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1、初中英语北师大版七年级下册Unit3 Food and Drink 单元练习一、听力(听力)(共20小题;共20分) (略)二、单项选择(共10小题;共10分)21. There are twoand sixin the zoo. A. kangaroos; wolfs B. kangaroos; wolvesC. kangarooes; wolvesD. kangarooes; wolfs22. I have three pen pals. One is,the other two areA. Japanese; America B. English; FrenchmenC. Canada;

2、 AustraliaD. Russian; Germany23. Thosetook lots ofin the Summer Palace. A. Germen; photoes B. Germen; photosC. Germans; photos D. Germans; photoes24. Do you know how manyabee (蜜蜂)has? D. teeth; footB. tooth; footA. teeth; feetC. tooth; feet25. - What can I do for you?-Err, I want a glass of milk, so

3、me bread andA. some chickens B. any chickens C. some chicken26. Im so hungry. Please give meB. three pieces of bread A. three breadD. three breadsC. three piece of bread27. oranges do you want andA. How many; how many B. How much; how much C. How many; how muchhorse has and how manyato eat.orange wo

4、uld you like?D. How much; how many28. - May I take your order?A. Thatll be 80 yuan B. Yes, you mayD. Large, pleaseC. Yes, Id like gongbao chicken29. - Would you like a drink?一.A coke. C. Yes, please D. No, I dontB. No, thanks A. Yes, it is30. -are the lemons? They are thirteen yuan a kilo.A. How man

5、y B. How much C. How old D. How三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共15小题;共15分)problems.31. Eating too much without any exercise will certainly cause w32. Simon wants to chis diet because he wants to healthier. 33. We can enjoy fair in the countryside. 34. Amy often has lunch in a r. 35. I have some good friends and the

6、y come from dcountries. 36. Eating more fruits and vis good for your health. 37. The pof the computer is 5000 yuan. I cant afford it. 38. I usually buy some vegetables at the big m. 39. If you want to stay h, you should often move your body. 40. You must believe in yourself. Thats the sof success.41

7、. - Have some milk, Mary.Its not sweet enough. I want some more sin it. 42. There are many cin the supermarket. Its very crowded. 43. He often has hin McDalds. 44. In North China, people usually have n, while in the south people usually haverice. 45. Here is the mof food and drinks. You can order wh

8、at you like. 四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共15小题;共15分)46. The(想至 U) of going out in the rain and fog discouraged him. 47. - There is nothing better than eating a(西瓜)in summer. Yes, I think so.48. Larry has put on too much(重量)because of his unhealthy diet. 49. - Have you heard about the news?-Yes. The(价格)of pet

9、rol(汽油)went up last month! 50. There are a lot of(顾客)in the big shop. 51. The strawberries look(新鲜的).How much are they? 52. Father is making chicken(三明治)for us. 53. Some students in our school like to eat(巧克力).54. Its good for us to eat55. Its a56. We always have three57. Our school uniforms are qui

10、te58. Its raining hard.59. We should eat green60. Would you like some(一顿饭)a day.(不同)from theirs. (然而),I still have to ride to school.(蔬菜).(鸡肉)? Its delicious(好吃的).五、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共10分)61 .-你需要多少香蕉?一三根香蕉。do you need?We need62 .那玻璃杯里有多少酱油63 .-你有多少钱?一仅有10元。sauce is there in the glass?do you have?

11、64 .晚上好,您现在要点菜吗?Good evening. May Iyour65 .这个周末你想要做什么?What would younow? this weekend?六、完形填空(共10小题;共15分)This is Uncle Wangs 66 House. We have different68 bowl of mutton noodles is only four yuan and three yuan for a medium bowl.noodles is just three yuan. And a bowl of chicken noodles is two yuan, b

12、ut three yuan bowl of vegetable noodles is only one yuan.71 and enjoy the delicious noodles here. 72 meat, soup is 67 of noodles. A69 bowl of beef70 two. A largeyou buy any noodles withfree. If you are too busy to come, please call 73 at 8817005. We will send the 74to you in 15 minutes. Our noodle h

13、ouse is open for 2475 a day, from Monday to Sunday. 66 . A. Noodle B. Dumpling C. Soup D. Hamburger67 . A. kind B. kinds C. a kind D. two kindsD. large B. medium C. small 68. A. greatD. Very B. Each 69. A. Another C. OtherD. in C. for 70. A. about B. on(健康的)food. (秘密)between you and us. Dont tell an

14、ybody about it.D. Eat C. Come B. Go 71. A. PleaseD. That B. If 72. A. When C. WhichD. us 73. A. we B. our C. oursD. chicken B. fruit 74. A. food C. soupD. secondsB. hoursC. minutes75. A. days七、阅读理解(共18 小题;共36 分)AOne Sunday, Jim went to town to buy new clothes. First he tried on a sweater. He didnt l

15、ike it, sohe returned it to the storekeeper. Then he tried on a Tshirt that had the same price as the sweater. Jim was satisfied( 满意 ) with the Tshirt, and he left the store with it. Before he climbed on his horse to go home, the storekeeper and the assistant ran out at the same time.You didnt pay f

16、or the Tshirt! said the storekeeper.But I gave the sweater in exchange for the Tshirt, didnt I? replied Jim.Yes, but you didnt pay for the sweater! said the storekeeper.But I didnt buy the sweater. said Jim, I am not so stupid to pay for something that I have never bought.76. How did Jim get to the

17、store?A. On foot. B. By bus.C. On a horse.D. The story doesnt tell us.77. How many people were working in the store?A. Two. D. Five.B. Three. C. Four.78. How much was the Tshirt?A. $35.B. It had the same price as the sweater.C. It was higher than the sweater.D. We dont know.79. What did Jim actually

18、( 实际上 ) pay for?B. The Tshirt.A. The sweater.D. The sweater and the Tshirt. C. Nothing.80. What do you think of Jim from the passage?). 贪婪的 B. He was greedy( A. He was stupid.D. He was kind.C. He was honest.014 X Vleeiu eq; jojAedoj eAeq Aeqi g e6e *11101 !ql s6e *ejes sp!”omj q;i/v saojeiuoj. jaa/w

19、s peisiA pe旧 sj|/| pue j|/| gg “ooq Ajojs e u| q “ooq Lijeiu e u| 9 -jededs/veu e u| a |9aou e u| veBessed siq; peej Aiqeqojd noA p|no/v ejeq/v gA|ieci euiqg jo jepeej e eq oj_ apueuj e e;iAui oj_ 9 pjeo dlAe;e6 oj_ a Aeuoiu eAes oj_ V 乙ioj pesn uodnoo e si ;ei|/v 8ZLn 6921(0L0)a692乙(0L0)9(0L0)a S8L

20、L -(0L0)V-BuifnjBue/vy Jeeu seAi| eqs esneoeq *s;ees eq; jepjo ojneo Aeiu euuv 乙8Aepsjnqi uo qAepseni uo 9 Aepuo|/| uo a Aepung uo vleeiu e jojsaojeiuoj. ;99ms oj 06 i.ueo e|doej 1828LL H7SS(0L0):unouen66uoL|z 692乙(0L0):6u!fnj6ue/v LS99 (0L0) :uep!X uiheg ui sejo;s jno Aepuo|/| uo pesoio (uns-ies) u

21、 d ooillue 00:0L (uj- eni) iu d oo:onre 00: 14:sjnoq sseuisng e;e|oooqo A;se; eejj euo ;e6 qiuoiu qoee Aepung pu乙 eq; uo uaj js1 A|ieQ euiqg s/epung ui uodnoog x sabs eejj (9 jepun)0X (SL-9)PI!M909 X linpvjse|qe;e6eApue ;injj Aofue eaiu Aue oj eAqpooB Aeg jueo noA se qoniu se 阳 se|qe;e6eA a ijnjj a

22、peies seoeiuoi ;ee/vgB. 120C. 150D. 180CWhen people go to the beach on vacation, many people like to eat seafood. But not everyone canenjoy it. Some people think seafood tastes great, but their bodies dont like it at all. When they eat it, their skin gets red and itchy( 痒的).Thats because theyre alle

23、rgic(过敏的)to seafood.When someone is allergic to a food, his body doesnt see that thing as a food. It sees it as an enemy and tries to fight it. It fights by making antibodies( 抗体).Sometimes, when the body fights a food, it can make a person very sick.There are some ways to deal with food allergies.

24、One is to stop eating the food that youre allergicto, but this may be hard. People are often allergic to very healthy foods, and its hard to always avoid them.People can be allergic at different ages to different foods, like eggs, milk or peanuts( 花生).If youthink you might be allergic to a food, ask

25、 a doctor to have a look first.86. Some people cannot enjoy seafood, because. B. it makes their skin hurtA. it doesnt taste goodC. it gives them a headache D. it makes them allergic87. What does the underlined word enemy mean in Chinese?病人 支持者D. C.敌人A.伙伴B.88. According to paragraphs 3 -4, which of t

26、he following is TRUE?A. A good way to deal with a food allergy is not to eat that food.B. Unhealthy foods often make people allergic.C. People with skin problems often get allergic.D. Food allergies often cause people to die.89. When a person is allergic to a food,. A. it can always make the person

27、dieB. it can make the person very sickC. it can make the person very excitedD. it can make the person angry90. What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. Old people often have food allergies.B. Some everyday foods make people allergic.C. Most people are allergic to the same food.D. Doctors must be

28、 able to treat food allergies successfully.The best time to make a friend isWe all long for friendship, but how to make a friend?beforeyou need one. Joy Steven said. The following are some tips for you.People equal friendsFriends usually begin with strangers. Getting in touch with other people is th

29、e first step to makea friend. Friends cant be made in empty air. Best friends take time to make.Friends understand friendsFriends understand each other when talking. Many unpleasant personal quarrels can be avoidedif you will take the time to understand others feelings and points of view.Friends tou

30、ch friendsTouching is a warm from of communication between friends. When you see best friends communicating, you will notice them stand close together, touch each other comfortably and listen to each other. Sometimes a friendly touch is more powerful than words.Friends praise friendsPraise is a powe

31、rful tool to make a friend. Honest praise can affect( 影响)your friends lives. Sotry to praise your friends, including your general ones.Friends can be trustedTrust and loyalty go hand in hand for friends. Friends can share secrets with you, because good)and are loyal forever.信心 friends never break co

32、nfidence(91. From Joy Stevens words, we can conclude that A. a friend in need is a friend indeedB. it is never too late to make a friendC. it is late to make a friend when you need oneD. everyone needs a friend in his life92. To make and keep many friends, you need to do the following EXCEPTA. get i

33、n touch with people B. understand your friendsC. praise your friendsD. quarrel with your friends93. The passage mainly tells us. A. how to communicate with a friendB. how to develop friendshipC. when to make a friendD. how to praise a friend八、短文7选5(5选5等)(共4小题;共8分)People often talks about healthy chi

34、ldren. 94.If you are healthy, your body works well, and you can do all the things you want to do. Parents only ask the children to have healthy meals.95.Eat different kinds of food, especially fruits and vegetable. You may have a favorite food, but youd better eat different kinds of food. If you do

35、so, you can meet more of your body needs. Taste new foods and old ones you havent tried for a while. Some foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are more pleasing. 96. 97.When youre really thirsty, cold water is the No. 1 choice. Children needcalcium to grow strong bones, and milk is the best choice.

36、 Maybe you will want something other, so its OK to have 100% juice, too.A. The more water, the better.B. So you can have some every day.C. Drink water and milk most often.D. But children can also do something by themselves.E. They want to know how to help children keep healthy.九、阅读与表达(问答式)(共5小题;共10分

37、)Thanksgiving Day is very important in America. It is on the fourth Thursday of November. Onthe eve(前夕)of Thanksgiving, the members of the family usually go back home. They sit around the table and have a big dinner the next day.Robert works for a computer company. Two days before Thanksgiving Day,

38、he has to fly to China to have a meeting. And the meeting lasts( 持续)for four days. So he cant get back home to stay with his family. He has a bad Thanksgiving Eve because he feels lonely. But the next morning, someone knocks at the door. He opens the door and finds his wife and daughter standing out

39、side. He is so surprised. His wife brings his favorite food -pumpkin pie and pudding. In the evening, the meeting organizer(组织者)holds a big party for the foreign friends.98. When is Thanksgiving Day?99. How long does the meeting last?100. Why does Robert feel surprised when he opens the door?101. Wh

40、at is Roberts favorite food?102. What does the meeting organizer do in the evening?答案二、单项选择 21. B22. B23. C24. A 25. C26. B27. C28. C 29. C30. B) 三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空35. different 32. change 33. fresh 34. restaurant 31. weight40. secret 39. healthy36. vegetables 37. price38. market45. menu41. sugar42. cus

41、tomers43. hamburgers 44. noodles) 根据中文提示拼写单词四、单词拼写(50. customers 49. price 46. thought 47. watermelon 48.weight55. secret53. chocolate 54. healthy51. fresh 52. sandwiches60. chicken59. vegetables 56. meals57. diffferent58. However) 根据中文提示完成句子五、翻译(62. How much 61. How many bananas; three bananas64. t

42、ake, order63. How much money; Only ten yuan65. love/like to do六、完形填空74. A 73. D 75. B72. B68. D 66. A 67. B 69. B70. C71. C七、阅读理解84. B 83. A 85. C80. B 78. B76. C77. A 79. C81. B 82. D93. B 92. D 90. B88. A 86. D 87. C 89. B91. C) 选选 7 八、短文5(55 等 95. D 94. E96. B97. C)问答(九、阅读与表达98. On the fourth Thursday of November. 99. For four days.101. Pumpkin pie and pudding.100. Because he finds his wife and daughter standing outside.102. The organizer holds a big party for the foreign friends.


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