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1、第 2626 课时 Book Book 9 9 上 Unit Unit 2 2 Teaching aims: *学会使用由 that引导的宾语从句。 *学会使用由 if/whether 引导的宾语从句。 *根据自己穿不同的颜色的衣服可以给你带来不同的感觉介绍自己的心情。 Teaching procedures 一、Warming up 二、Review the important points 一)、Words 一、根据汉语提示及句意写出单词。 1(新疆乌鲁木齐)China _(许诺)to stick to Paris Agreement on climate change. 2(广西贵港)I

2、ts important for young people to make a right _(决定)for their future. 3(新疆乌鲁木齐)The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation which was held in Beijing on May 15th had a very deep _(影响)on almost all the countries. 4(镇江丹阳二模)Mr Yang said he _(更喜欢)reading paper books to ebooks on the Internet. 5(

3、句容二模)Do you think it is worth _(连接)my watch to the Internet? Im afraid its necessary to do so. 6Davids new suit fits him very well.Do you know how much its _(值 钱)? 7(连云港二模)Thanks for your valuable suggestions.They are well worth _(采 纳) 8(南京江宁二模)It is really worth _(提及)that Nanjing has won the bid of

4、 2018 badminton world championships. 9(常熟二模)It does _(要求)some time and patience to carry out the plan. 10(江苏无锡)Quite a lot of teenagers have no idea how to _(处理)with stress. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1 (上 海 )Scientists often _ that farmers use natural ways to grow fruits.(suggestion) 2(江苏无锡)Will the president

5、 attend the meeting? Well,that _(depend)He may not have the time. 3The little boy promised his teacher _(get)on with Tom after he fought with him on the playground. 4To everyones surprise,Alice _(success)in finding a job in less than three days. 5(无锡梁溪二模)Did you watch the fashion show on TV last nig

6、ht? I wanted to,but my mother _(control)the remote control all the time. 三、单项选择。 ( )1.(湖北鄂州)What would you like to drink,tea or coffee? _ is OK,but I prefer coffee _ milk. AEither,to BEither,with CNeither,to DNeither,with 1 ( )2.(新疆阜康)We believe One Belt,One Road(一带一路)will help China improve the _ w

7、ith lots of countries. Apopulation Bsituation Cenvironment Drelationship ( )3.(苏州昆山一模)I never doubt _ the book is worth _. Awhether,reading Bthat,reading Cwhether,being read Dthat,being read ( )4.(无锡)How can Julie say bad words about me?I thought we were good friends. Who told you that?Friends need

8、_. Acourage Bdistance Ctrust Dshame ( )5.(苏州调研测试卷)The students wanted to know _. Awhether light goes faster than sound Bhow many colors were there in a rainbow Cthat the moon travels around the earth Dwhat would the world be like in the future 课堂互动 一、重点单词。 1promisevt.“意为 承诺,许诺”,短语有:promise to do sth

9、.承诺做某事; n“意为 诺言,承诺”,短语有:make/break a promise 许诺/违反诺言。 【小试身手 1】 (1)If you make a _,you shouldnt break it. (2)He _ to help you successfully change your moods,or youll get your money back. 2relaxv.“意为 放松”;relaxed adj.“意为 放松的”。 【小试身手 2】 (1)Listening to light music can help us _. (2)He looked very _ and

10、happy in the sun. 3prefer(1)prefer(preferring;preferred)“宁愿选择,更喜欢”后接名词、代词或不定 式。 如:Would you like meat or fish? I prefer fish,please. I prefer to see animals living in their natural state. (2)preferto“”喜欢而不喜欢,后接名词或动名词。 如:I prefer blue to black.She prefers English to maths.He preferred singing to acti

11、ng. 4would rather(1)would rather 宁愿否定形式:would rather not 如:I would rather stay in the park for night. I would rather not buy such an expensive car. (2)would ratherthan宁愿也不 如:Id rather put the photo on my home page than show it to everyone. 【小试身手 3】 用所给词的适当形式填空。 (1)Which do you prefer,Chinese food or

12、 Western food? I would rather _(have)Chinese food.Lets have noodles. (2)I would rather sing than _(dance) (3)Would you like _(walk)or shall we go by bus? I prefer _(walk),but we have to take a taxi,for time is short. (4)She prefers walking to _(jog) (5)Simon _(prefer)to stay at home last night. 2 二)

13、、Phrases 1influence/change our moods 2.bring peace to 3.be good for ones mind and body 4.the colour of purity 5.on ones wedding day 6.cheer(sb.)up 7.remind sb.of sth. 8.hope for success 9.green with envy 10.be of some help to sb. 11.make a decision 12.get married 13.have difficulty(in)doing sth. 14.

14、calm down 15.feel relaxed/warm/sleepy 16.look good on sb. 17.represent power and strong feelings 18.personal taste 19.in ancient China/Europe 20.it doesnt work 21.would rather 22.dress sb.in red/blue 23.think of sb./sth. 24.in the past 25.according to 26.feel a little stressed 27.be dressed in 中文译注:

15、 1影响/改变我们心情 2.给带来平静 3.对某人身心有益 4.纯洁的颜色 5.在某人举行婚 礼那天 6.(使某人)振作起来 7.使某人想起某事 8.盼望成功 9.妒忌的,眼红的 10.对某人有 些帮助 11.做出决定 12.结婚 13.做某事费劲 14.冷静下来 15.感觉放松/温暖/困倦 16.穿在某 人身上好看 17.代表着力量和强烈的感情 18.个人喜好 19.在古代中国/欧洲 20.它不奏效/不 起作用 21.宁愿,更喜欢 22.给某人穿红/蓝色 23.想到某人/某物 24.在过去 25.根据 26.感 觉有点紧张 27.穿着 【小试身手 4】 选用上列词组的适当形式填空。 (1)S

16、he _ a new skirt. (2)If you _,you should keep it. (3)Where did girls come from _ a European story? (4)She has some _ the sentence. (5)When I found I was trapped in the lift, I told myself to _ and wait for rescue. 三、重点句型。 1There is nothing_wrong_with_pink Nothing is wrong with pink. There isnt anyth

17、ing_wrong_with_pink 2Im not sure if blue looks good on you. Im not sure if you look good in blue. 常用句型 sth.looks形容词on sb.“”意为 某物穿在某人身上看起来 句型 sb.looks形容词in sth.“”意为 某人穿着衣服或颜色看起来 如:The sweater looks very modern on Kitty. Kitty looks very modern in the sweater. 3Blue can also represent sadness. ness 为名

18、词后缀,通常用于形容词之后,将形容词转化为名词,表示性质,状态,程度等。 如:goodness仁慈,善良;kindness 好意,善意;illness 疾病;friendliness 友好; carefulness 仔细,小心;carelessness 粗心;happiness 幸福,愉快 4If you require strength in either body or mind,red may be of some help to you. require“意为 需要,要求” ,其用法如下: (1)require sth.“” 意为 需要某物 如:Do you require anyth

19、ing else? (2)require doing sth.require to be done “意为 需要做某事”,含有被动意义。 如:Your hair requires cutting.Your hair requires to be cut. 3 (3)require sb.(not)to do sth.“意为 要求某人(不要)”做某事 如:The doctor requires the patient to drink enough water every day. The teacher required the boy not to be late for school ag

20、ain. 【小试身手 5】 (1)这个工作需要细心和耐心 This job _. (2)房间很脏,需要打扫了 The room _. (3)我们要求他对这事保密 We _. 5I think colours influence our everyday lives in many ways. everyday adj.“意为 日常的,每天的”,相当于 daily。 如:It happens in everyday life. every day“是词组,意为 每天,天天”,在句中作时间状语 如:My brother goes to the piano club every day. 【小试身手

21、 6】 This book is written in simple _(every day,everyday)language. 四、语法知识。 在复合句中充当宾语的句子叫做宾语从句。其构成为:主语谓语连接词宾语从句。 陈述句充当宾语从句,由 that 引导,that 不在从句中担任成分,只起连接作用,可省略。 一般疑问句充当宾语从句时,用 if 或 whether 引导,宾语从句语序为陈述句语序。但在 or not 之前,介词之后,不定式之前只能用 whether,宾语从句置于句首时只能用 whether。 宾语从句的时态:主句为一般现在时,从句可根据具体情况选用相应的时态; 主句为一般过

22、去时,从句通常用过去的某种时态;若从句表述的是客观事实,普遍真理或自然 现象等,则通常使用一般现在时。 【小试身手 7】 用 that,if 或 whether 填空。 (1)I dont know _ to go there or not. (2)_ it fits me or not,I dont know. (3)I dont know _ or not he will give us a speech. (4)Could you tell me _ they will come to help us? (5)Millie told her grandmother _ Paris is

23、the capital of France. (6)(上海)“Have you ever been in a hot air balloon”? Melissa asked her mom.(改为宾语 从句) Melissa asked her mom _ she _ ever been in a hot air balloon. (7)(新疆乌鲁木齐)It is amazing for China to make such great achievements for the past thirsty years.(改为复合句) It is amazing _ China has _ suc

24、h great achievements for the past thirsty years. (8)(四川巴中)Does Bob buy a new car?She wanted to know. She wondered _ Bob _ a new car. (9)(南通通州二模)“Do you take your pet to work every day”? the reporter asked the actress.(改为宾语从句) The reporter asked the actress _ she _ her pet to work every day. 4 (10)(扬

25、州江都二模)我不确定这个手提包是否是棉制的。 _. ( )(11)East or west,Guilin landscape is the best.But I am still wondering _. Awhat was the best time for visitors to go to this beautiful city Bthat mountains stand in different shapes all around the city Cwhy is the Reed Flue Cave praised as the “Art Palace of Nature” Dwhether it lies on the two sides of the Lijiang River ( )(12)(镇江丹阳二模)Could you please tell me _? Yes.He came to study here just last month. Athat he is a new student Bwhen did he come here Cif she likes English best Dwhether he is a new student 5


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