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1、同步练习题考试题试卷教案初三中考任务型阅读和首字母填空集选A)根据短文内容,按要求答题。 The Canadian people are not all the same. There are many different groups. They came to Canada at different times. They came from different places. Many of them still live in different ways. Long ago, only Native (土著的) Americans live in Canada. They arriv

2、ed thousands of years ago. Today there are about fifty different American groups. The Eskimos came after the Native Americans did. They have also been in Canada for a long, long time. Most Eskimos live in the north of Canada, where it is very cold. The European settlers started arriving 450 years ag

3、o. Most came from France. They are a large group in Canada today. They follow French customs or ways of doing things. They speak French. Later, most settlers came from England and Scotland. They speak English. Today more than half of all Canadians speak English. Canadians have also come from Germany

4、 and Italy. There are smaller groups from other places, too. You can see that different kinds of people are called Canadians. Many do not want to forget their own customs and languages. But they share a large country. They share a future in that country. They are all Canadians. 1. Who first came to

5、live in Canada? 2. Where do most Eskimos live? 3. How long have the European settlers been in Canada? 4. What language do most Canadians speak today? 5. The Canadians look the same, don?t they? B)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。 Yesterday I visited the Hong Shan Forest Zoo. I was s_1_ to find few people there.

6、Zoos are very important places. They p_2 _ homes for many endangered animals. They also help to educate the public about caring f_3_ them. If we don?t s_4_ our zoos, they won?t have e_5 _ money to take care of so many fine animals. Therefore, people should go and visit the zoos m 6 often to learn ab

7、out animals and help to protect them better. H_7_, some people do think so. They think zoos are t_8_ places for animals to live. “I?ve visited a lot of zoos in my life, and I have never seen o_9_ I liked or one that was suitable for animals to live in.” Jenny said. The animals are k_10 _ in small ca

8、ges and can hardly move at all. What?s more, they are only given food once week. That?s terrible.” (A)根据短文内容,按要求答题。 December 26, 2004, was a wonderful day in India. Most people were happy, and were celebrating their festival. Then it happened. Suddenly, there was a sound, like the sound of thunder.

9、Next, people?s houses began to shake. Buildings cracked and fell. In the town of India, the main street went up twenty feet, holes opened in the earth, and buildings fell in. The earthquake that hit India measured 8.7 in the Richter Scale(里氏震级). In the India Ocean the earthquake made a tidal wave(海啸

10、). This wave travelled at six hundred miles an hour. Shortly after, at about 2 p.m. it hit the coast (the land next to the sea) of India. It took away with it a piece of land four thousand feet long and six hundred feet wide. People tried to escape (run away), but it destroyed many towns. The earthq

11、uake of 2004 killed about 150,000 people. It was one of the strongest earthquakes in the world. Scientists do not know when the next earthquake will happen. They are difficult to predict(预测), but you will know when it hits. 1. When was the earthquake? 2. What did the earthquake make in the India Oce

12、an? 3. How strong was the earthquake? 4. The scientists are difficult to predict the earthquake, aren?t they? 5. Put the sentence “People tried to escape(run away), but it destroyed many towns.” into Chinese. (B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。 Why do people drink often? Because they are t 1 ,but this can?t be

13、 the o _2 reason, there m _3 be other reasons. In many countries, when friends see e _4 other, they often have a drink while they sit and talk. Many English people don?t need a 5 else, they drink tea several t 6 a day even if they are alone. In most countries people say something i 7 when they drink

14、 together. The English often s 8 cheers. In all countries there are many places (cafes, bars, etc.) where they want to sell d 9 . Since there are so many places for people to drink, it seems that many people drink more often than they really w 10 to. A) 根据短文内容,按要求答题。(回答15题时,不得超过五个单词。) Americans love

15、 sportsthey love to play them, to watch them on television, and to talk about them. But this hobby sometimes has serious resultsat least to the players. For example, when people play tennis, sometimes they hurt their elbow(肘部)and in this way they develop “tennis elbow”. Also it is easy to hurt a kne

16、e in a football game. These injuries(损伤)happen while the player is having fun, but they still hurt. A few months ago, Kathleen Simmons, who loves playing volleyball, hurt her knee in a volleyball game. Her doctor told her that she needed a very difficult operation or she might not be able to play ag

17、ain. She felt very sad and didn?t know what to do. Then Simmons learned about “video operation”. With the help of this new science in medicine, doctors can now repair many injuries and get people back on the playing field and back to their jobs much faster. Simmons found a hospital that was using th

18、is new science and went to see the doctor there. The doctors told her the operation could help. For this operation, her doctor didn?t have to open her knee. Instead he put a very small camera lens(镜头)inside her knee. The lens sent back pictures, which appeared on a television screen. As he worked, h

19、e could see the inside of her knee. With the help of the large pictures on the screen, the doctor knew exactly what to do when he was making the repairs. Simmons started walking five days after her operation. “My knee hurt a lot the first few days,” she said. “But I felt better very quickly.” Now, s

20、ix months after her operation, Simmons can do everything she did before her injury. “It feels like a new knee,” she said. “I can even play volleyball again.” 1. Do Americans love sports? 2. What sport is Simmons interested in? 3. What did the doctor put inside Simmons? knee? 4. What problem may peop

21、le have when they play sports? 5. What?s the advantage(优点)of the new science? B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,将答案按序号填入下面表格内。 Many people find exams a frightening experience. Sitting down for an exam when everybody is so q 1 and serious makes most people nervous. But there are a few things you can do to r 2 b

22、efore you start. At the beginning of an exam, read all the instructions c 3 so you know exactly what you have to do. Work out how much time you can spend on each q 4 . If you feel yourself getting nervous at any time, stop w 5 you are doing and take a few deep breaths. However, the most useful thing

23、s are always done b 6 you get to the exam room. You may do some practice tests and review your 1 7 in a right way. And then the real thing will seem much e 8 . You also need to remember that exams are not the most important things in the worldeven though you f 9 , you can do better next time. The m

24、10 exams you take, the less worried you will be. A) 根据下面报纸专栏ASK DR. SMITH中信件内容,按要求答题。 Dear Dr. Smith, I have a big problem that has just gotten worse and worse recently. I?ve been really tired because I?ve had trouble getting to sleep lately. When I go to bed, I toss and turn. I wake up several time

25、s during the night, and in the morning I?m always feeling uncomfortable with a sense of illness. Usually it?s worse when I have a big test at school or a difficult piece of work given as part of my studies. I work full-time in the daytimes and go to school at night. So far, I haven?t missed any days

26、 at work, but I?ve already fallen asleep at my desk several times. At night, I have trouble focusing in class. I feel so stressed out. I hope you can help! BURNT OUT Dear Burnt Out, No wonder you feel stressed out. You just aren?t getting enough sleep! Everyone worries about tests and assignments(功课

27、). The key is not to worry too much! When you take your worries to bed with you at night, it?s hard to get to sleep. You need to find a way to lower your stress level, so you don?t always feel so stressed out. Think of what helps you relax, and make that part of your daily timetable. You could try a

28、n exercise program like walking or biking. Before you go to sleep, do something relaxing. You might find that it makes a big difference. DR. SMITH 1. What is the matter with Mr. Burnt Out? 2. Is a big test or assignment at school the cause of his stress? 3. What does Dr. Smith think is the key to Bu

29、rnt Out?s problem? 4. What does Dr. Smith think he should do? 5. Dr. Smith suggests exercise as a way to relax. What else might help Burn Out relax? B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,将答案按序号填入下面表格内。 Earthquakes are one of the most terrible kinds of natural disasters. We cannot p 1 them, and we don?t know w 2 th

30、ey will happen. This makes earthquakes very d 3 . Recently, t 4 have been big earthquakes in China, Japan, India, and El Salvador. What c 5 earthquakes? Well, all the countries and oceans are sitting on large pieces of rock that forms the surface of the earth. These large pieces of rock are called p

31、lates(板块). The plates are all a 6 the earth. They fit together l 7 a big puzzle(谜团), that is, something difficult to understand or explain. Earthquakes happen when two plates m 8 against each other. Some part of the earth shakes up and down, like an ocean w 9 . We do not know the exact time and the

32、place that an earthquake will happen, but we can do some things to keep ourselves s 10 . We can make tall buildings and houses stronger. And we can teach people what to do if there is an earthquake. This way, we can make these natural disasters just a little bit less terrible. (A) When an earthquake

33、 hit a small town, many houses fell down. After the earthquake, all the newspapers reported many stories about some of the families who were in trouble. One Sunday, when I was reading a newspaper, a special picture touched (触动)me. It gave the clothing sizes of each family member. I thought that this

34、 would be a good chance to teach my children to help those who were less lucky than themselves. I said to my seven-year-old twins, Brad and Brett, and three-year-old Meghan. “We have so much, and these poor people now have nothing. We?ll share what we have with them.” I filled a box with foods and c

35、lothes. While I was doing this, I encouraged the boys to choose their toys and donate some of their less favourite things. Meghan watched quietly as the boys took out their old 一年级数学下册教材共六个单元和一个总复习,分别从数与代数、空间图形、实践活动等方面对学生进行教育。toys and games and put them together. Then she walked away. A few minutes

36、later she came back with (1) 弧长公式: 弧长 (R表示圆的半径, n表示弧所对的圆心角的度数)Lucy, her much-loved doll. She put the doll on top of the other toys. “Oh,dear,” I said, “You don?t have to give Lucy. You love her so much.” Meghan said, “Lucy makes me happy, Mommy. Maybe she?ll make another little girl happy, too.” I l

37、ooked at Meghan for a moment. She taught me a lesson. It?s easy to give something that we don?t want any more, but it?s harder to give what we cherish (珍爱), isn?t? 1. How many children does the writer have? 点在圆内 dr;2. Where did the writer put the foods and clothes? 1、认真研读教材,搞好课堂教学研究工作,向课堂要质量。充分利用学生熟

38、悉、感兴趣的和富有现实意义的素材吸引学生,让学生主动参与到各种数学活动中来,提高学习效率,激发学习兴趣,增强学习信心。提倡学法的多样性,关注学生的个人体验。3. What did the writer encourage her sons to do? 4. Lucy is the name of a doll, isn?t it? 7.三角形的外接圆、三角形的外心。5. Please translate the sentence “I thought that this would be a good chance to teach my children to 集合性定义:圆是平面内到定点

39、距离等于定长的点的集合。其中定点叫做圆心,定长叫做圆的半径,圆心定圆的位置,半径定圆的大小,圆心和半径确定的圆叫做定圆。help those who were less lucky than themselves.” into Chinese. tanA是一个完整的符号,它表示A的正切,记号里习惯省去角的符号“”;(B) (一)数与代数Many objects (物体) that people use each day started with a simple idea. These objects have often c_1_ the way we live. Some help us

40、to do a job more e_2_. Others help us to fill a need or s_3_ a problem. In 1858 Lipman had such an idea. One day he took o_4_ a pencil, a piece of paper, and a rubber. Then he began to w_5_. Sometimes he needed to change a word. Each time he h_6_ to search under his books and papers to find the rubb

41、er. “I wish my rubber would stay in one p_7_!” he thought to himself. 4、在教师的具体指导和组织下,能够实事求事地批评自己、评价他人。Then Lipman had his simple idea. He c_8_ a groove (沟槽) in one end of the pencil. Then he glued 43.193.25观察物体2 生活中的数1 P22-23(粘) the r_9_ into this groove. Later he thought that others might like to have s_10_ a pencil. So he sold his invention. Soon pencils with rubbers came into use.


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