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1、2018-2019年嘉善县大通小学三年级上册英语期末测验无答案一、我会选一选(选择题)1. I have a new dress birthday party.A. toB. onC. for2 . Open the door, please.A. Its cold. B. Its black. C. Its hot.3 .当你向妈妈介绍你的朋友时,说: A . My name is Jim.B . I m Jim.C. Mum,This is Jim.D. Bye bye, Jim.4. 你想知道对方有多少个苹果,你应该问: A . How many pears do you have? B

2、. How many apples do you have?5. Now it s red, blue, yellow green.)A . andB . with C. of6. My name LinglingA、isB、amC、are7. is my jacket.A. SheB. HeC. It8. I have a blue crayon.()A、 阳烟B、 士9. Do you like?.A . tomatoes B. tomatos10. - Shake your body.A. Thank you.11. whats thatA.那是什么B. OK!B.在这里C. Clap

3、your hand.C.转身12. How many legs do you have?-I have legs.A . black B. two C. hurt13. U for.A. vegetablesB. water14. Zoom : How many balloons?C. UFO第9页,共7页Zip : A. Good! B. Great! C. Wow! D. Six.15, -is your mother (妈妈)? -She is fine.A. What B. How C. how、想一想,填一填(填空题)16.17. I have an18 .根据所给提示,补全对话。1

4、. Good afternoon.2. .Nice to meet you ,too.3. . Fine, thank you.4. Colour it blue!5.IGood morning ,Miss Li.19 .顺序乱了,你来排排!限 bird! school bag C、ruler D、kite E、house20 .排列顺序。将下列对话排序。()Morning!()Fine, Thank you. How are you?()Very well, thanks.()How are you?()Good morning,Miss Lin.21 .写出下列大写字母的小写字母。(1)A

5、(2)G(3)H(4)I(5)J(6)MN(8)Q(9)P22 . Two thin girls in the rain.23 .把下列单词首个字母相同的归纳在一类。bed desk chair pear banana mango bookcase table peach panda tiger pineapple mother dog(1) Bb: Cc: (3) Dd: (4) Pp: watermelon(5) Mm : (6) Tt: Ww : 24 .你会介绍自己的家人吗 曲艮据图片用方框中所给出的单词完成介绍吧。brother, sister, young, old,(1) Thi

6、s is mystudent, doctorHe is a(2) This is myShe is five years old.She is.(3) This is my mother.She is a(4) This is my grandfather(爷爷)He is very 25.重新排列下列句子,把序号填在横线上。 Thank you, Miss White. Certainly! Here you are. Have some fruits. Sorry, I dont like bananas. Can I have an apple, please?、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)

7、26.对话搭配1. Here you are.2. Thank you.3. Which Pencil?4. What color is it?5. Nice to meet you.A . The pink one.B . Nice to meet you, too.C. Thank you.D. You are welcome.E. It s blue.27.连一连、涂一涂。(1) ItJ ? a yellov dog.(2) It s aehameleon .(3) ItJ j w red door .(4) s a blue bag .(5) If1 q a blaclr window

8、 .28.看图,连线。(10分)29.在右栏中找出左栏中每个句子的答语连线。i: 1) Good af teznoon.(2) WatJ s your name?(3) HelloJ(4 ,) Goodbye J(5) How old yau.?(6)Cood jiLQxninl(7) How 打 e you?(6) Where s my baok?(9) Is It red?(10) whst s this?A- CoocL jnozrnuig 1B. It s in the desk.C. T m finej thaitk youD_ 1七 s a beak .E. NOj it isnJ

9、 t.F My n4号 is JQhn.G_ Byfe-bye!H Good aftBrnaonI. Hi,JJ. I ai*. ten.30.问答搭配。连线 Hello! Whats your name Goodbye!I have a pen. Close your book.A. Me, too.B. Bye.C. Hi!D. My names Zoom.E. OK.四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31 .英汉互译weatherlikesunny美好的32 .汉译英1 .早上好。2 .你好吗?3 .再见!4 .我很好,谢谢你。5 .早上好,Lily.33 .把下列句子翻译成中文。1. You

10、re welcome.2. Have some juice!3. I like hot dogs.4. Smell the coffee.5. Make the cake.34 .翻译下列词组1、一只昆虫 2、昆虫的一 3、二只苍蝇 4、一只美丽的蝴蝶5、多少蚂蚁6、看着天空35 .根据汉语提示填空。1. This is a (老虎)2. (那个)is a bear.3. That s a(动物园).4. -What s that?It is a (熊猫)5. Is (这个)a duck?五、我是小法官(判断题)36. Read and choose.(圈出中间图片所代表的单词的首字母)0 E

11、P 4 BGC KKD G37 .动动脑。(读一读,圈出 Lucy拥有的文具)38 .当别人对我们说:How are you?的时候,我们可以回答:Im fine, thank you.。判断对错()39.我会判断。正确的在括号内填T,错误的填F。()1. Clap your hands.()2.Open your mouth.()3.Wave your arm.()4.Touch your neck.()5.Close your eyes.六、阅读理解40 .根据短文内容选择下列文具的颜色Hello! Im Lily. I have a pen. It (它) and a white era

12、ser.D. white E. green,将其字母标号写在题前的括号里。is black. I have a ruler. It is green. My pencil box is red. I have a yellow bagA . red B . black C. yellow41 .情景演播厅游戏大比拼:小朋们正在做游戏,看看他们演的是哪个动物,填表格,打Mr Black: Good morning, boys and girls.Boys and girls: Good morning, Mr Black.Mr Black: Let s play a game.Boys and girls: Great!来源:学 & 科& 网 Z&X&X&KMike: I m fat. I climb like a bear.Wu Yifan: I m big. I walk like a elephant.John: I m funny. I jump like a squirrel.Bai Ling: I hunt like a mouse.Chen Jie: I fly like a bird.人名 动物MikeWu YifanJohnBaiLingChen JiebirdVmousesquirrelelephantbear


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