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1、26Unit 10 Around my home知识梳理一、Words:.restaura nt 餐馆3. street 街道 4 . park 公园.supermarket 超市 7 . busy 忙碌的 8 . shop 商店11. eat13. near在附近14. behind 在后面1. food食物5 home 家9. live 居住10. old老的、旧的吃 12. nice 美好的15. arou nd 在周围near your home在你家附近 some sho ps 些商店 a lot of sho ps许多商店二、Phrases:1. on Brown Street 在

2、布朗大街上3. behind my home 在我家后面5. a busy street一条繁忙的街道在你家附近有公园吗? 在那条街上有一些商店。你家附近有些餐馆吗?三、Sentences :1. Is there a park near your home?2. There are some shops on that street.3. Are there any restaurants near your home?重点点拨1 . where引导的疑问句用法:意思是“在哪里?”,回答时,后面经常会用介词短语,例如:Its near your home , on the desk , in

3、 the room, behind the door 等等。2 . There be句型表达的意思是“在某地有某物” ,there is 后接可数单数名词或不可数名词,例: There is a park near my home. There is some milk in the bottle. There are 后接可数名词复数;例: There are two supermarkets n ear here.3. live表示“居住”的意思,居住在某地通常会用live in 。4 . some和 any的用法:some用在肯定句,any用在否定句或疑问句。单词播音园大声朗读下列短文,

4、体会粗写的单词中字母 u的发音/?/的单词。Myuncle has a son. He likes to jump and run. He ofte n pl ays in the fun land. He goes to school by bus. Onsunny days, he likes to swim with ducks.训练大本营核心模块一.看图,读一读,判断句意是否和图片内容相符,对的打/错的打X。2.3.4.(1. Whereis your home? ()2. Is there a school near your home?(3. Are there any resta

5、ura nts on the street?4. Is your homeon Green Street? ()5. Where do you live? ()A.D.E.B.(No, there arent.I live in Shenzhen. )C. Yes, it is. Its on Garde n Street.Yes, there is.)1. There is a tree beh ind the house.)2. There are some eggs un der the duck. )3. There are many boys n ear the school.)4.

6、 There are some buses on the street.)5. There are some trees in the p ark.三.看图,读一读,选择正确的词填空。 on n ear un der behi ndWhere are the books?Theyre the desk.Is the ball on the bed?No, its the bed.Where are the trees?They are the house.Is there a lake (湖)the park?Yes, there is.Where is the mou

7、se?Its the book.四.看图,读一读,选择正确的句子。A. Is your home on Brow n Street?B. Are there any restaura nts n ear your home?C. Where is Li ndas home?D. Is there a sup ermarket n ear Joh ns home?zznhome is on Pink StreepM _it is*vi) r Yes, there is4 (1. () 2.() 3.(4.五.看图,读一读,选择正确答案。)1.A. Yes, there is.B. Its on

8、Brow n Street.C. Its a restaura nt.Is there a prk )2home?A. No, there is nt.B. Yes, it is.C. No, there arent.)3.A. Im 11.B. No, I dont.C. I live in Liy un Estate.r)4.Are there any sho卩 on that street?A. Yes, they are.B. No, there isnt.C. Yes, there are.V,Is the school near your home?()5.aA. Yes, the

9、re is.B. No, it isnt.C. Its a busy street.综合模块.判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打” ,不同的打“X”。A. (un2.::A.son3.;:A+bi】t4 J:A-some5,!:A.uncleFB. run:B.fun:B,put4-B.duckp B,lunchpC. sun:U jp:C.bus(Cjump彳*:C.underr( ):():()1:( )1 彳:C) cGG CGGGG二.看图,读一读,选择句子补全对话。|C. No, I dont.B. Es there a park near your home?C. Y

10、es, There are.【).If s on Park Streel.Sue: Where is your home, Tom?Tom: (1) Sue: (2) Tom: No, it is nt.Sue: (3) Tom: Yes, there is.Sue: Are there any restaura nts?Tom: (4) Sue: Do you ofte n go there?Tom: (5) E, Is your home near your school?三.下面是4位小朋友家周围的设施,读表格,判断句子正(V)误(X)。restaura nt(s)park(s) sh)

11、p(s) school(s)booksh op(s) sup ermarket(s)Tom3211Ann2l12-isa1121Bob1212()1. There are three restaura nts and two sho ps n ear Toms home.)2. There is a booksh op and two p arks n ear Anns home.)3. There is a school and two sup ermarkets n ear Lisas home.)4. There is a restaura nt and a school n ear B

12、obs home.四.根据句意和首字母填空。J1. - Where is your h ? Its on Brow n Street.2. There is a pnearmy home. Lots of people like to walk and playthere.3. We can buy lots of differe nt thi ngs in the s.4. - Is your school on Sam Street? - Yes,5. - Is there a restaura nt n ear here? - No,参考答案核心模块I. xVxxVII. 1-D 2-E

13、 3-A 4-C 5-BIII. 1. on 2. un der 3. near 4. in 5. beh indIV. 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. BV. BACCB综合模块I. WxWII. (1)D (2)E (3)B (4)C (5)AIII. VxxVIV. 1. home 2. park 3. sup ermarket4. restaura nt 5. sho pV. 1. Its on Water Street. 2. No, there isnt.3. Yes, there are. 4. Yes, it is.5. No, it isnt.VI. 1. there is 2. it is nt 3. there arent4. it is 5. there isnt


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