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1、分词独立主格结构一、分词独立主格结构的概念及基本构成形式1 分词独立主格结构概念:由名词或代词加上分词或分词短语构成的一种独立结构,2 分词独立主格结构功能:用于修饰整个句子,而不是一个词或词组,相当于副词的功能。,3 分词独立主格结构的构成:名词或代词+ 分词或分词短语构分词或分词短语构的逻辑主语是之前的名词或代词,这种结构与主句不发生句法上的联系,4分词独立主格结构位置:相当灵活,可置于主句前、主句末或主句中,常由逗号将其与主句分开,常考的位置是主句前。需特别注意的是,独立主格结构与主句之间不能使用任何连接词。例如:1 ) Night enshrouding the earth , nob

2、odycould make out what the dark masswas from a distance ( 黑夜笼罩大地,谁也看不清远处黑压压的一片是什么东西。)2 ) He lay at full length upon his stomach , his headresting upon his left forearm (他的脊背朝天,四肢伸展,头枕着左臂,直挺挺地趴伏着。)3 ) The coward was backing , his facebeing deathly pale , toward another room (那个胆小鬼向另一个房间退去,脸色煞白。) 5独立主

3、格结构可以和状语从句或两个简单句来代替。例如,上述例句可变为:1 ) Becausenight enshrouded the earth , nobody could make out what thedark mass was from a distance (原因状语从句)2 ) He lay at full length upon his stomach His headrested upon his left forearm (简单句)3 ) The cowardwas backing toward another room His face was deathly pale (简单句

4、)二、 分词 独立主格结构的用法独立主格结构在句中一般作状语,表示时间、条件、原因、伴随状况等。并且可以和状语从句相互转换。1 作时间状语1 ) My shoesremoved , I entered a low-ceilinged room After myshoes were removed , I entered a low-ceilinged room ( 我脱掉鞋子后,走进一间屋顶很低的房间。)2 作条件状语1 ) Weatherpermitting , theywill go on an outing to the beach tomorrow If weather permits

5、 , they will goon an outing to the beach tomorrow (如果天气允许的话,他们将在明天组织一次海滨小游。)2 ) Such beingthe case , you have no grounds for dismissing him If suchisthe case , you have no grounds for dismissing him (如果情况如此的话,你没有理 由解聘他。)3 作原因状语1 ) The stormdrawingnear , the worker decided to call it a day Sincethest

6、orm was drawing near, the worker decided to call it a day (由于暴风雨即将来临,那个工人决定收工。)4作伴随状语2 ) I took myticket , and marched up the platform , the peoplefalling back respectfully on either side I took myticket , and marched up the plat-form , andthe people fell back respectfully on either side (我拿着车票,跨步走向

7、月台。人们似乎很尊敬我,纷纷向两边退去。)三、分词独立主格结构形式 现在分词独立主格结构和过去分词独立主格结构1 现在分词独立主格结构(5种具体考试形式)2 ) 逻辑主语+being + 形容词Weather being hot , we all want to have cold boiledwater. =Since weather is hot, we all want to have cold boiled water. (由于天气炎热,我们都想喝凉开水)3 ) 逻辑主语+doingWeather permitting, we will goon outing to the beach

8、 tomorrow. = Ifweather permits,wewill go on outing to the beach tomorrow.(如果天气允许,我们明天将会去海边郊游)4 ) 逻辑主语+beingdoneThe paper being graded, allof us have been waiting for the score anxiously. = Since the paper is being graded, all of us have been waiting for thescore anxiously. (由于试卷正在被 批改,我们所有人都焦急的等待着成绩

9、)5 ) 逻辑主语+having doneThe meeting having lasted for three hours,allof us feel sleepy. = Since themeetinghas lasted for three hours, all of us feel sleepy. (由于会议已经持续了三个小时,我们所有人 都犯困)6 ) 逻辑主语+havingbeen doneThe meeting having been postponed,weare going to go outing.=Since the meetinghas been postponed,

10、we aregoing to go outing. 。 (由于会议被推迟,我们将外出郊游)The speech having been delivered,alively discussion started. =After the speech hadbeen delivered, a lively discussion started. (演讲被发表完之后,热烈的讨论开始了)2. 过去分词独立主格结构(只有1 种考试形式)1 )逻辑主语+ doneThe plan successfully carried out,everythingworked out perfectly. =Since

11、 the planwas carried out successfully, everything worked out perfectly. (计划被成功的实施,一切进展顺利)四 、 分词独立主格结构的特殊形式:带 with 的独立主格结构with 常常用在独立主格结构前,构成介词短语作状语。这种用法中的with 通常表示原因,。请看例句:Theywent home with the work completed.(由于工作已经完成,他们都回家了)Ican t write down with you standing behind me.(由于你站在我身边,我记不下来)五、独立主格结构常见出

12、题形式及解题策略独立主格结构是一常考项目,在各级各类考试中多以语法结构填空形式出现。例如:1 ) All flights , we decidedto take a greyhound A were canceledB had been canceledC having canceledD having been canceled2 ) The productionsteadily , the factoryneeds an ever-increasing supply ofraw material A has gone upB is going upC having gone upD bei

13、ng gone up此类题型的解题策略,首先看空的位置,挖空的位置会出现在一个完整句子(主句)的句首、句中、句尾。同时注意主句与其他部分之间有无连接词,是否用逗号隔开。1 若有逗号,并且有连接词。选项部分可能会构成状语从句(因为状语从句必须由从属连词引导)。例如: 1 )原句子Since he was ill, he didn t appearedin the meeting.试题: Since he didn t appeared in the meeting. 本句中已经有连接词 Since ,表示原因,是状语从句,而不是独立主格结构。2 若有逗号而无连接词,则可对选项部分作如下初步判断:

14、1 )选项部分可能会构成起状语作用的非谓语动词短语(但非谓语动词作状语时其逻辑主语通常为主句的主语)。例如:原句子hearing the good news , he jumpedwith joy.试题: h_e jumped with joy.本题中很显然是考试分词充当状语,因为 hear 的逻辑主语是he. 而不是 hear 没 有独立的逻辑主语。2)选项部分可能会构成起状语作用的独立主格结构(独立主格结构有自己的主语,并可扩展为状语从句或独立句子)。例如:原句子The sun rising , we have a good mood.试题:有两种形式其一: The sun , we ha

15、ve a good mood.其二: _ ,_we have a good mood.第一种很显然有逻辑主语,很容易想到独立主格结构。第二种容易和分词充当状语搞混淆。关键看动词hear 的主语是独立的还是与后面主语是一致的。如果是独立的,就是独立主格结构,如果一致,分词充当状语。上述例题1) 中的选项A 和 B 与 All flights 构成了句子,但该句没有任何从属连词、 关系代词或关系副词引导,与主句之间也无连接词,因而是错误的,应排除。选项 C 和 D 与 All flights 都可构成独立主格结构,作原因状语,但根据题意,应选D,因为“ 班机 ” 是 “ 被取消 ” 的。同样,例题2)中的选项A和 B 与名词the production 构成了句子,但该句无连接词连接两个句子,因而应排除。选项 C 和 D 与 the production 都可构成独立主格结构,作原因状语,但根据题意, “ 产量在稳步增长” ,在逻辑上是主谓关系,应用主动语态,所以应选C。


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