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1、湘鲁版三年级英语下册期末测试卷听力部分、听录音,标序号)1.A. capB. bird()()()()()、听录音,选词填空。1. Pass me the, please. (paper, pencil)2. I m. (at home, at school)3. Let s. (draw a panda, go to the zoo)4. Do you have a? (snake, rabbit)5. I want to see the one (blue, black)三、听录音,选出与对话内容相符的图片()1. A.()2. A.(I、根据图片内容,选出正确的单词。()5.二、连线题。

2、A. schoolA. snakeA. elephantA. cut(1) May I speak to Zhou Lin, please?(2) Where are you?(3)Pass me the black crayon, please. Where is the paper? This one?B. zooB. animalB. tigerB. drawA. I mhatme.B. Speaking.C. Here.D. No.The black one.E. Here you are.三、选词填空。speak scissors cut want Help(1) Let s the

3、 paper.(2) Pass me the, please.(3) May I to Zhou Lin, please?(4) Look at the snake!A snake!四、选词填空1. Pass me the, please. (scissor, scissors)2. Wang Li is home. (at, in)3. There is elephant in the zoo. (a, an)4. Do you have a pet?Yes, I. (do, have)5. Pass me the crayon, please. (Thank you, Here you a

4、re)五、根据图片内容补全句子。5.1.Zhou Lin is a b2.He has a c3.He likes aHe goes to the z4.He wants to see the eon his head.参考答案 听力材料一、听录音,标序号。1. animal 2. cut 3. park 4. boy 5. school二、听录音,选词填空。2. Pass me the paper, please.3. I m at home.4. Let s draw a panda.5. Do you have a rabbit?6. I want to see the black on

5、e.三、听录音,选出与对话内容相符的图片。1. Amy: Let s call Xiao jun.Wang Li: What s his number?Amy: 9968142.2. Wang Li: Hello?Zhou Lin: Hello. This is Zhou Lin. May I speak to Wang Li, please? 听力答案一、2 4 5 1 3二、1-5 paper at home draw a panda rabbit black三、笔试答案1-5. BBBAB(1)-(5) BAECD三、(1)-(5) cut scissors speak Help wan

6、t 四、 1. scissors 2. at 3. an 4. do 5. Here you are五、1. boy 2. cap 3. animals 4. zoo 5. elephants1、老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼。二O二O年七月三日2020年7月3日星期五3、同是天涯冷落人,相逢何必曾4、人之相识,贵识可,乙/、J 制a掰演2022cB2皤1。地FridaJy 3, 2020July20Friday,7、若要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。05时BT28 分riday, July 3, 20207/3/2020

7、蓝一样阳光,心情像桃1073.20203-JuT-207.3.202020.7.320.7.320.7.3。2020年7月3日星期五二O二O年七月三日Uly 3, 2020207373202005:2805:28:51Jul-2005:28亲爱的燕一日难再晨。及时宜自勉,岁月不待人。2、千里之行,始于足下。2020年7月3日星期五春去春莪回t中阴新桃换05J8732020泡田陶052805j|5i7|3的地存020在4、敏而好学,不耻下问。7.3.20207.3.202005:2805:2805:28:5105:28:51这醉大奇芮的李的,脸麻生2渤|薄dayJuiyr2闹/5o光,心情像桃6莫愁前路无知已,天下谁人不识君。5时28分5时28分3-Jul-207.3.2020花一样美!骷 何况妻谢你的.阅7.羡.753。2020年7月3日星期五二O二O年七月三日8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。05:2805:28:517.3.2020Friday, July 3, 2020


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