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1、百度文库让每个人平等地提升自我初中英语语法专项习题2冠词(附答案)()1 Han Meimei isChinese girl. Lucy is English girl.A. a; a B. an: an C. a; an D. an: a ()2 A little boy wrote”U andon the wall.A. a: an B. an: a C. an; an D. a: a ()3 old lady in brown is university professor.A. An: a B. An: / C. Tlie: an D. The: a()4 There are sixt

2、y minutes in hour.A. an B. the C. a D. /()5 This is interesting book and it is also useful one.A. an; an B. an; the C. ah: a D. a: a()6 A computer is useful tool in *o world today.A. an: the B. a: the C. the: the D. a: a2()1 We have never seen interesting film.A. such B. such an C. so D. such a()2 M

3、rs Smith is friend of _A. the: mine B. a: me C. the: my D. a: mine()3 He isboy.A. a seven-years-old B. an eight-year-oldC. the seven-year-old D. an eight-year-older ()4 Fsaw accident in the street yesterday.A. the B. a C. an D. /()5 Now he isartist. 1 have known him since he wasone-year-old boy.A. a

4、: an B. a: a C. an: an D. an; a3 ()1. Which biggerelephant orhorse?A. a: the B. an: a C. the: an D. an: the ()2 monkey can climb trees.A. /; the B. A: / C. Tlie: a D. /: /()3 rains are faster than buses.A. /:/B.The:/C. /; the D. Hie: a()4 -Have you learned German?-Yes. Ilslanguage I ve ever learned.

5、A. a quite difficult B: quite a difficultC. difficult quite D. difficult a quite()5 Some animals, like cat,dog or wolf, do not need to hibernate (冬眠).A. /: /: the B. the: the; the C. a: /: the , D. the; /;/()1 Yesterday we held talk with them in the hall.A. the B. this C. a D. an()2 My mother hadfev

6、er, so I had to look after her.A a B. the C, / D. this()3 Looking at. he tookdeep breath.A. / B. a C. that D. its()41 usually go out torwalk alter tea:A: a:/B./: theC. a: aD. the:a()5 After that they had sleep.A. a night good B. a nights good C. a good night D. a good nights5()1 It is since we last

7、time.A. long time: met B. a long time: meet C. a long time: met D. the long time; meet()2 There came great noise. It frightened us.A. the B. aC. / D. that()3 II is pleasure to work with these workers.A. an B. / C. a D. this()4 Alter quick breakfast I hurried to school.A. a: / C. the; the - D. the; /

8、6()1 This is egg.egg is big.A. a: A B. an; An C. a; The D. an: Tlie()2 There is*W inwordA. a: an B. an: a C. an: the D. a: the()3 Here is basket.basket is mine.A. a: Tlie B. the: An. C. a: A D. the: A()4 There is bridge over there.bridge is made of wood.A. the; The B. a: A C. the: A D. a: The()5 He

9、ordered book some time ago and now book has arrived.A. a: a B. the: a C. the: the D. a: the7()1 She saw English film last Sunday. But she can not remembername offilm.A. an; a: a B. a; the: aC. an: the: a D. an; the: the()2 There isold man undertree.A. an: the B. the: aC. a: the D. an;/()3 -What wasy

10、esterday?-November 24.A.date B. the date C. day D. the day()4 We shall visit your country in coming year.A. a B. the C. one D. that()5 Mother does most ofat home.A. cleaning B. a clean C. the cleaning D. clean82百度文库让每个人平等地提升自我()1 -Whose room is that?-Its.A. the twins* B. of Lucy and LilyC. of the tw

11、ins D. the twins()2 Im busy.A. at the moment B. at that moment C. in a moment D. just a moment()3 book is very useful. I bought it from unknown little town.A. A; a B. The: a C. A: an D. The; an()4 English is interesting subject for most of students.A. the: an B. the: the C. an: / D. an: the()5girl i

12、nGrade Three istallest in our school.A. The: the; the B. A: a: a C. The: /; the D. A: /: a9()1 Mr White lives onfloor.A. the fifteen B. fifteen C. the fifteenth D. fifteenth()2 A boy named Ding Wei kicked a goal early of the match.A. in the one half B. in the first half C. for the first half D. for

13、half one()3 He has tried twice, and the captain asks him to have third try.A. the B. a C. another D. other()4 China is one ofoldest countries inworld.A. the: the B. the:/C. a: a D. an; the()5 Mary is only girl who has been to American.A. a B. the fc. an D. /10()I We can seesun andmoon inpicture.A.a;

14、 the; the B. the; a: theC. a: the: a D. the: the: the()2o moon moves around earth, and they both are smaller than sun.A. The: an; a B. A: the: the C. /; /: / D. The: the; the()3 Paris iscapital of France.A. aB./C. one D. the11()1 Browns arrived there yesterday evening.A./B. A C. The D. An()2 Why not

15、 ask your father to draw map for you if you want to get toAlices house easily?A. a: an B./: an C. the: a D. a: /()3 Browns are sitting at breakfast table.A. /; a B. The: / C. Tlie: the D./) the()4Turners could not pay forcolour TV set.A. The: a B. /; the C. /; a D. The; /()5 They went to . Smiths* a

16、nd stayed there tor half hour.A. /: an B. the: a C. a: the D. the; an()1 Cotton is grown in China.A. north B. the north of C. the north D. a north()2 Its pleasure to see sun rising in east.A. /: the; / B. a; /;/ C. a: the: the D. /: the: the()3 Most of us are from.A. the south B. south C. the southe

17、rn D. southern()4United States lies in North America.A. An B. A C. The D. /13()I He likes playingpiano, he doesn,t like playingfootball.A. the; the B. the; / C. /; the D./:/()2 Tom enjoys playing Ibotball while I enjoy playing piano verymuch.A. the: the B. a; a C. /: the D. the: /()3 Yesterday his m

18、other bought piano andbasketball in that big shop.A. the: a B. a: a C. /: / D. some: two14()1night, a stranger knocked at the door.A. One B. The C. An D. A()2 We often play football inof the school building.A. a front B. fronts C. front D. the front()3 Theres going to beEnglish test next week.A. an:

19、 a. B. an; / C. the: a D. an: the()4 There is a map on left of the picture.A. the B. /C. a D. an()5 He lakes a bath in evening.A. the B./C. a D.an15()1 We should look afterold.A. these B. those C. the D. an()2 The young nurse is kind to ill in the hospital.A. a B. an 0. / D. the()3 poor in those day

20、s had a hard lime.A. A B. This C. The D. Those()4 Not allbeautiful is good.A. theB.aC./D. thishome.16()1 They sailed along Yellow River for two weeks before they arrived _A. /; / B. the: / C. the: the D. /: the()2 The students of our school climbed West Mountains.A. the B. this C. that D. /3 The shi

21、p is sailing on Pacific OceanA.a B. the C. / D.lhat17()1 -Excuse me. may I have water, please? -Sorr)r, there isnt waler in bottle.A. any: any: the B. some: some: a C. some: any; the D. some: any; a()2 It is known to all thatlight travels faster thansound.A. /: / B. a: a C. the; the D. the; /()3 wal

22、er (Waler) is necessary in peoples everyday life.A. /: / B. The: / C. The: the D. /: the()41 came here in autumn of 1982.A. one B. a C. an D. the18()1is the most difficult in this book.A. Lesson second B. The second lesson C. Second lesson D. Second lessons()2 Tuesday isthird day of the week.A. the

23、B./C. a D. an()3 He is a student of.A. class First B. the class one C. Class One D. First Class()4 We were so late getting to the theatre that we missed most of.A. the act first B. Act One C. act first D. first act()5 Flight Nineteen from New York to Washington is now arriving at _.A. Gate Two B. th

24、e gale two C. the two gate D. second gate()6 He lived in.A. the room 105 B. the 105 room C. the 105 of the room D. Room 10519()1 Reading books can add to knowledge.A. a B. this C. / D. that()2 All of books here are Chinese.A. the B./C. those D. that()3 He like sports, such as football, basketball an

25、d so on.A./B. aC. the D. an20()1 -Where does Mike sit?-He sits.A. on any the right B. at the front of meC. on my left D. at the back of me()2 Me hasfew English books. He lent me,few of them last week.A. the: .a B. the: a C. a: the D. this; that()3 Mr Smith is a teacher.A. The B. A C. This D./()4 Mon

26、day is my day.A. the busiest B. busy C. busier D. busiest21()1 Beforesupper. I always playfootball.A. a: the B. the:/C./:/ D./; the()2 Let s go and take a walk afterlunch.A. a B. the C. / D. this()3 We had a parly aftermeal that day.A. a B. the C. one D.()4 When we called, the family were at dinner.

27、A. / B. the C. a D. an22()1 Mary becamemonitor of our class.A. a B. an C. / D. the()2 My father is chairman of the club.A. the B./C. an D. this()3 He was madeteam leader.A. our B. that C. a D. the()4 Mr Wang is coming to our school tomorrow.A./B.The C. An D. Tliis()5 mother (Mother) is loved by us.A

28、. The B./ C. One D. Thal23()1learning (Learning) English is very interesting to me.A./B.TheC. A D. An()2 We all know that walking on the moon is ver, difficult.A. one B. the. C. / D. a()3running (Running) every morning is good fbr us.A. A B./C.This D. Thal24()1 Shall we go to see our teacher? She is

29、 ill.A. in a hospital B. in the hospitalC. in hospital D. in hospitals()2 Have you ever traveled on train?A. the B. a C. an D. /()3 He is going to London bysea.A. the B. a C. one D. /()4 Marco Polo and his father traveled by.A. a ship B. ships C. ship D. the ship25()1 There is a book shop.A. on my w

30、ay school B. on my way to schoolC. on my way to the school D. in my way to school()2 I go toschool on foot because my home is nearschool.A. a: a B. the: the C. /:/ D./: the()3 Mary hashigh fever and she has to be inhospital.A. a: / B. a: a C. /;/ D. the: the()4 Dont. Its badyour eyes.A. read in bed:

31、 to B. reading in bed: forC. read in the bed: for D. read in bed: for()5 He stole the money and they put him.A. in prison B. to prison C. at the prison D. in the prison26()1. People often go to swim insummer.A./B.aC. an D. the()2 The teacher is standing the class and giving his lessons.A. in the fro

32、nt of B. al the front ofC. in front of D. at the from()3 Mary is fbnd of watching TV while Henry is interested in listeningtoradio.A. the: / B./; the. C. the: the D. /: /()4 The children all had a good lime onChildreiVs Day.A. the , B. their C. a D. /()5 She went to town on fool.A. the; a B. /;/ C.

33、/; the D. the: ihe()6home, I met a friend of mine.A. On my way B. On my way to the C. On ones way D. On my way to27()1 His brother worked out until it was twelve.A. problem after problem B. problem by problemsC. a problem after a problem D. a problem by a problem()2 The farmers went on working.A. ho

34、urs after hours B. a hour after a hourC. an hour after an hour D. hour after hour()3 The students went out of the room.A. one by two B. one by one C. two by another D. one by the other参考答案:1. 1-6CADACB 2. 1-5 B D B C D3. 1-5 B BA B B4. 1-5 C A B A D5. 1-4 C B C B6. 1-5 DC AD D7. 1-5 D A B B C8. 1-5 A A D D C9. 1-5 C B B A B 10. 1-3 D D D 11. 1-5 C D B A D12. 1-4 B C A C13. 1-3 B C B14. 1-5 ACB AA15. 1-4 C D C A16. 1-3 B A B17. 1-4 C A A D18. 1-6 B A C B A D19. 1-3 C A A20. 1-3 CC D D21. 1-4 C C B A22. 1-5CB AAB23. 1-3 A C B24. 1-4 C A D C25. 1-4 B D A D26. 1-6 A A B D BA27. 1-3 A D B8


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