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1、云南省芒市中学高一英语unit14freedomfightersthefifthperiod教案云南省芒市中学高一英语Unit 14 Freedom Fighters The fifth Period 教案 一、教学内容分析 Language study 部分分词汇和语法两部分,词汇部分第一题要求用课文中的词语填空。 第二题要求学生区分各种词类的具体用法。语法部分是复习被动语态的用法。 二、目标及其解析 Review the grammar: the passive voice 三、教学问题诊断分析 Some students may have difficulty in the gramma

2、r of this unit, courage them to learn and master the grammar to use it correctly. 四、教学支持条件分析 a blackboard, a tape recorder 五、教学过程设计 ? 教学基本流程 Reviewing?Practice?检测 ? 巩固练习 ? 教学情景 一、学习目标 Do Exe12 on P 104 设计意图:预习被动语态 二(Grammar rules I. 被动语态变成被动语态步骤 1、找到动作的承受者(常为主动句的宾语)作为被动句的主语; 2、找到谓语变成“be+过去分词”的结构; 3、

3、找到动作的执行者(常为主动句的主语)作by的宾语。若不必指出动作的执行者,可省去by的短语; 4、主语和宾语中的人称代词在转换时也应作相应的变化; 5、动词形式和主语的人称与数配合,动词时态也要和主动语态里的配合; 6、如果谓语动词是短语动词的话,就要把其当成一个整体处理,后面的介词或副词不能拆开或省略。如: 1 用心 爱心 专心 We have turned on the TV for hours. (主动语态) The TV have been turned on for hours. (被动语态) II.Now lets go over the Passive Voice. The fo

4、rm of the Passive Voice: be + p.p(动词过去分词) was/ were + p.p 1. 一般现在时 is/am/ are + p.p 2. 一般过去时 3. 一般将来时 will/shall be + p.p 4. 现在完成时 has/ have been + p.p 5. 过去完成时 had been + p.p 6. 现在进行时 is / am/ are being +p.p 7. 过去进行时 was/were being +p.p 8. 情态动词 can/could/ must / may / might etc be +p.p 设计意图:系统复习被动语

5、态的基本构成。 三、目标检测1.Do Exe 12 on P30 1(We could have walked to the station(It was so near( Yes(A taxi at all necessary( A(wasnt B(hadnt been C(wouldnt be D(wont be 2(When I got to the cinema,the film for the minutes( A(has begun B(had begun C(had been on D(was on 3(If city noises from increasing,people

6、shout to be heard even at the dinner table( A .are not kept;will have to B(are not kept;have to C(do not keep;will have to D(do not keep;have to 4(In some parts of the world,tea with milk and sugar. A(is serving B(is severed C(serves D(served 5(Do you like the material? Yes,it very soft( A(is feelin

7、g B(felt C(feels D(is felt 设计意图:完成被动语态的基础练习 师生互动: first let students do them then check the answers 配餐作业(A组题) I.Finish the workbook exercises Grammar on P105-106 II.1(It is reported that by the end of this year,another school will ( A(be built B(have built C(have been built D(have be built 2 用心 爱心 专

8、心 2(Old McDonald gave up smoking for a while,but soon to his old ways( A(returned B(returns C(was returning D(had returned 3(All the preparations for the task ,and were ready to start( 11.弧长及扇形的面积A(completed B(complete C(had been completed D(have been completed (The train arrive at 11:30 but it was

9、an hour late( 4A(would suppose B(was supposed to C(is supposed to D(supposed to 5(He stepped into the office, down and began to fill in the forms( A(sitting B(to sit C(sat D(having sat 6(The little girl her heart out because she her toy bear and believed she wasnt ever going to find it( A(had cried;

10、1ost B(cried;had lose C(has cried;has lost D(cries;has 1ost 7(Linda has 1ost her passport again(Its the second time this ( 1、会数、会读、会写100以内的数;在具体情境中把握数的相对大小关系;能够运用数进行表达和交流,体会数与日常生活的密切联系。A(has happened B(has been happened C(happened D(happens 垂直于切线; 过切点; 过圆心.设计意图:完成被动语态的基础练习 5.方位角:从某点的指北方向按顺时针转到目标方向的水

11、平角,叫做方位角。如图3,OA、OB、OC的方位角分别为45、135、225。(B组题) I. 将下列句子改成被动语态 (by phrase may be omitted) 1. Newspapers and TV publish a lot of news about the Somali pirates every day. _. . 5. It is reported that Japan will also send warships to fight the pirates. _. 2、100以内的进位加法和退位减法。II.短文改错 如果一条直线具备下列三个条件中的任意两个,就可推出

12、第三个.If you are English, it is not enough only to 58 5.二次函数与一元二次方程. to read over your answers, correct mistakes you could 67 see and make sure that you havent missed anything. 8.解直角三角形:在直角三角形中,除直角外,一共有五个元素,即三条边和二个锐角。由直角三角形中除直角外的已知元素,求出所有未知元素的过程,叫做解直角三角形(须知一条边)。设计意图:培养学生的综合能力。 (C组题) I.Finish the workbook Exercise5 on P105 三三角函数的计算II. 1.英语在世界上被广泛使用。_. . (2)如圆中有直径的条件,可作出直径上的圆周角.(直径添线成直角)3 用心 爱心 专心 10. Lin Fen gives her little brother some orange juice.= _. 设计意图:提高学生的综合能力,巩固本节课的语法知识。 4 用心 爱心 专心


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