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1、实用英语写作_常红梅_应用文写作教案第二章技巧北京经济管理职业学院 实用英语写作: 授课教案 授课章节 英语应试 授课次1 学时数 2 写作第二数 章1 课 题 1. General introduction of Practical English Test for Colleges(PRETCO)level A Writing 2. Scoring Standards in PRETCO level A Writing 教 The students should be able to: 学 1. learn the importance and format of PRETCO level

2、 A Writing 目 2. learn the scoring standards in PRETCO level A Writing 的及要求 教 学1. General introduction- PRETCO level A Writing 内2. Chapter 1- Format of PRETCO level A Writing 容3. Chapter 2- Scoring Standards in PRETCO level A 要Writing 点 重 难1. Learn the importance of the writing in PRETCO level A 点tes

3、t 分2. Learn the format of PRETCO level A writing 析 3. Learn the scoring standards in PRETCO level A writing I. Getting ready for the tasks 1. Warming-up questions 2. The teacher delivers some handouts to Ss and let them 教learn what will be introduced later. 学II. Presentation of the new material 思1.

4、The teacher introduces the importance of writing in 路PRETCO level A. 或2. The teacher points out that PRETCO level A writing 教includes knowledge in general writing and practical writing 法especially involved in foreign business. 设3. The teacher points out the requirement and content in 计 PRETCO level

5、A writing. 4. The teacher explains the rules of scoring. III. Assignment 1. Ask Ss read the handouts delivered to them and get to know PRETCO level A writing feature. 2. Encourage students to read some excellent essays related to business in their spare time. Chapter 1 I( Getting ready for the task

6、1(Warming-up The teacher asks some questions to arouse the students interest in the task., Did you participate PRETCO level A test before, , What do you know about PRETCO level A test, , What elements are essential in PRETCO level A writing?, Do you know the skills of writing in PRETCO level A?, Do

7、you know how to get high marks in the exam? 2(PreparationThe teacher asks students to get out the handouts delivered to them last time and tell them what will be introduced later. II. Presentation of the new material: 1. General introduction of PRETCO level A. a) The teacher introduces the importanc

8、e of writing in PRETCO level A.b) The teacher points out that PRETCO level A writing includes two aspects of knowledge. , Knowledge in general writing , Knowledge in practical writing especially business writing.C) The teacher points out the requirement and content in PRETCO level A writing2. The te

9、acher explains the rules of scoring. , The teacher tells the principle of scoring and five rankings in PRETCO level A writing. 3. Comments and conclusion a) The teacher gives a short summary of what has been talked about.b) The teacher comments on the students performance in this period.III. Assignm

10、ent: Ask students to finish the writing tasks delivered to them. 北京经济管理职业学院 实用英语写作: 授课教案 授课章节 英语应试 授课次3 学时数 6 写作第二数 章2 课 题 Chapter 2:Analyzing Samples of PRETCO level A writing 教 学The students should be able to: 目1. notice the importance of PRETCO level A writing 的2. understand the rule of scoring s

11、tandards 及3. analyze the samples skillfully 要4. know how to get high score 求 教 学1. common writing styles of PRETCO level A writing 内2. Writing tasks in PRETCO level A writing 容3. requirements of PRETCO level A writing 要4. 4 samples, scoring and analysis of PRETCO level A 点writing 重 难1. Analysis of s

12、coring standard of PRETCO level A writing 点2. Point out common writing styles and analysis of the 分directions of common writing styles 析 3. Analysis of the answering samples of PRETCO level A writing. I. Revision of the scoring standard 教II. Presentation of the new material 学1. Getting ready for the

13、 tasks 思a) Sample directions of PRETCO level A writing 路b) Sample tasks of PRETCO level A writing 或c) Warming-up questions 教d) Writing procedure 法2. Pair work task-oriented writing 设3. Group Discussion and scoring of the Ss writing 计 4. Class discussion and scoring of the Ss writing III. Teacher mak

14、es a conclusion. IV. Assignment Chapter 2 I. Revision 1. The teacher guides the students to review what they learned during the last period by asking them some questions. 2. The teacher checks the students assignment. II. Presentation of the new material 1. Getting ready for the tasks 1) General dir

15、ections of PRETCO level A writing a) Situation b) Write tasks c) Requirements 2) General requirement: , Be clear about the format of specific style of writing. , Make sure that Ss delivered all the information points or finished all the tasks. , Remember to write concisely. 3) Warming-up questions T

16、he teacher asks some questions to arouse the students interest in the samples delivered. Here are some questions. , What to pay attention to in practical writing? , Whats the feature of practical writing? , Would you like to be a teacher to score PRETCO level A writing and you know how to score? 4)

17、Delivery: The teacher delivers handouts with 4 samples of PRETCO level A writing to students. 5) Introduction , The teacher stresses the importance of today exercise. , The teacher leads Ss into reading the samples. , The teacher analyzes the content of the samples. 6) Pair Work: Make Ss work in pai

18、r to score the samples PRETCO level A writing. 7) The teacher gives the remarks from assessors of PRETCO level A writing. 8) Pair Work: Make Ss work in pair to write out the tasks of writing in PRETCO level A writing. 6) Group Discussion: Teacher divides the class into small groups and asks each gro

19、up to discuss the samples written by them , One student reads while others listen in each group. , Each member speaks out his/her comments. , The members score the writings. 7) Class discussion , One student tells the result of their teams. , Any student points out his/her teams idea, and they can d

20、ebate., The teacher summarizes and analyzes the writing again., The teacher asks the students to analyze other writings from them in the same way. 8) Comments and conclusion , The teacher gives a short summary of what has been talked about in this period. , The teacher comments on the students perfo

21、rmance in this period.III. Assignment: , Encourage Ss to read some business articles from newspapers and magazines after class. , Compare the good writing and the poor writing after class. . 北京经济管理职业学院 实用英语写作: 授课教案 授课章节 英语应试 授课次2 学时数 4 写作第二数 章3 课 题 Chapter 3: Practical Exercises 教 学The students shou

22、ld be able to: 目1. learn different styles of PRETCO level A writing 的2. study some excellent essays 及3. do some simulation exercises 要4. understand how to prepare the PRETCO level A writing 求 effectively 教 学1. Styles of PRETCO level A writing 内2. Excellent samples 容3. Simulation exercises 要4. Key to

23、 simulation 点 5. Real topics in PRETCO level A writing 6. How to prepare the PRETCO level A writing 重1. Learn styles of writing in PRETCO level A writing 难2. Study good samples 点3. Do some practical exercises 分4. Get familiar with common words phrases and sentence 析 patterns in practical writing and

24、 understand how to prepare the PRETCO level A writing effectively I. RevisionII. Presentation of the new material 1. The common styles of PRETCO level A writing 1) letters 2) notices 教3) resumes 学4) application forms 思5) want advertisements 路6) E-mails 或7) Memos 教2. Samples 法 The teacher analysizes

25、the samples and the students have a 设dicussion. 计 3.Simulation Exercise 1) Practice Exercises in Class & Assignment 2) Comments on the Students Work 4. The teacher tells how to prepare the PRETCO level A writing effectively 初中阶段,我们只学习直角三角形中,A是锐角的正切;III. Assignment 2、会数,会读,会写100以内的数,在具体情境中把握数的相对大小关系,

26、能够运用数进行表达和交流,体会数与日常生活的密切联系。Chapter 3 (一)教学重点I. Revision 1. Do you know the styles of PRETCO level A writing? 2. How to raise the writing level? Who can talk something about it?3. Whats the general skill in writing? 2. 图像性质:II. Presentation of the new material 8.解直角三角形:在直角三角形中,除直角外,一共有五个元素,即三条边和二个锐角。

27、由直角三角形中除直角外的已知元素,求出所有未知元素的过程,叫做解直角三角形(须知一条边)。1. The common styles of PRETCO level A writing. 1) The teacher makes explanation 2) The teacher stresses the important points of each style.3) Students are asked to speak how to write the different styles of PRETCO level A writing. 等圆:能够完全重合的两个圆叫做等圆,半径相等的

28、两个圆是等圆。4) The teacher sums up the statement and explains the skill.3. Samples 9.直角三角形变焦关系:The teacher analysizes the samples and the students have a dicussion.描述性定义:在一个平面内,线段OA绕它固定的一个端点O旋转一周,另一个端点A随之旋转所形成的圆形叫做圆;固定的端点O叫做圆心;线段OA叫做半径;以点O为圆心的圆,记作O,读作“圆O”4. Simulation Exercise The students practice on di

29、fferent styles of PRETCO level A writing in class.5 The teacher tells how to prepare the PRETCO level A writing test effectively1) The teacher gives the Students some common words phrases and 第一章 直角三角形边的关系sentence patterns in practical writing and asks them to recite it.2) The teacher asks the stude

30、nts do some simulation writing by using the phrases and sentence patterns given by the teacher and makes the students be familiar with them. III. Assignment: The teacher gives topics for all styles of PRETCO level A writing to the students 4.二次函数的应用: 几何方面and the students should hand in their writing each week.


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