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1、八年级下册英语总复习资料 (广州牛津 版英语)广州版八年级下册英语知识点汇总UI复习一、短语1.在岁 时 at the age of2.代替 in PIaCe of/ instead of3.付出代价 at a PriCe 4.为某事感激某人 be grateful/thankful to Sb for sth5. 电视播放的On television6.对某人要求严格be StriCt With sb7. 上钢琴课 take/have PianO IessonsS.病倒 fall ill9.对负 be responsible forlO. 从那时起 from then onll. 放弃 gi

2、ve up. 我们时代的 Of OUr time (S) 13.获得奖项 win/get/receive an award (for sth. ) 14.玩得开心 have funl5.获得一个机会 get a ChanCe16. 表演,演出give a PerfOrmancel7.例如SUCh as 18.在许多大 型活动 at many huge eventsl9.鼓励某人做某事 encourage Sb to do sth20.西方古典音乐 WeStern CIaSSiCaI music21.钢琴天才 PianO PrOdigy22. 对感至IJ好奇 be CUriOUS about23

3、. anexperiment On 关于的实验24.找寻、思索SearCh for25.使 发生;导致Iead to (Ied pt. )26.厌倦;厌烦(做某事)be tired Of doing sth27.保护以免PrOteCtfrom sth28.被称为;被称作be known as29.因为人所知 be known for30.在他的一生中during his Iifetime 31.使某人/某物怎样make sth. sb. + adj. 32.建立;创建 Set up33.总是、一直 is/ WaS always doing 34. 同时 at the Same time 35.

4、 T解 Iearn about36.出生在某地 be born in 37.与无关 have nothing to do With 38. 意味着做某事meaning doing sth39.打算做某事mean to do40.在 做方面有天赋 have a gift for doing sth41.坚持做keepdoing sth. 42.出于热爱for love43.不再想某人;不再把某人放 在心上 forget about sb44.得(吧 COme on45.储蓄;攒钱 SaVe up46. 靠某人自己On One, S own47.帮助某人give Sb a hand48.34567

5、89101113141516172020-02-20广州版八年级下册英语知识点汇总UI复习一、短语1.在岁 时 at the age of2.代替 in PIaCe of/ InStead of3.付出代价 at a PriCe 4.为某事感激某人 be grateful/thankful to Sb for sth5. 电视播放的On television6.对某人要求严格be StriCt With sb7. 上钢琴课 take/have PianO IeSSOns8.病倒 fall ill9.对负 be responsible forlO. 从那时起 from then onll. 放弃

6、 give up. 我们时代的 Of OUr time (S) 13.获得奖项 win/get/receive an award (for sth. ) 14.玩得开心 have funl5.获得一个机会 get a ChanCe16. 表演,演出give a PerfOrmancel7.例如SUCh as 18.在许多大 型活动 at many huge eventsl9.鼓励某人做某事 encourage Sb to do sth20.西方古典音乐 WeStern CIaSSiCaI music21.钢琴天才 PianO PrOdigy22. 对感至IJ好奇 be CUriOUS abou

7、t23. anexperiment On 关于的实验24.找寻、思索SearCh for25.使发生;导致Iead to (Ied pt. )26.厌倦;厌烦(做某事)be tired Of doing sth27.保护以免PrOteCtfrom sth28.被称为;被称作be known as29.因为人所知 be known for30.在他的一生中during his Iifetime 31.使某人/某物怎样make sth. /sb. + adj. 32.建立;创建 Set up33.总是、一直 is/ WaS always doing 34. 同时 at the Same time

8、35. T解 Iearn about36. 出生在某地 be born in 37.与无关 have nothing to do With 38. 意味着做某事meaning doing sth39.打算做某事mean to do40.在 做方面有天赋 have a gift for doing sth41.坚持做keepdoing sth. 42.出丁热爱for love43.不再想某人;不再把某人放 在心上 forget about sb44.得了 吧 COme on45.储蓄;攒钱 SaVe up46. 靠某人自己On One, S own47.帮助某人give Sb a hand48.

9、 3456789101113141516172020-02-20广州版八年级下册英语知识点汇总Ul复习一、短语1.在岁 时 at the age of2.代替 in PIaCe of/ instead of3.付出代价 at a PriCe 4.为某事感激某人 be grateful/thankful to Sb for sth5. 电视播放的On television6.对某人要求严格be StriCt With sb7. 上钢琴课 take/have PianO IeSSOns8.病倒 fall ill9.对负 be responsible forlO. 从那时起 from then on

10、ll. 放弃 give up. 我们时代的 Of OUr time (S) 13.获得奖项 win/get/receive an award(for sth. ) 14.玩得开心 have funl5.获得一个机会 get a ChanCe16. 表演,演出give a PerfOrmancel7.例如SUCh as 18.在许多大 型活动 at many huge eventsl9.鼓励某人做某事 encourage Sb to do sth20.西方古典音乐 WeStern CIaSSiCaI music21.钢琴天才 PianO PrOdigy22. 对感至IJ好奇 be CUriOUS

11、 about23. anexperiment On 关于的实验24.找寻、思索SearCh for25.使 发生;导致Iead to (Ied pt. )26.厌倦;厌烦(做某事)be tired Of doing sth27.保护以免PrOteCtfrom sth28.被称为;被称作be known as29.因为人所知 be known for30.在他的一生中during his Iifetime 31.使某人/某物怎样make sth. sb. + adj. 32.建立;创建 Set up33.总是、一直 is/ WaS always doing 34. 同时 at the Same

12、time 35. T解 Iearn about36. 出生在某地 be born in 37.与无关 have nothing to do With 38. 意味着做某事meaning doing sth39.打算做某事mean to do40.在 做方面有天赋 have a gift for doing sth41.坚持做keepdoing sth. 42.出丁热爱for love43.不再想某人;不再把某人放 在心上 forget about sb44.得了 吧 COme on45.储蓄;攒钱 SaVe up46. 靠某人自己 OIl One, S own47.帮助某人 give Sb a

13、 hand48. 3456789101113141516172020-02-20广州版八年级下册英语知识点汇总UI复习一、短语1.在岁时 at the age of2.代替 in PIaCe of/ instead of3.付出代价 at a PriCe 4.为某事感激某人 be grateful/thankful to Sb for sth5. 电视播放的On television6.对某人要求严格be StriCt With sb7. 上钢琴课 take/have PianO IeSSOns8.病倒 fall ill9.对负 be responsible forlO. 从那时起 from

14、then onll. 放弃 give up. 我们时代的 Of OUr time (S) 13.获得奖项 win/get/receive an award (for sth. ) 14.玩得开心 have funl5.获得一个机会 get a ChanCe16. 表演,演出give a PerfOrmancel7.例如SUCh as 18.在许多大 型活动 at many huge eventsl9.鼓励某人做某事 encourage Sb to do sth20.西方古典音乐 WeStern CIaSSiCaI music21.钢琴天才 PianO PrOdigy22.对感到好奇 be CU

15、riOUS about23. anexperiment On 关于的实验24.找寻、思索SearCh for25.使 发生;导致Iead to (Ied pt. )26.厌倦;厌烦(做某事)be tired Of doing sth27.保护以免PrOteCtfrom sth28.被称为;被称作be known as29.因为人所知 be known for30.在他的一生中during his 1辻etime 31.使某人/某物怎样make sth. sb. + adj. 32.建立;创建 Set up33.总是、一直 is/ WaS always doing 34. 同时 at the S

16、ame time 35. T解 Iearn about36. 出生在某地 be born in 37.与无关 have nothing to do With 38. 意味着做某事meaning doing sth39.打算做某事mean to do40.在 做方面有天赋 have a gift for doing sth41.坚持做keepdoing sth. 42.出丁热爱for love43.不再想某人;不再把某人放在心上 forget about sb44.得了 吧 COme on45.储蓄;攒钱 SaVe up46.靠某人自己On One * S own47.帮助某人give Sb a

17、 hand48.3456789101113141516172020-02-20广州版八年级下册英语知识点汇总Ul复习一、短语1.在岁 时 at the age of2.代替 in PIaCe of/ instead of3.付出代价 at a PriCe 4.为某事感激某人 be grateful/thankful to Sb for sth5. 电视播放的On television6.对某人要求严格be StriCt With sb7. 上钢琴课 take/have PianO IeSSOns8.病倒 fall ill9.对负 be responsible forlO. 从那时起 from

18、then onll. 放弃 give up. 我们时代的 Of OUr time (S) 13.获得奖项 win/get/receive an award (for sth.) 14.玩得开心 have funl5.获得一个机会 get a ChanCe16. 表演,演出give a PerfOrmancel7.例如SUCh as 18.在许多大 型活动 at many huge eventsl9.鼓励某人做某事 encourage Sb to do sth20.西方古典音乐 WeStern CIaSSiCaI music21.钢琴天才 PianO PrOdigy22.对感至IJ好奇 be C

19、UriOUS about23. anexperiment On 关于的实验24.找寻、思索SearCh for25.使 发生;导致Iead to (Ied pt. )26.厌倦;厌烦(做某事)be tired Of doing sth27.保护以免PrOteCtfrom sth28.被称为;被称作be known as29.因为人所知 be known for30.在他的一生中during his 1辻etime 31.使某人/某物怎样makesth. /sb. + adj. 32.建立;创建 Set up33.总是、一直 is/ WaS always doing 34. 冋时 at the

20、Same time 35. T解 Iearn about36. 出生在某地 be born in 37.与无关 have nothing to do With 38. 意味着做某事meaning doing sth39.打算做某事mean to do40.在 做方面有天赋 have a gift for doing sth41.坚持做keepdoing sth. 42.出丁热爱for love43.不再想某人;不再把某人放 在心上 forget about sb44.得了 吧 COme on45.储蓄;攒钱 SaVe up46. 靠某人自己On One, S own47.帮助某人give Sb

21、 a hand48. 3456789101113141516172020-02-20广州版八年级下册英语知识点汇总UI复习一、短语1.在岁 时 at the age of2.代替 in PIaCe of/ instead of3.付出代价 at a PriCe 4.为某事感激某人 be grateful/thankful to Sb for sth5. 电视播放的On television6.对某人要求严格be StriCt With sb7. 上钢琴课 take/have PianO IeSSOns8.病倒 fall ill9.对负 be responsible forlO. 从那时起 fr

22、om then onll. 放弃 give up. 我们时代的 Of OUr time (S) 13.获得奖项 win/get/receive an award (for sth. ) 14.玩得开心 have funl5.获得一个机会 get a ChanCe16. 表演,演出give a PerfOrmancel7.例如SUCh as 18.在许多大 型活动 at many huge eventsl9.鼓励某人做某事 encourage Sb to do sth20.西方古典音乐 WeStern CIaSSiCaI music21.钢琴天才PianO PrOdigy22. 对感至IJ好奇

23、be CUriOUS about23. anexperiment On 关于的实验24.找寻、思索SearCh for25.使 发生;导致Iead to (Ied pt. )26.厌倦;厌烦(做某事)be tired Of doing sth27.保护以免PrOteCtfrom sth28.被称为;被称作be known as29.因为人所知 be known for30.在他的一生中during his Iifetime 31.使某人/某物怎样make sth. sb. + adj. 32.建立;创建 Set up33.总是、一直 is/ WaS always doing 34. 同时 at

24、 the Same time 35. T解 Iearn about36. 出生在某地 be born in 37.与无关 have nothing to do With 38.意味着做某事meaning doing sth39.打算做某事mean to do40.在 做方面有天赋 have a gift for doing sth41.坚持做keepdoing sth. 42.出J:热爱for love43.不再想某人;不再把某人放 在心上 forget about sb44.得了 吧 COme on45.储蓄;攒钱 SaVe up46. 靠某人自己On One, S own47.帮助某人gi

25、ve Sb a hand48.3456789101113141516172020-02-20广州版八年级下册英语知识点汇总UI复习一、短语1.在岁 时 at the age of2.代替 in PIaCe of/ instead of3.付出代价 at a PriCe 4.为某事感激某人 be grateful/thankful to Sb for sth5. 电视播放的On television6.对某人要求严格be StriCt With sb7. 上钢琴课 take/have PianO IeSSOns8.病倒 fall ill9.对负 be responsible forlO. 从那时

26、起 from then onll. 放弃 give up. 我们时代的 Of OUr time (S) 13.获得奖项 win/get/receive an award (for sth. ) 14.玩得开心 have funl5.获得一个机会 get a ChanCe16. 表演,演出give a PerfOrmancel7.例如SUCh as 18.在许多大 型活动 at many huge eventsl9.鼓励某人做某事 encourage Sb to do sth20.西方古典音乐 WeStern CIaSSiCaI music21.钢琴天才 PianO PrOdigy22.对感至I

27、J好奇 be CUriOUS about23. anexperiment On 关于的实验24.找寻、思索SearCh for25.使 发生;导致Iead to (Ied pt. )26.厌倦;厌烦(做某事)be tired Of doing sth27.保护以免PrOteCtfrom sth28.被称为;被称作be known as29.因为人所知 be known for30.在他的一生中during his 1辻etime 31.使某人/某物怎样make sth. /sb. + adj. 32.建立;创建 Set up33.总是、一直 is/ WaS always doing 34. 同

28、时 at the Same time 35. T解 Iearn about36. 出生在某地 be born in 37.与无关 have nothing to do With 38. 意味着做某事meaning doing sth39.打算做某事mean to do40.在 做方面有天赋 have a gift for doing sth41.坚持做keepdoing sth. 42.出于热爱for love43.不再想某人;不再把某人放 在心上 forget about sb44.得了 吧 COme on45.储蓄;攒钱 SaVe up46. 靠某人自己On One, S own47.帮助

29、某人give Sb a hand48. 3456789101113141516172020-02-20广州版八年级下册英语知识点汇总UI复习一、短语1.在岁 时 at the age of2.代替 in PIaCe of/ instead of3.付出代价 at a PriCe 4.为某事感激某人 be grateful/thankful to Sb for sth5. 电视播放的On television6.对某人要求严格be StriCt With sb7. 上钢琴课 take/have PianO IeSSOns8.病倒 fall ill9.对负 be responsible forlO

30、. 从那时起 from then onll. 放弃 give up. 我们时代的 Of OUr time (S) 13.获得奖项 win/get/receive an award (for sth. ) 14.玩得开心 have funl5.获得一个机会 get a ChanCe16. 表演,演出give a PerfOrmancel7.例如SUCh as 18.在许多大 型活动 at many huge eventsl9.鼓励某人做某事 encourage Sb to do sth20.西方古典音乐 WeStern CIaSSiCaI music21.钢琴天才 PianO PrOdigy22

31、.对感至IJ好奇 be CUriOUS about23. anexperiment On 关于的实验24.找寻、思索SearCh for25.使 发生;导致Iead to (Ied pt. )26.厌倦;厌烦(做某事)be tired Of doing sth27.保护以免PrOteCtfrom sth28.被称为;被称作be known as29.因为人所知 be known for30.在他的一生中during his 1辻etime 31.使某人/某物怎样make sth. /sb. + adj. 32.建立;创建 Set up33.总是、一直 is/ WaS always doing

32、34. 同时 at the Same time 35. T解 Iearn about36. 出生在某地 be born in 37.与无关 have nothing to do With 38.意味着做某事meaning doing sth39.打算做某事mean to do40.在 做方面有天赋 have a gift for doing sth41.坚持做keepdoing sth. 42.出丁热爱for love43.不再想某人;不再把某人放 在心上 forget about sb44.得了 吧 COme on45.储蓄;攒钱 SaVe up46. 靠某人自己 OIl One, S ow

33、n47.帮助某人 give Sb a hand48.3456789101113141516172020-02-20广州版八年级下册英语知识点汇总Ul复习一、短语1.在岁 时 at the age of2.代替 in PIaCe of/ instead of3.付出代价 at a PriCe 4.为某事感激某人 be grateful/thankful to Sb for sth5. 电视播放的On television6.对某人要求严格be StriCt With sb7. 上钢琴课 take/have PianO IessonsS.病倒 fall ill9.对负 be responsible

34、 forlO. 从那时起 from then onll. 放弃 give up. 我们时代的 Of OUr time (S) 13.获得奖项 win/get/receive an award (for sth. ) 14.玩得开心 have funl5.获得一个机会 get a ChanCe16. 表演,演出give a PerfOrmancel7.例如SUCh as 18.在许多大 型活动 at many huge eventsl9.鼓励某人做某事 encourage Sb to do sth20.西方古典音乐 WeStern CIaSSiCaI music21.钢琴天才 PianO PrO

35、digy22.对感至IJ好奇 be CUriOUS about23. anexperiment On 关于的实验24.找寻、思索SearCh for25.使 发生;导致Iead to (Ied pt. )26.厌倦;厌烦(做某事)be tired Ofdoing sth27.保护以免PrOteCtfrom sth28.被称为;被称作be known as29.因为人所知 be known for30.在他的一生中during his Iifetime 31.使某人/某物怎样make sth. sb. + adj. 32.建立;创建 Set up33.总是、一直 is/ WaS always d

36、oing 34. 同时 at the Same time 35. T解 Iearn about36. 出生在某地 be born in 37.与无关 have nothing to do With 38. 意味着做某事meaning doing sth39.打算做某事mean to do40.在 做方面有天赋 have a gift for doing sth41.坚持做keepdoing sth. 42.出丁热爱for love43.不再想某人;不再把某人放 在心上 forget about sb44.得了 吧 COme on45.储蓄;攒钱 SaVe up46. 靠某人自己On One,

37、S own47.帮助某人give Sb a hand48. 3456789101113141516172020-02-20广州版八年级下册英语知识点汇总UI复习一、短语1.在岁 时 at the age of2.代替 in PIaCe of/ InStead of3.付岀代价 at a PriCe 4.为某事感激某人 be grateful/thankful to Sb for sth5. 电视播放的OIl television6.对某人要求严格be StriCt With sb7. 上钢琴课 take/have PianO IeSSOns8.病倒 fall ill9.对负 be respon

38、sible forlO. 从那时起 from then onll. 放弃 give up. 我们时代的 Of OUr time (S) 13.获得奖项 win/get/receive an award (for sth. ) 14.玩得开心 have funl5.获得一个机会 get a ChanCe16.表演,演出give a PerfOrmancel7.例如SUCh as 18.在许多大 型活动 at many huge eventsl9.鼓励某人做某事 encourage Sb to do sth20.西方古典音乐 WeStern CIaSSiCaI music21.钢琴天才 PianO

39、 PrOdigy22.对感至IJ好奇 be CUriOUS about23. anexperiment On 关于的实验24.找寻、思索SearCh for25.使 发生;导致Iead to (Ied pt. )26.厌倦;厌烦(做某事)be tired Of doing sth27.保护以免PrOteCtfrom sth28.被称为;被称作be known as29.因为人所知 be known for30.在他的一生中during his 1辻etime 31.使某人/某物怎样make sth. /sb. + adj. 32.建立;创建 Set up33.总是、一直 is/ WaS alw

40、ays doing 34. 同时 at the Same time 35. T解 Iearn about36. 出生在某地 be born in 37.与无关 have nothing to do With 38.意味着做某事meaning doing sth39.打算做某事mean to do40.在 做方面有天赋 have a gift for doing sth41.坚持做keepdoing sth. 42.出丁热爱for love43.不再想某人;不再把某人放 在心上 forget about sb44.得了 吧 COme on45.储蓄;攒钱 SaVe up46. 靠某人自己On One, S own47.帮助某人give Sb a hand48.345678910111314151617第页码页./.总共总页数页


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