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1、仁爱英语名词教学课件新课改倡导全人教育,强调课程要促进每个学生身心的健康发展,培养学生良好的品质和终身学习的能力,那么老师准备好仁爱英语名词教学课件了吗?下面可以参考小编提供的哦!仁爱英语名词教学课件一教学目标:1. 知识目标:(1)词汇: lady, gentleman, for sale, satisfy, guest,menu, wine, bill。(2)句型:掌握英语就餐的重点句型。Heres a table for two.Heres the menu.May I take your order?Wed like Beijing Roast Duck and vegetable s

2、oup.Anything else?May I have the bill, please?Which kind of drink would you like, beer, wine or a soft drink?Heres your change.Thanks for coming!(3)了解如何用英语来致开幕词。Ladies and gentlemen, welcome toInternational School!Well try to satisfy all the guests.Lets wish them success! Enjoy yourselves!2. 能力目标:着重

3、训练学生口语应用能力,将所学的.知识运用到实际的就餐交际情景中去。3. 情感目标: 培养学生学习英语的浓厚兴趣,乐于参加各种英语实践活动,培养其合作能力,帮助学生了解西方饮食文化,树立学习英语的信心。二.教学重、难点:1.掌握如何使用就餐用语并进行情景交际。Heres a table for two.Heres the menu.May I take your order?Heres your change.Anything else?May I have the bill, please?Heres your change.Thanks for coming!Wed like Beijing

4、 Roast Duck and vegetablesoup.Which kind of drink would you like, beer, wine or a soft drink?2.掌握一些重要的词组。be for salesatisfy sbwish sb sth enjoy yourselves3.着重培养学生的口语实际应用能力,尽量多给学生创造语境说英语,解决哑巴英语的现状。.Teaching aids 教具多媒体课件.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review1. Sing the song : Pat a cake in Sec

5、tionCTopic2.2. Free talk: Get two students to talk something about Daniel Igali.3. Show the food and drinks for the students to look and say.T: First foreign food(quick response).S1, S2etc.T:Now Row1,please.T: There are so many kinds of foods and drinks. Whatwould you like to have? Let the students

6、to ask and answer in chains.S1: Id like to have a hamburger and a glass of coke. What would you like to have?S2: Id likeT: Thank you. Now heres good news for you. Renai International Food festival is open now!Would you like to go with me?Ss:Yes,Id love to.T: But we need to make an opening speech.Do

7、you know how to make it?S1:No I dont.T:Dont worry.Lets discuss in groups.Ss:The teacher sum up the sentence patterns. Let the students read them aloud.T:OK! Everything is ready. Well, I cant wait to see the opening ceremony of the food festival. Lets go! Step 2 Presentation1.T: Boys and girls! Welco

8、me to the food festival! Different delicious food are for sale,such as There are many people. They all look happy. There is a boy and a girl in the center.They are host and hostess. Now listen carefully and underline the sentences about the opening speech.2. Please listen again and try to follow it.【仁爱英语名词教学课件】5


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