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1、有关集中注意力的技巧英语Meditate冥想If you think about it, meditation might seem like the opposite of paying attention. One objective of meditation is to clear the mind, but another element of meditation is inward peace. This means that the act of meditating is actually the act of training the brain to avoid dist

2、ractions. And remember, you dont have to become an expert or obsessive meditator. Just take some time every day to go through a brief meditation exercise.细细一想,冥想似乎与集中注意力背道而驰。冥想的一 个目的是使大脑思维清晰,另一个目的则是达到内在的平 静。这就意味着冥想事实上可以锻炼大脑集中注意力。但要 记住,你不必成为一个冥想专家,也不 *度痴迷于冥想。只 需要每天花上一点时间进行一个简单的冥想练习。at Healthier Foods

3、健康饮食Foods that are high in fat and sugar might give you a temporary burst of energy, but that energy is soon followed by a crash. Once your body burns up the rush of nutrient-deprived, over-processed foods, you will start to feel groggy and lethargic.高脂高糖的食物可能可以暂时让你补充大量能量,但是这些能量会很快被消耗完。一旦你的身体消化了这些没营

4、养 的过度加工食物,你就会昏昏欲睡。Join a Team加入团体活动At least one study has shown that concentration and academic skills improve for students who participate in team sports. It could be that being active is helpful in the same way that meditation works. Participating in a sport trains your brain to concentrate on spe

5、cific tasks, and shut out thoughts that interfere with your performance.有不止一项研究显示参与体育活动的学生在注意力和学 业技能上都有进步。很可能保持活跃与冥想起着同样有益的 作用。参加体育活动可以锻炼你的大脑,使其专注于莫项活 动,并屏蔽掉会影响你表现的想法。Practice Paying Attention练习保持注意力With practice, you can teach your mind a little discipline. One thing you should try to determine is

6、what is really distracting you. Pick a passage to read that you normally would not read (unless forced). It could be anything from a political report or an instruction manual. Start the stopwatch and begin reading. Try to concentrate, but stop yourself as soon as you feel your mind beginning to wander.Write down what it was that distracted you. Do this five times and analyze the results. Do you see a pattern?通过练习,你可能让你的头脑学会纪律。你应该判断由 到底是什么使你分神。找一篇你平常只有被强迫时才会看的 文章,可以是政治报告、指导手册或者任何东西。按下秒表,开始阅读。试着集中注意力,一旦感到自己开始神游,立刻 停止阅读,写下到底是什么使你分神。这样反复5次并分析结果。你是不是已经看由什么端倪了?


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