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1、江苏省苏州市高新区 2017-20182017-2018学年八年级英语上学期期中试题 (满分:100分 考试时间:100分钟) 第一部分 听力部分(共 20 分) 一、听对话回答问题(共 20小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 听第 1 至 10 段材料,回答第 1 至 10小题(10分)。 1. What doesnt the woman like? A B C 2. Which is the mans favourite animal? . A B C 3. What was the weather like last Sunday? A B C 4. How will Tina go

2、 to Beijing? A B C 5.Whose CD player is the worst? A. Jacks. B. The mans. C. The womans. 6.Which season is it now? A. Summer. B. Autumn. C. Winter. 7.When did the early bus leave? A. At 6:25. B. At 6:30. C. At 6:35. 8.Will David go bird shopping with the girl? A. He cant decide. B. Yes, he will. C.

3、No, he wont. 9.What does the boy think of the film? A. Interesting. B. Boring. C. Exciting. 1 10.Why doesnt the woman buy the coat? A. Because its very expensive. B. Because its not so beautiful. C. Because its made of animal fur. 二、听对话和短文回答问题(10分) 听下面对话,完成第 11-12 小题。 11. Why are Bet tys parents in

4、Washington? A. To look after her sister. B. To enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday. C. To do some shopping. 12. What will Betty bring to Joes home? A. Some DVDs. B. Some flowers. C. Some food and drinks. 听下面短文,完成第 13-15 小题。 An earthquake when The earthquake happened in 13 . What was Wang Dongs father doi

5、ng then? He was 14 . How did Wang Dongs father feel? He felt the house shaking. He was very 15 and screamed. How did Wang Dongs grandfather save his He quickly carried his son outside. father? What happened in the end? The house fell down. 13. A. 1996 B. 1967 C.1976 14. A. sleeping B. watching TV C.

6、 reading 15. A. sad B. frightened C. angry 听下面短文,完成第 16-20 小题。 16. When did the accident happen? A. Last Monday. B. Last Sunday. C. Last Friday. 17. What did the young man do? A. A worker. B. A singer. C. A driver. 18. What were the young man and the girl talking about? A. Music. B. A singer. C. Spo

7、rts. 19. What hit his car? A. A car. B. A big truck. C. A motorbike. 20. What did the young man lose? A. His car. B. His life. C. His legs. 第二部分 笔试部分(共 80 分) 二、选择填空(共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15分) 21. Do you know Peng Liyuan? Of course, she is _ First Lady of China, _ famous singer. A. a; a B.the; a C.the; the

8、 D. a; the 2 22. What a clear blue sky it is! Yes. I have never seen _ sky. A. a more beautiful B. a most beautiful C. The more beautiful D. the most beautiful 23. Lily, is your cousin in Y ear _, too? No. She is in the _grade this year. A. Eight; ninth B.Eighth; ninth C. Eight; nine D. Eighth;nine

9、24. _ is it from the New Town to the old city centre? Less than 30 minutes by underground. A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. How far 25. Your dream is to be a singer, right? Sure,so I will spend as much time as I can _ singing. A. to practice B. practising C. to practising D. on practising 26.

10、 How many girls are there in your class? _ them _ over twenty. A. The number of; are B.A number of; are C. The number of; is D. A number of;is 27. How do you like living in the city centre? I like it. But _ traffic is really a big problem. A. too much B.many too C.too many D. much too 28. When did t

11、he train arrive? It arrived _ Nanjing _ 6:00 _ the afternoon of September 15th. A. at;at,in B.in;at;in C.in;at;on D.at;on;in 29. Do you have a rest during the match? Yes. There is always _ period of half-time. A. a 15minute B.a 15-minute C.a 15-minutes D.15 minutes 30. Could you help me _ the pictur

12、es on the wall? No problem. A. put in B.put on C. put out D. put up 31. Excuse me, is it OK if I smoke here? _. Look at the sign“No smoking”. A. Of course B. Better not C. All right D.Youre welcome 32. There is a smile on Sams face. He must be _ that his answer is right. I think so. No one did as _a

13、s him in our class. A. uncertainly; well B.certain; good C. uncertain;good D.certain;well 33. Who do you think _ the new monitor? The girl _ a ponytail. A. is; has B.be;have C.are wearing D. is;with 34. What _ you _ he is a true friend? He always gives me a hand when I have problems. A. make; think

14、B. makes; think C. make; to think D.makes; to think 35. To prepare for tomorrows test, what should I do first? _ all you note ready, and then make a plan. A. Getting B. To get C. Get D. To getting 三、完型填空(共 10小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) What foreign languages are you learning except(除了)English? ff you have 3

15、6 with your foreign language homework, you can 37 the website(网站)School Discovery, It has 38 all the languages that you could ask for, like French, German and Japanese. It 39 has a few links(链接)that will 40 you more with the language you are studying. With the help of BBC Schools site, you can speak

16、 Japanese at once. Theres even 3 audio(音频), so you can 41 the pronunciation(发音)of the words! You can 42 games and do more to help you with Japanese homework or just for fun. Kidspace The Internet Public Library is a really 43 website if you need help with foreign language homework. It teaches you ho

17、w to say hello 44 many different languages and it has a lot of 45 useful information. 36. A. advice B. feelings C. problems D. ideas 37. A. visit B. send C. get D. offer 38. A. correctly B. quietly C. luckily D. almost 39. A. never B. also C. too D. only 40. A. help B. lead C. buy D. miss 41. A. see

18、 B. hear C. watch D. write 42. A. play B. remember C. teach D. write 43. A. open B. useless C. wonderful D. strange 44. A. at B. by C. in D. on 45. A. any B. else C. each D. other 四、阅读理解(共10 小题;每小题2 分,满分20分) A In a small village,there lived a man. He would do nothing all day but daydream. Whenever h

19、e was hungry,he would go out,beg for(乞讨)food,come back and hang around. One sunny afternoon,he was very hungry. Wit h great difficulty,he got up, took out a bowl and went out to beg. By begging the whole day, he finally got a pot full of milk. He hung(悬挂)this pot on the ceiling,lay down on his bed a

20、nd started daydreaming again. “This pot of milk is going to make me rich,” he thought. “I can make butter from the milk.Then I will be able to make ghee(印度酥油)and go to the market and sell the ghee , ” his dream continued. “With the money I get, I will buy a pair of goats. They will have kids after s

21、ix months.Soon I would have a large number of goats.” “Then I will buy some more cows and own a farmhouse. I will start a dairy(奶制 品)farm.Once I have much money I will open a sweet shop in the middle of the village. I will make sweets out of the cows milk”, the man kept smiling to himself.“How smart

22、 I am!”he thought. Lost in his thoughts, he kicked out his foot, broke the pot and drenched(弄湿)himself in milk. He saw the broken pot and cried. He lost whatever he had. 46. After the man came back with the pot of milk,he began to . A. daydream B. make butter C. drink it D. make ghee 47. Which of th

23、e following words can describe the man? A. Lazy. B. Smart. C. Polite. D. Generous. 48. We can infer(推断)from the story that the man . A. became rich in the end B. was still a beggar C. owned a big farm D. had lots of goats B Sure, its good to get along well with(相处融洽)your teachers because it makes th

24、e time more pleasant in the classroom. And yes,its good to get along well with your teachers because its smart to learn how to get along well with different kinds of people youll meet in your life. In fact,if kids get along well with their teachers, they will not only learn more, but also feel more

25、comfortable about asking questions and getting more help. This makes it easier for them to learn about new things and do their best on tests. If you have this kind of relationship(关系)with a teacher, you can turn to him or her with problems in school. 4 It is true that teachers want to get along well

26、 with you and enjoy seeing you learn. But teachers and students sometimes have personality clashes(个性冲突),it can happen between any two people. If you show your teacher that you want to make the situation(情 况)better, he or she will probably do everything possible to make that happen. By helping with

27、a problem like this,you learn something about how to get along with different people. However, if a certain teacher isnt your favorite,you can still have a successful relationship with him or her, especially if you finish your duties(责任)as a student. 49. According to the passage, getting along well

28、with your teachers will make you . A. get the best scores in the exams B. have more pleasant time in the classroom C. have no problems with study D. get a better seat in the classroom 50. The underlined word “that“ in the fourth paragraph means . A. the personality clashes B. getting along very well

29、 with classmates C. a better relationship between you and your teacher D. the happy time in the classroom 51. In the passage,the writer mainly talks about . A. how to finish your duties as a student B. how to make the time in the classroom more pleasant C. how much the students want to get along wit

30、h teachers D. the importance of a good relationship with teachers C You love reading, but youve read all your books four times, and are tired of reading the same ones. Youre planning to go to the library,but dont know what kind of books to get. With the right knowledge(知识),its easy to choose a good

31、book! Answer these questions first. What are your interests? Type your hobbies into your library catalog search. By doing this, you will find books that you might lik e. Search your house next. Often good books are quietly collecting dust( 灰层 )in your own house. Maybe you forget about one,or someone

32、 who is living with you has some good books. Also by searching your house, you can find some books that you can read, and they wont even cost you any money. Then join a book club,please. Being a book club member is often a way to experience(体验)new books with other members. Joining a book club or set

33、ting up a book club helps you know who else likes the same books as you,you can also read and discuss the books with others. Finally,read the first part of each book. Of course,if you have many books, this can be time-consuming. Reading the first part of a book can help you know what books and types

34、 of books that you like,and you wont have a hard time looking for books again. 52. This article is mainly written to help you . A. buy a good book B. read a good book C. choose a good book D. borrow a good book 53. The underlined sentence in the third paragraph maybe means that . A. you dont often clean the house B. you havent touched the books for a long time C. your friends dont read your books D. your friends dont visit your house 54. What is NOT mentioned about joining a book club ? 5


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