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1、Unit5 Why do you like pandas? 教学设计Section A (1a-2c)一、教学目标1 .语言知识目标:(1) 能掌握以下单词: tiger, elephant, panda, lion, koala, giraffe,cute, lazy, smart, beautiful, scary, kind, kind of, Australia, south, Africa, South Africa(2) 能掌握以下句型:Let s see the first. Why do you/does she/ does he like? Because they are2

2、 .语言能力目标: (1) To observe and describe animals.(2) To talk about their preferences and give the reasons.3 . 情感态度目标:动物和人类都生活在同一地球上,动物是我们的朋友。我们人类应该与动物和谐相处,共同生存。我们应当学会关爱动物,保护动物。二、教学重难点1.教学重点:(1) 学会描述动物的性格及特点。(2) 学会表达喜欢某类动物及说明喜欢的原因。(3) 教学难点:名词的复数形式表示一类事物;第三人称单数形式。三、教学过程1. Warming-up and lead inLet s enjo

3、y pictures bout animals.设计意图: 课前播放这些温暖的照片,吸引学生的注意力,激发他们爱动物、与动物和谐相处的朴素情怀,调动他们的积极性。U . PresentationThe students teach the class how to read the animal words and description words : I m a panda. I m from China.I think I m very cute.(Then lion, panda, elephant, koala, giraffe)设计意图: 课前让学生们以小组为单位准备动物头饰,上课

4、时让他们进行自我介绍,效果很好。通过这种方式,学生们能够更加客观形象地认识动物,有助于学生很好地掌握新单词。 学习的过程就是交际的过程。m . Game (Guessing game.)1.Show some pictures on the big screen. Let Ss guess what animal it is.Ss try to guess and remember the names of the animals.2. Ask students to match the pictures with the words . ( Do 1a.)3. Check the answe

5、rs with the class.设计意图:巩固新学单词,同时增加趣味性。IV.ListeningWork on 1b.Tell Ss to listen to the tape and check the animals they hear in 1a.Play the recording again and check the answers with the class.Listen again and fill in the blanks.设计意图: 指导学生读懂听力要求,指导学生在听时主要关注有哪些动物。V. Pair work1. Ask the students to imag

6、ine We are“in the zoo, there are many kinds of animals here. ”Then ask a student to do the model with you: Let s see the lions first. Why do you want to see them? Because they are interesting.2. Ss work with their partners practice the conversation using the animals and the adjective words.设计意图:此环节主

7、要是复习动物名称和描述性形容词,互动过程中,还可以练习使用其他描述性形容词。 组织学生结对训练,培养合作能力。VI .Task 3:Group workSs practice the conversation in groups using the listening material称转化)A: Lets see the pandas first.B: Why do you like pandas?A: Because they cutre.C: Why does he/she like them?D: Because they cutre.设计意图:小组四位成员都要谈论他们想参观的动物,学

8、生表达出各自对动物的感受,丰富学生的语言,同时也体现学生的个性化的答案,让不同程度的学生交流一下,让学生们学会倾听和思考,同时学会进行人称转化VII. PairworkA:Where are they from?B:They are from 设计意图:在听力之前,先进行来 Where are they from?句型的训练,从而降低了听力的难度。VIII. Listening1. Work on 2a;T:We have an interesting trip. Julie and john want to join us.What animals do they want to see f

9、irst?Let s listen to the conversation carefully. Then write the names of the animals you hear on these lines.Check the answers.设计意图:指导学生听关键词,在听中学英语,同时学会运用程度副词。IX .SurveyAsk your friends what animals they want to see first、why they like these animalsand.where they are from.Then do a report.A: This we

10、ekend we are going to the zoo.What animals do you want to see first?B: I want to see . first.A: Why do you like .?B: Because they re .A:Where are they from?They ere from .NameAnimalsWhyCountryReport:Hello, everyone. I am .This weekend we are going to visit a zoo.I want toseefirst, becausethey .reAnd

11、theyrefromButmy friend first,because. They re fromAtlast , we decide ( d?sa?d:定)to seefirst, and then we will seeI think we will have a good timethis weekend. Come and join us!设计意图:积极参与课内英语学习活动,遇到问题,能主动向同学请教, 取得帮助;能在小组中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务,交流学习经验。X. Enioy a poemWe just have one earthThe earth is ou

12、r homeAnimals are our friendsThey give us pleasureThey bring us knowledgeStop hurting, stop killingIt s our duty to protect themMy dear friendsCome onWe can live in harmony with animals设计意图:培养学生们热爱自然、爱护动物,与动物和谐相处的意识。XI .Have a summary重点单词:animal, koala, tiger, elephant, panda, lion, giraffecute, sma

13、rt, lazy, friendly beautiful重点句型:- -Let s see the pandas/. first.- -Why do you like pandas?-Because they re very cute.- -Why does he/she like koalas?- -Because they re kind of interesting.XU .Let s check设计意图:当堂检测用竞赛选择的方式让孩子们兴趣盎然,同时检测孩子们对知识的掌握情况。Homework1 . Remember the words and sentences.2 .Write a short passage about the animals you like and give the reasons.设计意图:分层进行设计,让不同的孩子在作业中体会到成功感。板书设计:Section A (1a-2c)-Why do you want to see /like them first?-Because they are cute./


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