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1、课题:动词的时态课时授课人教学目标:教学重点: 预习反馈:The aim of this part is to get the stude nts to think, talk and un dersta nd the important sentences and knowledge points.(学生自主掌握重点时态,会读会讲重要知识点 Some structures and points in the following sentences.(句子中所含的结构,以及语法)教学流程:Step 1 ExpIo rati on and discovery1. 迄今为止,在逗乐方面卓别林无人能

2、及。So far, no bodydo better tha n Charlie Chap li n in mak ing people laugh.(able )2. 我懂一点意大利语因为几年前我和妻子去过那里。I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I(go )3. 每年矿工们会接受体检确保身体健康。Every year the coal workersa p hysical exam in atio n to en sure their health.(receive )4. 到二十世纪中期世界上最偏远的角落都已经被探测过。By th

3、e middle of the 1920s the farthest corners of the earth(ex plore)Tip:我们做时态题时,要特别注意显著的时间或其它副词标志。Step II: Some useful time sig ns一般现在时一般过去时现在进行时过去进行时现在完成时several years ago.often , usually, sometimes, seldom, now, occasi on ally, every day etcthe n , yesterday, last week, two years ago , just now, etc.

4、now, at p rese nt, at this mome nt, these days, etc.the n, at that time, at that mome nt, at this time yesterday, etc.recen tly, lately, up to now, so far, i n the p ast /last few years,for five years, just, etc.过去完成时 before, by the end of last year一般将来时 tomorrow, next week, in five days, in the fol

5、lowing/coming few weeks, etc. 过去将来时 the next year, the follow ing mon th, etc.stepill 重点时态回顾:一。 一般现在时:1 He sometimes stays up till midnight to catch up with others现在习惯或经常反复发生的动作或存在的状态2 Our teacher told us the earth goes round the sun 客观规律,正确事实或科学真理3 Eve n if it rains tomorrow, the sp orts meet will

6、take p lace时间(条件,让步)状语从句,需用一般现在时表将来4 The pla ne takes off at 5:00 a.m.安排,或计划要做的动作(有时间状语)限于起始类动词二,一般将来时:1 He will be thirty years old next year.形(不用于条件句中)2 Look at the clouds. There is going to be a storm客观迹象预示)3 I won t atte nd the meet ing uni ess I am in vited.从句中用一般现在时表将来Shall/will + 动词原be goi ng

7、 to (1计划打算干 2时间(条件,让步)状语二次备课:二次备课:be to do ( 1预定要做2表示命令4 We are to finish the work before five.禁止3注定 )be doing按计划安排即将5 They are moving Nanjing for Guan gzhou on Sun day做(表示起始类动词)be on the point of /be about to6 Sit dow n every one. The film is about to start.表将来(不与时间状语连用)三:现在进行时;1 She is readi ng in

8、 the readi ng room now. 表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作2 How are you gett ing along with your En glish these days?表示现阶段正在进行的3 Your girl is constantly thinking of others.与 always, forever, constantly,continually连用,表示赞赏或厌恶等感情色彩,但并非强调动作正在进行4 She is leavi ng for Beiji ng.表示按计划安排即将发生的动作四现在完成时1 - It s so dark.表示过去发生

9、的某一动作对现在造成的影响动作-Some one has turned off the light.或结果2 They have worked here si nee they left college.表示从过去开始,持续到现在的动 作或状态3 Don t get off the bus until it has stoppe在时间状语从句,条件状语从句或让步状语从句中表示已将来完成五过去完成时When we got to the theatre, they had sold all the tickets. What a pi ty!I should have arrived earlie

10、r, but I hadn texpected the road to be so crowded.过去完成时不能孤立使用,它必须以过去某一时间为基点,即“过去 的过去”,因此只有在和过去某时或动作相比较时才用到它。to her?stepvl 般过去时与现在完成时比较1. We haven t heard from Jane for a long time. What do you supposeA. was happeningB. happensC. has happenedD. happened2. - Whereyou (put) the book? I can t see it any

11、 where.-I(put) it right here. But now it s gone.A. did ; put; putB. have; put; putC. did; put; have put D. have; put; have putall exce pt a3. When I was at college Ithree foreig n Ian guages but Ifew words of each.A. sp oke; had forgotte nB. sp oke; have forgotte nC. had sp oke n; had forgotte nD. h

12、ad sp oke n; have forgotte n结论:一般过去时所表示的事情纯属过去,与现在情况没联系.现在完成时所表示的事情与现在情况有联系,是过去事情对现在产生的结果或对现在的影响.Stepv巩固练习:1比较判断正误.1. A: The retur ned expert has lived abroad for many years, but he has n ever regretted his final decisi on to move back to China.B: Sara is tak ing no tes of the grammatical rules in c

13、lass at Sunshine school , where she has studied En glish for a year.2. A: The first time he reaches out his hand to greet me, I knew for sure he was fromCan ada.B The first time you go skat ing, you will find it hard to kee p your bala nee.3. A: I have been doing my housework this morning ,and that

14、s why I am sweating a lot.B:I did my homework this morning, but I have n t fini shed it yet.4. A: Mon ths ago, we sailed across what was called the Pacific.B: Mon ths ago, we sailed across the P acific where we met a stormTips:做题时一定要具体问题具体分析,不可受思维定势的干扰哦!2. 完成句子:1. The news (房价将要下跌)has caused many pe

15、ople tosell their houses at lower prices. (fall)( 2010 湖北卷)2. My mother was so proud of (我所做的)that she rewardedme with a trip to Beijing.(do)( 2010湖北卷)3. Seldom( 他们玩 )video games ever since they entered college.(Play)( 2008湖北卷)(她发现)her mother alive.4. Not un til two days after the earthquake(find)(

16、2011 湖北卷)5. At p rese nt, lots of food, water, tents and medic ine( 正在运往)from all over Chi na and other p arts of the world to the earthquake-stricke n areas inSichuan.( transport) ( 2008湖北卷)6. Last night s TV news said that by then the death of the missing people (未证实) yet.(prove)( 2010湖北卷) 注意:时态考查

17、往往与从句、倒装、语态、语气等联合考查,考生往往容易顾此失彼。要先宏观、再微观,注意主从时态呼应。当涉及到句子时态时,我们应该:关注时间标志思考上下语境牢记特殊句式巧借汉语提示避免定势干扰主从时态呼应3. 巩固提升1. 到下个月五号,这列火车将无事故运行达一千天。Un til the n ext 5th, this trainfor 1000 days without accide nts.(run)2. 市长宣布:这栋旧建筑将被拆毁并在原址建一栋新楼。“ The old buildi ngand a new one will be built in its p lace,”the mayor

18、 declared.(tear)3. 那部电影获得了巨大的成功,自那以后我在不止八部电影里扮演了警察。The film was a big success and since the n Ia p olicema n inmore tha n 8 films. (p art)4. 很抱歉我们迟到了,但车坏了(break)Yet two yearsWe are sorry to arrive late, but the carand I was5. 然而两年过去了,而我也并没更糟糕。not that much worse.(go)6. 何时何地建这个工厂还没决定。When and where t

19、o build the factory yet. (decide)7. 我一点都不知道他在说什么。I haven t the slightest idea. (talk)makes him very up set.8. 他数次失败让他很难过.The fact(he, fail)9. 目前正在做的那些实验据说会改变人们对这一法则的看法。The exp erime nts at p rese nt are said to cha nge people s mi nd to the rule.( carry )10. 几天前我正在街上闲逛突然听到有人叫救命。The other day whe n s

20、udde niy I heard some one calli ngfor help. (wan der)4. 时态的特殊句式(1) 对话: Mike was walk ingin the street whe n he met Tom.M: - It is/has bee n 2 mon ths since I last saw you.T: - I have just retur ned from abroad.M: - Is it the first time you have bee n abroad?T: - Yes. And hardly had I arrived there w

21、he n I was struck by its beauty.M: - How do you find your trip?T:- Very good. To tell the truth, it s the most unforgettabaverpter had.M: I m glad to hear that. By the way, I am leaving for a meeting now. It will be 20 minu tes before it starts.(2) 短文填空IOne good turn deserves ano ther_ (have) dinner

22、 at a restaura nt whe n Tony Steele came in. Tony(work) in a lawyers office years ago, but he(work) at a bank now. He(get) a good salary, but he always(borrow) money from hisfriends and n ever(p ay) it back. Tony(see) me and(come) and(sit) at the same table. Hen ever(borrow) money from me. While he(

23、eat), I(ask) him to lend me twenty poun ds. To mysurp rise, he(give) me the money immediately. I have n ever borrowed any moneyfrom you, Tony said, so now you can pay for my dinn er!答案:had bee n explored1.has been able to 2. went there 3. receive 4.CBB判断正误:1.A句:Lived2.A 句;reached out3.B 句: was doing

24、4.A 句:is called完成句子;2. what I had done3.have they p layed1.that the house p rice will fall4. did she find5. are being transported 6. hadn t been proved巩固 1.1.will have run 2.will be torn dow n3.I have p layed the part of 4.broke dow n 5.had gone8.that he has failed many6.hasn t been decided7.what he is talking about times9.that are being carried out10.I was wan deri ng in the street短文填空:was havi ng, worked, is work ing,gets, borrows, p ays, saw, came, sat, has,borrowed, was eat ing, asked, gave


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