south/west/north of B Nanjing is west of Shanghai=Nanjing is to the west of Shanghai. 表示方位的介词in, on与to 的区别 (1)in 表示 A在B的范围之内, Taiwan is the south of China. (2) to表示两者不接壤,不从属 Hangzhou is the south of Taizhou. (3)表示两地接壤 China is on the south of Russia. China lies of Vie

8、tnam. 3(Its north of the school,about three kilometres away( three kilometres away意为“三千米远”,是一种表示“计量的表达法,即“数词+单位词(米、千米、千克)+形容词”。如:four metres tall(四米高);ten metres wide(十米宽) 等。需要注意的是,在表计量时“远”用away,而不用far;人的“高”用tall,而不用high。Yao Ming is about 2(2 6 (姚明大约2(2 6米高。 4(Go straight on,and youll find the Panda

9、 House. “祈使句+and,or +一般将来时表示由前面的情况而产生的结果,and通常后接好的结 果,or通常后接不好的结果。如: Hurry up, and well catch the early bus( Hurry up,or well miss the early bus( Work hard, youll pass the exam.(and/or) 5(They jump around and make people laugh( (1)此处around是副词,意为“到处,在附近,大约”;还可做介词,意为“在周围,环绕”。如:There are many trees aro

10、und my house(在我家周围有许多树。 (2)make在这里与let一样,是使役性动词,后接动词原形或形容词作宾语补足语。如: The great news made her happy(这个好消息使她很高兴。 6(There are also birds,arent there? 此旬是反意疑问句,其基本构成是:陈述句+简短的附加提问?所遵循的基本原则是 “前肯后否,前否后肯。如: The girl isnt a student,is she? Tom is never late for school, he ? , .He is always the first to school

11、. 7(The treasure is under the ground in front of the third tree on the left( in front of意为“在某物外部的前面”,in the front of指“在某物内部的前面”。如: The teacher is having the lesson in the front of the classroom( 用请下载 There is a bus in front of the classroom( Lily is sitting of Daniel. 8(How do I get there? 去那儿的路怎么走呢

12、? 这是问路的一种表达。还有如下同义表达: (1)Which is the way to(? (2)Where is the(? (3)Is there a(near here? (4)Could you tell me the way to(? (5)Could you tell me how to get to/how I can get to(? 9. Look! Here is a panda. 倒装句: (1)主语是名词全部倒装:Here is your English book. (2)主语是代词部分倒装:Here it is . Look! Here (come) the bus

13、. 10. I would like to invite you to the party. invite sb to do/sp Kitty invited her friends (join) her birthday party. 三(语法复习 1(冠词(a,an,the) 冠词一般位于所限定的名词前。冠词有不定冠词和定冠词两种。不定冠词有两种形式,即a 和an。a用在以辅音音素开头的单词前,如a book(一本书);an用在以元音音素开头的单词前,如an apple(一个苹果)。 a或an与可数名词单数连用,泛指某类人或某物中的一个;the既可以用在可数名词前,也可以用在不可数名词前,

14、表示某个或某些特定的人或事物,也可以指上文提到过的人或事物。 (1) We are going to learn forty-ninth page tomorrow. (2) Kitty can play volleyball now. (3) I want to buy book about music tomorrow. (4) The Chinese-English dictionary is useful book for us. (5) Daniel is honest boy, we all believe him. (6)Marie Curie was unusual woman

15、 who found out the radium. 2.方位介词:in,on,under,behind,near,at,between,in front of,in the front of,above,below, beside,inside,outside等。 Shall we meet the school gate? Its very cold the room. Please come in ,Simon. Nick lives on the fourth floor. I live two floors him,I live on the sixth floor. 四个“过”的介

16、词区别:across表示横过,即从物体表面通过,从物体的一边到另一边的移动,与on有关,为二维;through表示穿过,即从物体内部穿过,与in有关,为三维;past意为从物体的旁边经过,或通过某个界限;over指从物体的悬空上方移过。如: (1)Can you swim across the river? (2)The road runs through the forest( (3)Go across the bridge,youll find a cinema( (4)Many birds are flying over our building( a. Walk_ the street

17、 and you will see the park. b. They _the street just now. 用请下载 c. Light comes in_ the window. d. We walked_ the forest. 四、语篇复习 A、任务型阅读。(每空一词) Animals Places Features pandas the Panda House They are 1 They like to eat 2 lions the Lions Area Lions are the 3 of the animal world People never go near the

18、m because they are 4 birds the World of Birds They make beautiful 5 when they sing. monkeys the Monkeys Forest They are very 6 They are 7 too.They jump 8 and make people laugh. giraffes - They are quite tall. Their long necks help them eat the 9 from trees. elephants - Their large ears are like 10 f

19、ans 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. B、书面表达 七年级1班的Millie打算开一个生日聚会,请你根据提示写一封信邀请Simon来参加她的聚会。 1. 地点:Millie家 2. 时间:4月21日,星期六 下午2点 3. 她父母会准备大量的食物和饮料。 4. 路线:Simon可以乘地铁,在A出口出来,向右转。沿着淮海路走。然后在交通灯处左拐,直走,就会在左边看见一家邮局,Millie的家就在邮局的后面。 Dear Simon I am going to have a birthday party at home this Saturday .I would l

20、ike to invite you to my party.It will start at 2 oclock in the afternoon.,on 21 April.My parents will prepare plenty of food and drinks for us.We will also sing together and play games. You can come to my home by underground.You can get out at Exit A.Turn right and walk along Huaihai Road.Then turn

21、left at the traffic lights and walk straight on.You will see a post office on your left.My home is behind it. I am looking forward to seeing you at the party. Yours 用请下载 Millie 五、四会内容 1(follow me 跟我来 2、between the hills 在小山之间 3、go down 下去 4、be sure 确信 5、be afraid 恐怕 6、have to 不得不 7、go up 上去 8、be nor

22、th/south/west/east of 在北面/南面/西面/东面 9、go straight on 一直向前 10、look cute 看起来可爱 11、lie down 躺下来 12、all day long整天的 13、walk along the road 沿着这条路走 14、the kings of the animal world 动物世界之王 15、go near 走近 16.turn left 向左拐 17、to the west of 在西边 18、to the north of 在.北边 19、jump around 到处跳 20、make people laugh 使人

23、笑 21、turn right 向右拐 22、quite tall 很高 23、cross the bridge 过桥 24、all kinds of 各种各样 25、lie on the grass 躺在草地上 26、baby panda 小熊猫 27、look like its mother 看起来像它的妈妈 28、over there 在那边 29、in front of the shop 在商店的前面 30、inside the shop 在商店里面 31、over the bench 在躺椅的上方 32、 row a boat 划船 33、on the left 在左边 34、on

24、the right 在右边 35、walk past the house 走过那幢房子 36、walk along the path 沿着那条小路走 37、next to 靠近 38、cross the bridge 过桥 39、walk straight on 直往前走 40、the third tree on the left 左边的第三棵树 41、take the second turning on the right 第二个拐角处右拐 42、the traffic lights 交通灯 用请下载 43、at the corner of 在.拐角处 44、turn left at the

25、 first crossing 在第一个十字路口左拐 45、invite sb to the party 邀请某人参加聚会 46、plenty of food 充足的食物 47、prepare for 为做准备 48、at Exit A 在A出口 49、Its north of the school,about three kilometres away( 它在学校北边,大约三千米远。 50、Sunshine Zoo is north of Sunshine Middle School. 阳光动物园在阳光中学的北面。 51、(Go straight on,and youll find the

26、Panda House. 一直向前走,你们就会看见熊猫馆。 七、学困生辅导和转化措施52、.They like to eat bamboo and lie down all day long. 它们喜欢吃竹子,而且躺在那儿。 B、当a0时53、Remember that theyre dangerous.Never go near them. 记住它们很危险.不要靠近他们。 54、Monkeys are clever and funny.They jump around and make people laugh. 0 抛物线与x轴有0个交点(无交点);猴子既聪明又滑稽。它们上蹿下跳,惹得人们

27、大笑。 55、.What can you see across it? 3.规律:利用特殊角的三角函数值表,可以看出,(1)当角度在090间变化时,正弦值、正切值随着角度的增大(或减小)而增大(或减小);余弦值随着角度的增大(或减小)而减小(或增大)。(2)0sin1,0cos1。你能看到它(桥)对面有什么? 应用题56、The flowers are in front of the shop. 花在商店的前面。 57、.Walk past the house, turn left and walk along the path next to the river. 最大值或最小值:当a0,且

28、x0时函数有最小值,最小值是0;当a0,且x0时函数有最大值,最大值是0。走过这座房子,向左转,沿着河边的小路走。 1、20以内退位减法。58、How do I get there? 去那儿的路怎么走呢? 化简后即为: 这就是抛物线与x轴的两交点之间的距离公式。这是问路的一种表达。还有如下同义表达: (1)Excuse me, which is the way to(? (2)Where is the(? (二)空间与图形(3)Is there a(near here? (4)Could you tell me the way to(? 1. 仰角:当从低处观测高处的目标时,视线与水平线所成的锐角称为仰角(5)Could you tell me how to get to/how I can get to?


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