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1、第 7 7 课时 Book Book 7 7 下 Units(56)Units(56) Teaching aims: *用所学知识介绍世界上有趣的事实和奇怪的东西。 *用所学知识介绍有趣的户外活动。 *认识并掌握一般过去时态的意义、用法,动词过去式的构成以及 was,were 的用法。 Teaching procedures 一、Warming up 二、Review the important points 一)、Words 1amazingadj.“意为 令人惊讶的,令人感叹的”。 注意与 amazed 的区别:amazing作形容词,意为“令人惊讶的,令人感叹的”,表示主动关系, 多用于

2、修饰事物;amazed“作形容词,意为 感到惊讶的,赞叹的”,表示被动关系,多用于修 饰人。 2happenvi.“”意为 发生 常用句型为:sth.happens to sb.“意为 某人发生某事”。 如:The robbery happened near the bank. Dont worry.Nothing bad happened to them. 短语 happen to do sth.“” 意为 碰巧做某事 如:I happened to see him on my way home. 3Without prep.“意为 没有”,后接名词,代词或ing 等,所引导的介词短语在句中

3、做状语。 We couldnt finish our work so early without your help. 4that adv.“意为 那么;那样” “”还可用作指示代词,意为 那个 (指离说话人较远的那一 个;或用来指代和上文所提到的东西属于同一概念的另外一个事物)。 如:Dont worry.This problem isnt that difficult. Whats that on the teachers desk? The weather in winter is much colder in Beijing than that in Jiangsu. 5acrossp

4、rep.“意为 穿过”, 注意 across 与 through的区别:across表“穿过”时,指从一边到另一边,强调“横穿”;through “意为 穿过”,侧重表示从内部穿过或透过。 如:You must be careful when you go across the street. 1 二)、Phrases 1in the back of 2.from birth 3.stop growing 4.sleep with ones eyes open e on 6.as usual 7.turn around 8.on ones way home 9.say to oneself 1

5、0.pick up 11.run away 12.shout at 13.sound like 14.take photos 15.not any more 16.at the same time 17.see a rabbit passing by 18.take a watch out of its pocket 19.run across the field after the rabbit 20.jump down a big hole 21.let the rabbit get away 22.hit the ground 23.find herself alone plain to

6、o much 25.look up 26.on the other side 27.go through the door 28.put up the tent 29.make a bird out of wood 30.from then on 中文译注: 1在背面 2.出生以来 3.停止生长 4.睁着眼睛睡觉 5.快点;开始 6.像往常一样 7.转身; (使)翻转 8.在某人回家的路上 9.心里暗想 10.捡起;拾起 11.逃跑 12.对大声叫嚷 13.听 起来像 14.拍照 15.不再 16.同时 17.看见一只兔子从旁边经过 18.从口袋里取出一块手表 19. 穿过田地追赶兔子 20.

7、跳下一个大洞 21.让兔子逃跑 22.碰到地面 23.发现她自己独自一人 24. 发太多的牢骚 25.抬头看 26.在另外一边 27.穿过门 28.搭起帐篷 29.用木头刻只鸟 30.从那时 起 三)、Sentences 1Our eyes are the_same_size_from_birth,but our nose and ears never stop_growing *stop doing sth.“”意为 停止做某事 如:The doctor told him to stop_smoking *stop to do sth.“”意为 停下来去做某事 如:We had to sto

8、p_to_wait for the next train. 2Now I am not afraid of animals any_more not any more“”意为 不再,any more 位于句尾,可以与 any longer 互换,相当于 no longer. 如:The Blacks wont worry about their future life any more/longer. The Blacks will no/longer worry about their future life. 3She looked_up and saw_a_white_rabbit_in

9、_a_coat_passing_by *look up“”意为 向上看;查阅 如:He lay on the grass and looked up at the sky. Can you help me look up the new word in the dictionary? *see sb.doing sth.意为“看到某人正在做某事”;see sb.do sth.意为“看见某人做过某 事”,强调看到动作的整个过程 如:Someone saw him go into the room. I saw her cleaning the classroom at that time. *p

10、ass by“”意为 经过;路过 其中 “by” 是副词。 如:Someone passed by me just now,but I didnt notice who he or she was. 四)、Grammar 一般过去时 (1)表示在过去时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。 常 见 的 时 间 状 语 有 : yesterday, yesterday morning/afternoon/evening, last week/month/year/summer,an hour ago,just now,in the past,in 1982等。 如:Where did you go ju

11、st_now? He left for Shanghai last_night (2)表示在过去一段时间内,经常性或习惯性的动作。 2 如:When I was a child,I often played football in the street. 注意:有时,情态动词 can,will等用过去式表示委婉语气。 如:Could you lend me your bike? Would you please not talk loud here? (3)动词的过去式变化如下: *be动词的过去式:is/amwas;arewere 实义动词的过去式: *一 般 情 况 下 , 动 词 词 尾

12、 加 ed, 如 : workworked playplayed wantedwanted actacted *以不发音的e 结尾动词,动词词尾加d,如:livelived movemoved tastetasted hopehoped *以辅音字母 y 结尾的动词,把y 变为i 再加ed,如:copycopied crycried carrycarried *以 一 个 辅 音 字 母 结 尾 的 重 读 闭 音 节 动 词 , 双 写 词 尾 辅 音 字 母 , 再 加 ed, 如 : stopstopped *不规则动词的过去式变化规律性不强,须多加记忆。如 gowent makemade getgot buybought (4)一般过去时各种句式结构 *当谓语动词为 be 动词时,句式结构如下: 肯定句:主语was/were 其他。 否定句:主语wasnt/werent其他。 一般疑问句:Was/Were主语其他?回答:Yes,was/were./No.wasnt/werent. *当谓语动词为行为动词时,句式结构如下: 肯定句:主语动词过去式 其他。 否定句:主语didnt动词原形其他。 一般疑问句:Did主语动词原形其他?回答:Yes,did./No,didnt. 3


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