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1、云南省芒市中学高一英语Unit19ModernagricultureThethird fourthperiod教案云南省芒市中学高一英语Unit 19 Modern agriculture The third& fourth period教案 一(内容及其解析 1. 内容: “阅读”(Reading)部分介绍的是一篇关于“农业”的文章。学习本文的目的是让学生了解农业的历史和发展。同时通过对该文章的阅读丰富有关这个主题的语言和信息。 2. 解析:在阅读文章前设置一些以阅读内容关系密切的问题。 可以启发学生预测课文的内容.让学生形成整体来处理,通过上下文来学习词汇和语法,应用各种方法来理解课文,提

2、高阅读技能.读完后还应通过一些题目来检测对课文的理解与否. 二(目标及其解析 1( 目标(1) 提高运用阅读策略预测课文内容和获取课文主要信息的能力; (2) 形成自主学习,合作学习和探究学习的意识。 2(解析 ? 能够采用各种阅读技巧提高学生的阅读能力 ? 能够掌握文中的词汇,句型,语法现象。 三(教学问题诊断分析 课文有本单元要学的大部分生词,短语.句子以及语法这些都是阻碍学生理解课文大意的,教师应鼓励学生猜测然后再看生词表. 阅读时画下自己不懂的句子,语法等 四(.教学支持条件分析 利用图片和录音机从听觉,视觉上激起学生学习兴趣 五(.教学过程设计 (一)教学基本流程 读前 快速阅读细读

3、 读后小结 (二)教学情景 “读前”(Pre-reading)部分设计了和农业有关的问题,引导学生互相交流和理解,激发阅读的欲望,为下一步的“阅读”自然地打下铺垫。 Step one: Pre-reading Compare traditional & modern farming, focusing on the advantage & disadvantage of modern farming. Then fill the following form. 1 用心 爱心 专心 Advantages Disadvantages Traditional Agriculture farming

4、 Modern farming Hi-tech farming Q1: Whats the biggest problem to Chinese farmers? Q2: What does GM mean? “设计意图: 可以启发学生预测课文的内容 师生活动:教师提问,学生讨论,教师整理 Step two: Reading 1. Questions: Read the text and answer the following questions: Q1. How much does arable land take up in China? Q2. How many ways are me

5、ntioned to make the land produce more? Q3. What does new techniques mean? Q4. When did scientist start to develop new techniques? 设计意图: 阅读理解能力训练 师生活动: 教师提问学生回答 2. Scanning Ask the Ss to listen to the tape while looking at the sentences making a decision about whether the following statements are tru

6、e or false. (1). No advanced technical information was brought in from abroad before the 1980s. F (2).Traditional methods of farming have no advantages so they wont be used in future agriculture. F 3).The average arable land for each Chinese is much less than that of the world. (T (4). Growing veget

7、ables in greenhouses has so many advantages that it can reduce losses caused by bad weather and that it can partly settle the problem of the shortage of arable land. T 2 用心 爱心 专心 (5). GM is a new technique that can make a plant quite different from what it used to be, bigger and healthier and with n

8、o diseases, but it takes longer time to grow. F (6). The GM technique can only be used on plants, but not on animals at the present time. F设计意图: 快速阅读培养学生获取课文主要信息的能力. 师生活动: 教师提问学生回答. 3:. Skimming Read the whole text .Find out the topic sentence in each paragraph. Para.1: For thousands of years tradit

9、ional agriculture in China did not change very much. Para.2: Over time, many farming techniques have been modernised. Para.3: Not only is food production important but also taking care of the environment. Para.4: Using the latest technologies, Chinese scientists grow vegetables in greenhouses. Para.

10、5: Another technique tries to create plants that produce more and bigger fruit. Para.6: The tomoto is one of nearly 4,500 different plants that are genetically modified. 设计意图:加深对文章的理解 师生活动: 教师提问学生回答. 4. Reading aloud Play the tape and ask the Ss to read along in a loud voice. Step Three : Post-readi

11、ng 1.Do post-reading ex1 on p46 2.Do post reading ex2 on page 47 设计意图:检测学生对文章的理解程度 ,巩固所学知识 师生活动: 教师引导,学生合作完成,达到师生互动的目的. Step four : 目标检测: Fill in the blanks with proper words: The biggest problem of Chinese farmers is the _ of _ land. Using the _ technologies, Chinese scientists grow vegetables _. T

12、he _ of these vegetables 3 用心 爱心 专心 are not planted in earth but _ in water that _all the nutrients they _ to grow. . 设计意图: 回顾文章内容形成整体概念 师生活动: 教师提问学生回答. 135.215.27加与减(三)4 P75-80Five: Summary Step:186.257.1期末总复习及考试Summarize the passage and ask the Ss to retell the story. 设计意图:回顾文章内容形成整体概念 师生活动:教师提问学生

13、回答。 配餐作业 : 一、基础题(A组题) (2)相切: 直线和圆有惟一公共点时,叫做直线和圆相切,这时直线叫做圆的切线,惟一的公共点做切点.a) 听写学习目标中的重点词汇(参考答案) 经过同一直线上的三点不能作圆.b) 1.Be friendly to2. depend on 3 the shortage of 4. in earth 5. in other words 1、在现实的情境中理解数学内容,利用学到的数学知识解决自己身边的实际问题,获得成功的体验,增强学好数学的信心。c) 6. a variety of 7. at the right time 8 sow seeds 9. go

14、 against 设计意图:熟练掌握文中的重点词汇, 1、开展一帮一活动,让优秀学生带动后进生,促使他们的转化。二、巩固题 (B 组题) Finish exercise of Word study on p47 设计意图:加强词汇的学习和应用 三、提高题(C 组题) (3)边与角之间的关系:阅读理解(参考答案:14CDCD) “My kids really understand ” -, and judging them based on the childrens own standards . 弧、半圆、优弧、劣弧:弧:圆上任意两点间的部分叫做圆弧,简称弧,用符号“”表示,以CD为端点的弧记为“”,读作“圆弧CD”或“弧CD”。半圆:直径的两个端点分圆成两条弧,每一条弧叫做半圆。优弧:大于半圆的弧叫做优弧。劣弧:小于半圆的弧叫做劣弧。(为了区别优弧和劣弧,优弧用三个字母表示。)1. The Program is designed. A. to direct kids -4.D. they need not worry 1、会数、会读、会写100以内的数;在具体情境中把握数的相对大小关系;能够运用数进行表达和交流,体会数与日常生活的密切联系。- (2)顶点式:设计意图:增强文章的阅读理解能力 4 用心 爱心 专心


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